
Fourth Wing Quotes

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

Fourth Wing Quotes
"Conscription Day is always the deadliest. Maybe that’s why the sunrise is especially beautiful this morning—because I know it might be my last."
"The dragons make sure of that."
"‘You’re sending her to die!’ a familiar voice thunders through the general’s thick wooden door, and I gasp."
"‘I don’t want this. I don’t want any part of this Riders Quadrant shit. It’s not like I have a death wish.'"
"‘Dad wouldn’t want this!’ Mira argues, color flushing up her neck."
"‘You scored in the top quarter for speed and agility during the entrance exam. You’ll do just fine. All Sorrengails do just fine.'"
"‘Now, are you going to listen to me? Or are you going to join the other dead candidates at tomorrow morning’s roll call?’"
"Ditch the books. Dad can’t save you. He tried. I tried. Decide, Violet. Are you going to die a scribe? Or live as a rider?"
"‘You’re the smartest woman I know. Don’t forget that. Your brain is your best weapon. Outsmart them, Violet. Do you hear me?’"
"'A dragon did that?' I whisper."
"His father was the Great Betrayer. He led the rebellion."
"Living to see the sunrise means I have to keep moving. Fear can’t rule my body."
"Conformity is for the infantry."
"A dragon without its rider is a tragedy. A rider without their dragon is dead."
"In war, people die. It’s not glorious like the bards sing about."
"Seeing him is the best part of my day."
"I’m no more a hazard than you are."
"They don’t know you the way I do, Vi."
"Hope is a fickle, dangerous thing."
"There are bonds that can’t be broken."
"Monday, Wednesday, or Sunday, it doesn’t matter where it falls on any given year. On the first of October, the first-year cadets of the Riders Quadrant enter the bowl-shaped forested valley to the southwest of the citadel and pray they come out alive."
"If you’re not chosen by nightfall, there’s a problem."
"Holy shit! The ground falls away as we soar."
"Just because you survive Threshing doesn’t mean you’ll survive the ride to the flight field."
"The Archives have either a copy or the original of almost every book in Navarre."
"It’s easy when the second home is the right one."
"You’ll manifest when your dragon is ready to trust you with all that power."
"Your mother has never understood that while riders may be the weapons of our kingdom, it’s the scribes who have all the real power in this world."
"Dragons don't make mistakes."
"At some point, you and I are going to have to start trusting each other."
"Justice is not always merciful."
"Energy pours in—a deluge of raw, endless power—eroding everything I was and forging something completely new."
"I’ll never get over how quickly people move on around here, how callously death is swept under a rug and trampled on minutes later."
"Dragon relationships are absolutely incomprehensible."
"We have the kind of power people would kill for."
"Everything you’re taught at Basgiath is theory."
"I’ve lived twenty years and never felt as alive as I do in this moment."
"This isn’t primary school. This is war."
"Navarre is my home, Professor. I will give my life to defend it just like every Sorrengail who has ridden before me."
"There’s more than one way to fall."
"But if we let fear kill whatever this is between us, then we don’t deserve it."
"There’s nothing about this man that scares me anymore, except the magnitude of my feelings for him."
"If we’re going to do this, then we have to trust each other."
"How am I supposed to say goodbye to him in front of all these people?"
"Sometimes my orders actually don’t revolve solely around you, you know."
"One generation to change the text. One generation chooses to teach that text. The next grows, and the lie becomes history."
"This isn't a training exercise, Bodhi. Some—if not all—of us are going to die if we go down there."
"We're riders. We defend the defenseless. That's what we do."
"Every second matters, and these are bound to be my last—our last."
"Because right now, standing near the dead body of my friend and his dragon—all I want is to show these assholes exactly how violent I can be."
"I’m the one in control now, and I know the terrain of Tairn’s back like my own hand."
"This is the only way I can save them. I can save Sgaeyl. You just have to decide to live, Tairn. Even if I don’t."
"You have to fight, Vi. You can hate me all you want when you wake up. You can scream, hit, throw your daggers at me for all I care, but you have to live. You can’t make me fall for you and then die. None of this is worth it without you."