
The Five-Star Weekend Quotes

The Five-Star Weekend by Elin Hilderbrand

The Five-Star Weekend Quotes
"I’m doing the best I can not to fall completely to pieces."
"You’re hurting me. This will be easier to get through if we bond together!"
"Everyone has favorites; it’s part of being human."
"I have no idea if he listened to the message or read the text. I want to believe that he did, but how can I be sure?"
"The truth is, this trip to Leipzig bothers Hollis."
"Every bit of the pain he’s experienced as an adult he brought on himself."
"People always think the third margarita is a good idea, and they’re always wrong."
"She blew it completely out of proportion—"
"I grabbed her from behind. I was just kidding around."
"I’ll have nothing left. I got fired today."
"Have your mother come at five on Sunday. I have plans."
"I only said yes because I need the money."
"I’m so happy you came home. It means a lot to me that you’re here, darling."
"I remember when I used to be a priority."
"Your website is first. Your brand is first. Ahead of me."
"You’re correct. Your father would never have made that mistake."
"She should wait a year. Let some time pass."
"She’s going to tell everyone it’s a ‘mental-health issue’"
"This is what I’ve wanted my entire life. A moment just like this."
"The only person who understood how she was feeling was Hollis."
"Gigi responds immediately: Not a bother. I’m here. How are you doing?"
"It’s a friendship built on a massive deception."
"She approaches the desk. So sorry, she missed the 3:25, is it possible to get the next flight, the 4:40?"
"If it gets weird or uncomfortable, she can leave."
"The 4:40 is sold out, the gate agent, Bonnie, tells her in a tone that’s on the corner of unfriendly and impatient."
"Hollis opens the wine that Tatum brought as a hostess gift and pours two glasses."
"Brooke raises her arms over her head in a V for victory."
"Hollis wants to raise her glass for a toast—she wants to thank everyone for putting their lives on hold and coming to spend the weekend with her."
"What kind of idiot invites someone she has never met to her house for the weekend?"
"Brooke reminds herself that Hollis is entitled to have a moment with whoever she wants to."
"Avalon notices the sea-glass windows on either side of the front door and she whips out her phone to take a picture."
"Brooke offers to clean up the appetizers."
"Does anyone even count calories anymore?"
"The night went pretty much as Caroline had expected."
"You can be more than one kind of person in your life."
"Caroline laughs. Who knew my mother was a huntress?"
"She’s been looking for a particular Dries Van Noten shirtdress in amethyst that the website says is sold out, and she immediately spies it across the room."
"Does Dru-Ann want champagne at ten thirty in the morning? Hell yes she does."
"These women are influencers; they might have hundreds of thousands of followers apiece. They can help her get the word out."
"The best thing about the other four stars, even Tatum, is that they have distracted her from thinking about all of this."
"She tries to banish Nick from her mind, though she can’t help but replay a Saturday only two weeks earlier—before the Dow Invitational disaster—when she and Nick had mimosas at the Hoxton."
I know mental-health struggles are real," Dru-Ann says. "I was speaking out on behalf of the fifty-three million Americans who suffer.
"Tatum’s mother, Laura Leigh Grover, wore a knit Nantucket Whalers hat over her bald head to their graduation; three weeks later, she was dead."
"That is what I’m getting," she says, slapping her menu down."
"Tatum isn’t sure what to do with her anger."
"The only answer Tatum can come up with is that Hollis wants to get away—from the island and everyone who lives here. Including Tatum."
"Final decisions about college have to be made by May 1, which is the same day as the state championship softball game."
"Tatum feels all her dreams of her and Kyle and Jack and Hollis kicking through autumn leaves on the Quad hit the sticky, gross floor of the bus with a splat."
"Hollis starts to cry and Tatum says, 'Why are you crying, Holly? You’re the one who’s doing this.'"
"Tatum bats cleanup; her season batting average is .322, the best not only on the team but in their division, but she strikes out at her first two at-bats and then pops up, all on purpose."
"Tatum is still angry at Dru-Ann because of the things that happened over the bachelorette weekend in Boston."
I threw the game," Tatum tells Caroline. "I’ve been ashamed about it for thirty-five years.
"I had Jim from Legal reach out, we went to the trouble of drafting an apology statement, and you’ve summarily ignored us both, which we assume means you don’t care about your image or the image of this company."
"I just want you to know how much it means to me that you’re all here."
"Hollis thinks, 'This is backstory, but it’s also front story: Things have never been the same between Tatum and Hollis.'"
"Hollis wasn’t kidding when she said it was the best. It’s located under an arbor draped in climbing roses; the water is hot, the pressure is as strong as a Swedish massage, and Hollis has stocked the shower caddy with luxury bath products that smell of lemongrass."
We had traditions," Dru-Ann says to Caroline. "On our birthdays, we went to the Flying Burrito.
"There’s a song that Dru-Ann’s male colleagues listened to back in the mid-aughts called 'I Love College' by Asher Roth."
"Hollis opens the packaging of a set of extra-long twin sheets that Dru-Ann can see came from a place called Ocean State Job Lot."
"It’s a thousand degrees in Chapel Hill in September."
"Hollis is sitting on the bench in her mom undies and her mom bra, her elbows on her knees, her face in her hands."
"The first person Caroline sees when she walks into the Chicken Box is… Dylan McKenzie."
"Dru-Ann feels her eyes mist up. 'And from that moment on, we were.'"
"The night has already sort of fallen apart, everyone else has left. It’s just one drink."
"Hollis is dazzled by Matthew’s moves on the dance floor and then by the make-out session when he takes her home."
I'm not sure I can do Paris, Gigi," Matthew says. "I want to work on my marriage.
"It's not fair for you to be somebody's number two when you deserve to be somebody's number one."
"I made a playlist for you! The smart-woman playlist, because I thought you’d appreciate it."
"I want to be at home for Hollis. I’m going to cancel Leipzig."
"Are you planning to tell the others?" Gigi asks. "Heavens, no," Hollis says. "It’s nobody’s business but ours."
"I’m not your babysitter, girlfriend," Dru-Ann says. "Go find some hot guy and hit the floor."
"I want to be the one who loved her the most, the one she loved the most."
"I came for the same reason you invited me—because we hit it off. I came because I wanted to feel closer to Matthew."
"Hey, it’s Dru-Ann from Throw Like a Girl!"
"I thought that to make people like me, I had to defer to them instead of acting natural."
"But even I got the message: Charlie and I were no longer invited."
"I just thought you should know," Electra says. "Know what? That you’re a sociopath?"
"He’s all yours, psycho," Caroline says, and she heads out the side door—wet, sticky, and deeply satisfied.
"I always felt insecure in the group, insecure in my life—and that affected how I acted."
"I screamed, I cried, I threw things. But I was too in love with him by that point to end it."
"You deserve to be somebody’s number one."
"It was exactly the escape that I needed."
"You’re lucky my fortune changed because I was ready to move into the Twist permanently."
"I wish I didn’t think you were so cool."
"The next one is purple. Purple, she reasons, is practically blue."
"She’s becoming one of her mother’s playlists."
"I’ll remember this weekend for the rest of my life."
"You just want me to show you my dad’s secret spot."
"I’m just not ready for this to be over."
"I think my gift is going to be not giving it to you."