
Corrupted Quotes

Corrupted by Lisa Scottoline

Corrupted Quotes
"Nobody paid her debts but her. And she wanted redemption."
"It was almost midnight in the dead of January, with the sky frozen black except for a full moon, round as a bullethole."
"You should take time off when you feel that you can take time off. Answer to your clients and yourself, not to me."
"They’re the juvenile delinquents, not Jason."
"It’s incarceration. Nobody comes out of prison better than they went in."
"The juvenile justice system isn’t adversarial at all. The proceeding isn’t a trial, which results in a conviction of a crime. It’s an adjudication hearing, and when a child is adjudicated delinquent, the idea isn’t to convict and punish them, but to rehabilitate them, because they’re still young enough."
"I respect their judgment. They should use it. End of discussion."
"You know, it’s true that Jason pushed Richie first, but Richie was teasing him, saying his mother was fat and that’s why she died."
"Since I graduated from Penn State. I’m stationed at Troop N, Hazleton Station. There are mounted officers in every troop of the PSP. Each troop has three or four field riders who can be detailed as needed."
"Water with Epsom salts. I pulled the mare’s shoes for the winter. I’m worried she has an abscess. This will only take a few minutes."
"Most horses will. Police horses are drilled to stand for extended periods."
"It’s gorgeous here," Bennie said, meaning it.
"Thanks. I feel lucky. Blessed. When I come home, I forget everything. It’s a life that suits me. A place that suits me."
"The world has become a dangerous place. The people I care about need protecting, more than ever before."
"All I can tell you is, they don’t look a day over eighty-seven."
"I have a purpose here. I’m set in my ways. It’s not always good, in relationships. There’s no compromise in me."
"I work too much, a typical trial lawyer, you know."
"I thought you were cooler than this, Philly. You’re not living up to your website."
"I’m hoping he can schedule something after court is out of session today or before it convenes tomorrow morning."
"I believe his right to counsel was violated and I’m seeking a rehearing of the adjudication of delinquency."
"But it takes two to tango, and you can’t be too careful these days."
"Let’s see if that’s time enough to remember the difference between right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable in school."
"I won’t, thanks. Does he take a break at midmorning, during trial?"
"My heart breaks for them, and I hate to think what would’ve happened if they crashed into a neighborhood."
"I’m sure you’ll catch up," Bennie said, though she was worried.
"I’ll make sure these get filed and entered in the docket."
"I don’t know how to be judgmental in a nonjudgmental way."
"I can’t believe this," Bennie read the order and reply brief again, her heart sinking.
"It’s driving me crazy. I don’t know why it’s not driving Doreen crazy, too."
"I cannot wait to get rid of those old bags. It’s like having three grannies on the phone!"
"I think it’s about time we checked our bags, don’t you think? Let ’em go next week!"
"I cannot take it lying down. We’re the Stitchin’ Bitches."
"It means that as much as I want to be with you, I can’t. It won’t work now. There’s too much to deal with here. I can’t take care of things here and have a relationship."
"I can change the bargain, I can be flexible. You’re worth being flexible for."
"If I don’t give them a hundred percent now, they’ll turn out like Richie. I can’t let that happen."
"I know how I feel. I know what I need to do, even if it’s not what I want."
"These boys are my responsibility. This is my family."
"The sight of them sent her into a mental tailspin."
"It didn’t feel like love: it felt like panic."
"Sometimes the one that gets away, gets away for a reason."
"Justice stole his childhood, and we have to set this right."
"I didn’t tell you the truth? I am telling you the truth!"
"Do you know what that’s like? Do you have any idea? Get me outta here!"
"Of course it’s speculative. She’s asking what-if. What-if is inherently speculative."
"It’s what-if my client killed to defend himself, how would that change the evidence, and that question goes to the heart of my defense."
"Detective Gallagher, isn’t it true that you would’ve found the same trace evidence if Jason had acted in self-defense?"
"I wasn’t aware the defendant was claiming self-defense."
"My question remains, Detective Gallagher. Wouldn’t you have found the same trace evidence if the defendant had acted in self-defense?"
"I’ll allow it," Judge Patterson ruled, pursing her lips.