
Offside Quotes

Offside by Avery Keelan

Offside Quotes
"As the only child of two well-to-do lawyers from Chicago, Luke had grown up dining at places like this every weekend."
"My family’s idea of a big night out was hitting Applebee’s, and even that had to be worked into the budget."
"After living on peanut butter sandwiches for a month to afford the little black dress I was wearing, the thought of seeing a loaf of Wonder bread or a jar of Jif ever again made me want to hurl."
"My breath snagged and my eyes pricked with tears. Of course I didn’t. If I did, why would I have poured myself into this sexy, low-cut dress I couldn’t afford."
"It was only for a year while I finished college. I could fly to him, he could fly to me, and in the off-season, we could live in the same city."
"I hoped he would return soon so we could order dinner. After living on peanut butter sandwiches for a month to afford the little black dress I was wearing, the thought of seeing a loaf of Wonder bread or a jar of Jif ever again made me want to hurl."
"My roommates nearly took an eye out helping me apply fake lashes; it was a serious ordeal, and one I vowed never to repeat."
"The other tables were largely occupied by people at least ten years older than us, all well-dressed and well-groomed."
"You have got to be kidding. I’ll be at the game, but only because of Derek. Not you. I’d cheer against you if I could."
"My heart wrenched. Be like what? Upset that he blindsided me? Anyone in my position would be devastated."
"I tried to disguise the waver in my voice. 'Time to play the field and hook up with puck bunnies, you mean?'"
"I crossed my legs and surveyed the restaurant to distract myself, taking in the opulent gold accents and framed artwork lining the walls."
"Our server reappeared, pouring a small amount of ruby wine into each of our glasses and waiting expectantly."
"I grabbed my wine and took an unladylike gulp. Gross. Slamming the glass down, I shot figurative daggers at him."
"To be fair, the amount of work was warranted given the scholarship amount."
"I desperately wanted the scholarship. Desperately needed it."
"The super hot guy you went home with, silly. Chase?"
"I wouldn’t know. We didn’t sleep together," I said. "Thank god."
"I’m sure you were happy to see that we lost again tonight."
"The last two drinks were my idea, so I have no one to blame but myself."
"It’s incredibly hard to give a fuck about any of this knowing it won’t matter down the road."
"I’m basically unemployable in any other capacity."
"Anyone ever tell you that you’re a tad dramatic?"
"I prefer to think of it as having a zest for life."
"Let’s face it. I’m way too corruptible to be a cop."
"The entire team? Resentment smoldered in the pit of my stomach."
"You’re in charge here. I would never pressure you."
"I’ll always give you the truth, even if you might not want to hear it."
"Plus, the idea of getting you off is so fucking hot."
"I can’t believe you have a girlfriend. That’s wild."
"That’s not to say it was a bad type of nervous. It was more like a massively heightened state of awareness with a dash of idiotic happiness thrown in."
"Sometimes, every shred of my game vanished around her."
""Ward also mentioned that she was thinking about trying to get a roommate because it’s cheaper to split a two-bedroom. That was the good news part. I mean, you do need a place to live…""
"I watched Bailey take the last bite of tiramisu, trying to keep my mind from thinking about all the dirty things I wanted to do with her mouth."
""If you think that’s impressive, you should see me breathe. I’m world class.""
""I mean, it’s a free country. We have the constitutional right to freedom of movement.""
""We’re not not allowed." I shrugged. "No one’s booked the ice. Plus, I’m on Coach Miller’s good side these days, so we should be okay.""
""To do a piece for Callingwood Daily, you big caveman." Her hazel eyes glinted playfully."
""I doubt that very much, James." I squeezed her hand over the table. "But I’ll talk to him.""
""Ah." I ran my fingers down the sides of her ribcage, spanning the curve of her waist over her soft pink sweater."
""We’re not keeping score." He kissed my lips softly. "But if I was, I’d definitely want you to win.""
""You mean, besides Chase? Because he knows all about it.""
"Why would I lie? I might think Carter is an asshole, but I have no issue with you."
"That’s true. You did work hard," I said, turning back to face him.
"You’re going to have to trust me for this to work."
"I forgive you. But let’s not handle things this way again, okay?"
"I feel like there’s a good dirty joke in there somewhere."
"Every time we fooled around, I fell a little harder."
"I’ll set my alarm and make sure I’m up in time tomorrow morning."
"Why would I want to sleep when I could hang out with you here?"
"I'm not mad—I’m upset. There’s a difference."
"I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t at least try."
"I’m going to lend you some money. Between us."
"Don’t worry. We’re going to crush Callingwood next time we play."
"I want to bend you over this bed and make you come again."
"You ruined my life. It’s only fair I return the favor."
"I’ll make sure that a search for her name will imply she directs amateur porn."
"I’m trying to keep her out of the blast zone. I don’t care what happens to me."
"I’d have to use the money for something like this. Fucking awesome."
"But I have a right to know what Luke was saying about me, especially if it was that offensive."
"I love you more than anything in the world, but I can’t give you that."
"You’re the one thing that’s always been right. Will you marry me, James?"
"I’m sorry. There’s a lot going on. I understand."
"I couldn’t live with myself if you lost out on that scholarship because you were connected to me."
"I wasn’t sure you’d want to be with me once you found out."
"You’re not the only one who’s stubborn. If it comes down to it, I’ll jump into that mud myself."
"Those other things are replaceable, Chase. There’s only one you."
"I have to know that isn’t true. There is no scenario where I am better off without you. Ever."
"You were, Chase. Are you hesitant to admit that because you’re a guy or because there were three people involved?"