
Mile High Quotes

Mile High by Liz Tomforde

Mile High Quotes
"We make a shitload of money for the organization because our duo puts fans in the seats."
"Your glass will never be left empty."
"Stop making me fall in love with you."
"Just because I’m not drinking doesn’t mean I’m leaving."
"I’m tired of everyone thinking you’re this dick who doesn’t have feelings."
"How do you have a type if you don’t date?"
"I’m no one’s trophy."
"Don’t believe everything you see in the media. It’s a lot of smoke and mirrors."
"Is that why you never use the penthouse elevator anymore?"
"Do you want to be loved?"
"Do you want to be loved for who you are or for who people think you are?"
"That’s what it feels like to be loved."
"This guy is the strangest mix of cliché and unpredictable that I’ve ever met."
"I don’t need my dad to love me. I love myself, and that’s enough."
"Your mom is missing out."
"I’m holding my ground on this one. That night is way too important to me."
"There’s no time clock on healing heartbreak."
"I like who I am with you."
"Sometimes the clothes don’t matter all that much. Just the memories you make in them."
"You’ve got a lot of pressure on you to be someone you don’t want to be."
"Why don’t you let people see the real you?"
"I just wanted to be chosen by the guy I was in love with, you know?"
"I’m never going to forget anything about last night."
"There’s no time clock on how quickly your heart can grow attached to another."
"You’re selling a brand, a lifestyle."
"Time is supposed to heal all wounds, but it’s moving in slow motion."
"I’m so into you. It’s ridiculous."
"You don’t get how perfect you are to me."
"You’re my best friend and my favorite person on this entire planet."
"Fans can change their opinion. I’ve changed."
"You’re stunning, Vee, and what makes you different is what makes you stand out. In the best way possible."
"I want to hate him. I want to despise every little thing about him because hating someone is so much easier than loving them when they don’t love you in return."
"I’ve seen my girl hurt before, but this is different."
"Well, if it’s about me, I think you should tell me. I’m an adult."
"You’re a huge reason why I am who I am now."
"This is me, and if you feel the need to comment on it, well, that says a whole lot more about you than it does about me."
"You deserve good things, but you’ve got to accept them when they come into your life."
"I’m done hiding your name from the press because I’m afraid people will find out about you."
"When you go, who is going to be there for you? Your purses? Your shoes? Your money?"
"Two hours away may as well have been a hundred."
"I've been so afraid of allowing anyone to love me that I pushed her away."
"With the right person, it's worth it."
"But if you take Zanders back, it's because he's been working on himself to be good enough to keep you."
"I let someone love me for me, and I can't imagine a more picture-perfect ending."
"Maybe one day, he'll be able to believe that I do too."
"I've always loved you. I just wanted you to let me."
"I could never give up on you. I love you."
"I finally feel like I can be myself without being punished for it."