
Wildfire Quotes

Wildfire by Hannah Grace

Wildfire Quotes
"Remember, you belong here. Everyone wants you here, you hear me?"
"This party isn’t going to happen if one of you clowns ends up with concussion. Come on, one last time."
"Can we please get this shitshow started?"
"You complete one English degree and you think you’re qualified to start handing out book recs?"
"Do you know how much plastic ends up in the ocean?"
"I’m not sure my dad would even know where I go to college if he didn’t pay my tuition."
"For once, I want to make a decision because it will make me happy, not because something has triggered me into acting out."
"Honey Acres was the first place that ever felt like home."
"The balance between being the perfect daughter and my own person is like walking a tightrope. Except there’s a hurricane. And the rope is on fire."
"I’ve always been second choice."
"I’m trying not to break all the rules on day one."
"You’re tall— if you’re so confident, why don’t you just lie down between them and we can all walk you like a plank?"
"Arms out, Emilia. Me and Russ will grab your hands and pull you over, you just need to get far enough for us to reach you."
"You accept that you completely misjudged the situation and you talk to her instead of avoiding her."
"Because it’s easier to wake up and you’re not here than it is to watch you leave me."
"You’re the good guy that doesn’t realize sometimes people leave after hooking up and that doesn’t have to mean anything dramatic."
"I do like you. I’m sorry, Aurora. I do like you."
"What’s enough motivation for you?"
"It makes me feel so content, watching the people I’ve gotten to know become comfort counselors for kids, some of whom are away from home for the first time."
"Being a douchebag is difficult in this day and age, but here he is, hustling."
"You make me feel good too."
"Forgiving people who repeatedly let you down is like sticking your hand in a fire over and over and expecting it to not keep burning you."
"Nice things don't make the bad stuff acceptable though."
"It’s really hard admitting you’re the person standing in the way of your own happiness."
"Being vulnerable is scary. Sharing the things you think no one else will understand is scary."
"Bad ideas are character building."
"If I change one thing in my past, it’d cause a ripple effect and I wouldn’t chance not meeting you."
"Telling me not to do something makes me want to do it."
"You don’t need rainbows when you have the northern lights."
"Feelings are good."
"You gotta trust the universe to let you be happy, man."
"Everything is perfect."
"Trespassing in a hotel to make yourself a midnight snack, yes. Trespassing in a field is how you end up with a gunshot wound."
"You gotta stop punishing yourself for it."
"You’re a great person, your friends love you and the dogs love you."
"You’ll never have to question if you’re wanted. You’ll never have to question if you’re my first choice."
"This? What’s happening right now? Yes, it’s very much a joke to me."
"The tournament is supposed to be a bit of fun."
"I don’t negotiate with my competition."
"I need to get away from here."
"The dam breaks and I just let the tears fall because there’s nothing else to do and no one else who can fix it."
"I just want to be wanted."
"All I want to do is make her happy."
"Every day I want you to think about what you’re grateful for in life."
"Nobody else matters but you."
"You don’t get to shut me out."
"Either we get into the truck together and for the next four hours we talk, or we can sit in silence and when we get to Maple Hills we go our separate ways."
"I don’t like who I am when I let you dictate how I act."
"I hope your marriage is happy, but I won’t be there. I’m not faking smiles for you. Goodbye, Dad."
"You’re really annoying to sleep beside, do you know that?"
"I’m going to hide notes in the pillowcases."
"I’m glad to clear the air and work on getting better."
"I want to pay back the money I took from you."
"You don’t need me to be incredible. You. Just. Are."
"This is our last chance alone all weekend. Tell me a secret."
"I’m proud of how hot you are."
"Thank you everyone for being here today. Really, thank you."
"It’s no secret that I love books."
"Thank you for giving me a life that feels too good to be true."