
The 6:20 Man Quotes

The 6:20 Man by David Baldacci

The 6:20 Man Quotes
You work till you drop, Travis," his father had told him over and over. "Nobody in this world gives you a damn thing. You have to take it, and you take it by working harder than anybody else.
"What they taught you in the world of high finance was simple really: win or lose. Eat or starve. It was a binary choice."
"The train puttered along with no real ambition, unlike the humans it carried."
"Generations before him had ridden this very same route to make their living in the sweatshop spires of Manhattan."
"Devine’s birth had clearly been a mistake."
"His grip was like the jaws of a croc; his stamina was off the charts."
"He had gone into uniform as a boy and come out as a war machine."
"I did it in the Army. Any reason I can’t do it on Wall Street?"
"She looked to the side and right and then behind her at the house. Next, she slipped off her top and then her bottom."
"The realization that the message was accurate hit him like an IED."
"I saw guys shot up, blown up, and cut up right in front of me. I’m not taking my own life because a Wall Street firm busts my chops."
"He was Army. A Ranger. Just so you know."
"He took out his phone and brought up the pics of Cowl and Stamos. And then he watched the video with the sound turned off. He held the phone in his lap and sat hunched over so that no one around him could possibly see the screen."
"It was a humbling experience to be in the presence of that much brainpower and drive to succeed."
"Pain was life; you had to deal with it."
"No one bothered to look at him when they walked in. This was purposeful."
"He decided to just let it rest for now."
"And then Cowl’s X-ray beam came lurching over to Devine."
"He rode the car down to three, turned left, and entered the dining hall."
"I’m going to have a nice meal, while you wipe your candy bar and Cheez-It fingers over the whole of the NASDAQ futures."
"I was in the Army. They teach you how to fight."
"She looked very small in her two-inch satin pumps. And he looked very big in his cheap suit."
"And it was then that he realized his mistake, the one that had been nagging at him the whole ride in."
"Tomorrow was Sunday, a day of rest. For God."
"You Americans, you get too caught up in stuff like that."
"I'm just chasing the money, like everybody else."
"I couldn’t really understand it. It was all over the place."
"But for the person who had sent an email that could not be traced by the best in the business, it might be a piece of cake."
"It shows in the sophistication and thoroughness of the business product she’s put together."
"In case you didn’t know, the New York financial world is pretty small."
"It can be intimidating. But I love him to death."
"I’m just a street fighter who chooses to stab you in the front, which you have to admit is a lot fairer."
"She didn’t appear to even realize a body of water was there."
"Maybe I’m thicker than a log, since my security card would not only show I entered the building that night at a certain time, it also would show I went to the fifty-second floor at the same time they were doing their thing on the desk."
"You ever see me reading Braille? No. Because I’m not blind."
"The detectives talked to you," said White.
"You were in the Army. You know how to kill people."
"Is this live?" he asked, suddenly whirling around.
"She was not the girl that I raised," replied Ellen.
"She was a good person. And she didn’t deserve to be murdered!"
"I can’t wait to get the hell out of this town."
"I understand the police have been by to see you."
"Maybe you knew her better than the rest of us," said White in an accusatory tone.
"You think we’re messing around here?" said Ekman, drawing so close Devine could smell his fuggy breath.
"I don’t think you’re too shabby in that department, Michelle."
"I need this. Brad is not interested in my brain, in case you hadn’t noticed."
"I’ll text you my address. It’s not far from here."
"I can see you do not approve of my beliefs."
"What would you do today if you knew tomorrow wasn’t coming for you?"
"I was thinking more along the lines of improving it."
"Subterfuge. Now there’s a word you don’t hear every day."
"Just checking for wires and stuff. Can never be too careful these days."
"The important stuff? I do it the old-fashioned way. Analog. Face-to-face."
"We didn’t come here to chitchat, Devine."
"It’s nothing personal. But this is how I put food into my family’s mouths."
"That part is fine. But we still have no idea who killed Sara."
"What the hell are you mixed up in, Travis?"
"The first billion is the hardest to make. After that, it gets a lot easier."
"I’m being interviewed by a magazine in Amsterdam."
"They’re one of the hottest online publications in Europe."
"Travis, the police don’t show up for nothing."
"They saw how big I was and they just took off."
"Anything looks suspicious, call the cops."
"I’m just going to go for a run. Now, go get some Dutch people to start dating."
"I do owe her more than I could ever repay."
"The entire operation in Area 51 had shut down."
"Where were you last night between midnight and three?"
"Sex is sometimes just sex, Travis, okay?"
"Transfers of money in amounts that are beyond belief."
"That knowledge had probably gotten Ewes killed."
"You can only love one person. After that, you love and lose."
"He was the cleverest of the gods. He was their interpreter."
"It’s like a blood vessel with an obstruction."
"Nobody likes to admit they were suckered."
"It creates a few hundred jobs in the state."
"That’s the way they used to do it in the old days."
"I think we would have heard about that if he was."
"He was their interpreter. And he was also their messenger."
"He told me that Sara never mentioned you to me."
"The more I think about it, the more I think he was telling the truth."
"It doesn’t sound crazy. People will do anything to make money."
"I got the name of the doctor from Mrs. Ewes."
"He’s been very generous with certain people at NYPD and City Hall."
"It’s not his money. It belongs to other people."
"I have three sons and two daughters, soldier. I’ve seen broken hearts before."
"You’re a really funny guy. Where’s your proof of anything?"
"The world is upside down. Good is bad and bad is deified."
"Either you let me go, or I’ll just show up there on my own."
"We have no idea if she’s working for Cowl and just stringing you along."
"Men and women have been known to sleep in the same bed without having sex."
"The laws don’t apply to you if you have enough money."
"There’s nothing wrong with being afraid. When people are in danger, they should be afraid."
"Hummingbird has been her dream for a while now."
"Jill’s twin brother was the sperm donor for Sara Ewes’s pregnancy?"
"Dennis desperately wanted to transition to being a woman."
"You’ll never know until you try, soldier."
"Let the 6:20 train take him somewhere, one more time."