
The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness To Greatness Quotes

The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness To Greatness by Stephen R. Covey

The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness To Greatness Quotes
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In those choices lie our growth and our happiness."
"The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters."
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
"Leadership is communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it in themselves."
"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being."
"The significant challenges we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
"There are two kinds of problems in both the physical body and in organizations: chronic and acute."
"Most of the world's work is done in and through organizations."
"I’ve realized since then that the principles that guided his leadership are common to great leadership in any organization."
"We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit."
"In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer."
"You can't lead things. In fact, it wasn’t until I turned over the management of my company to my son, Stephen, and a team of people with strengths that compensated for my weaknesses that it really became profitable."
"Success is relative. The competition’s problems may be worse. So why change?"
"The power of an accurate paradigm lies in its ability to explain and predict."
"Low trust is the first chronic problem that all organizations face."
"Misalignment will manifest itself in a thousand ways, contributing to even lower trust."
"Managing (controlling) people never inspires them to their greatest work and contributions."
"Neglect body, mind, heart or spirit, and you get four chronic problems in an organization."
"The collective result of these chronic problems is the acute pain of failure in the marketplace."
"You can never succeed with stockholders until you first succeed in the marketplace, and you can never succeed in the marketplace until you first succeed in the workplace."
"It’s not thinking selfishly (win-lose) or like a martyr (lose-win). It’s thinking in terms of 'we,' not 'me.'"
"Relationships and trust do not remain constant. They are maintained and deepened only as you actively nurture and build them with regular acts of kindness, consideration, appreciation and service."
"Unity in my relationship with my wife is one of the greatest, enabling sources of power of my life."
"Strong relationships require real effort and sacrifice. They require putting someone else’s well-being, growth and happiness before your own."
"Enduring trust in a relationship cannot be faked, and it is rarely produced by a dramatic, onetime effort. It is the fruit of regular actions inspired by the conscience and heart."
"The absence of selfishness and the presence of humility in relationships embody the willingness to subordinate oneself to another person, to a principle, or to a higher cause."
"Moral authority, trust and bonding can evaporate over time in the absence of making continual deposits, particularly with people we work and live around all of the time."
"Nothing destroys trust faster than making and breaking a promise. Conversely, nothing builds and strengthens trust more than keeping a promise you make."
"Lying makes a problem part of the future; truth makes a problem part of the past."
"Listening to and understanding others within their frame of reference is the foundation of seeking for Third Alternatives."
"The human need to feel understood is like the lungs’ need for air."
"The key to their creative solution was first achieving mutual understanding."
"Trust is turned into a verb by entrusting a group of people, and then those people live true to that trust and reciprocate it."
"Leadership is creating an environment in which people want to be part of the organization and not just work for the organization."
"The greatest satisfaction for an employee is to feel part of something and to feel trusted to make decisions and to contribute."
"The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision; you can’t blow an uncertain trumpet."
"When you see people only as fulfilling a function, you’re treating them like a thing, like the chair you’re sitting on."
"The best people working for organizations are life volunteers."
"People need to be involved in decision making. Together you determine the destination of the organization."
"If you have a high-trust culture, helpful systems, and people on the same page, then people are in a far better position to evaluate themselves."
"The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know."
"When mores are sufficient, laws are unnecessary; when mores are insufficient, laws are unenforceable."
"The greatest test of parenthood—and the key to building a healthy, nurturing family culture—is how we treat the ones who test us the most."
"The capacity to produce more for less is based on unleashing the human potential throughout an entire organization."
"People who are at the cutting edge of the chisel, where the tire meets the pavement, have to exercise influence with their customers, their clients, or whomever."
"The surest way to reveal one's character is not through adversity but by giving them power."
"Power and moral supremacy emerge from humility, where the greatest becomes the servant of all."
"The key is to establish accountability against mutually agreed-upon desired results."
"To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents."
"We are not free from our biological nature, but we are free to take a stand toward these, even against them."
"The inspiration of a noble cause involving human interests wide and far, enables men to do things they did not dream themselves capable of before."
"The consciousness of belonging, vitally, to something beyond individuality; of being part of a personality that reaches we know not where, in space and time, greatens the heart to the limit of the souls ideal, and builds out the supreme of character."
"Life is a mission and not a career, and the purpose of all our education and knowledge is so that we can better represent Him and serve that mission of life in His name and toward His purposes."
"Sacrifice really means giving up something good for something better."
"Service above self is the ethic of all great religions and of all philosophy and psychology that has endured."
"The essence of leadership will be to be a servant leader."
"Change efforts and all the new management buzzwords will get to be like cotton candy, which tastes good for a second and then evaporates."
"It is never too late. Life is a mission, not a career."