
The Stolen Heir Quotes

The Stolen Heir by Holly Black

The Stolen Heir Quotes
"And she could play in the snow for hours, constructing elaborate tunnels and mock-fighting with icicles, coming inside only when called."
"For an impossible moment, it’s as though she’s looking at me."
"Resisting the temptation to linger longer near the backyard where I once played, I head for the branches of a hawthorn at the edge of town."
"I stick to the dimness of shadowed woodland, my bare feet finding their way through the night."
"There is too little beauty in the world."
"Faerie beauty is different from mortal beauty. It’s elemental, extravagant."
"I have learned to be afraid of smiles like that."
"You cannot outrun fate."
"Flying is what you ought to dream of, falcon."
"I am no Court lady with lips of carmine and butterflies in my hair."
"'Magic', she reminds me with a flourish."
"It does feel as though it might come from a dream."
"Do not scream, I tell myself. Do not bite anyone. Do not cry."
"Kissing him is profane. It gives me all the horrible satisfaction of smashing a crystal goblet."
"You delightful, amazing girl! You did it."
"I let it drag me under. I take the whole curse in a rush."
"I walk out into the hall. Then I retrace my steps to the revel, pressing my hands to my chest to still their trembling."
"Because I am tired of people trying to assassinate me."
"The spark of life lit within her."
"I am a solitary creature, fated to be one and better as one."
"The desire to rule Elfhame ruined so many lives. Just being the heir is bad enough."
"That you never stopped being angry. It can be brave to hate. Sometimes it's like hope."
"I grin at the phone. Most of the people I broke curses for were as afraid of me as they were of the glaistig."
"I feel helpless, as though he's herding me around a chessboard to checkmate."
"We're not mounted, we have no chance on foot, unless we can get to someplace with cover."
"We are indulging the fiction that we are not prisoners."
"We sneak out of here at first light, that's when they can't follow lest they turn to stone."
"What more could we ever want?"
"A reliquary full of bones can't be out of place among all this grotesque art."
"All I need is to be able to talk."
"Let her have Mellith's heart and Mab's bones. Let Elfhame rot."
"You have no instinct to take power, even when it is offering you its very throat to tear out."
"Sink those pretty teeth into something."
"It was always supposed to be me."