
The Mark Of Athena Quotes

The Mark Of Athena by Rick Riordan

The Mark Of Athena Quotes
"Good luck is a sham. The wheel of fortune is a Ponzi scheme."
"You will always be the outsider, the seventh wheel."
"You will have cause to reconsider your choices soon."
"Very few gods will be able to help you on the quest."
"Most heroes cannot escape their nature, even when given a second chance at life."
"I owe him for my second chance at life. If he's in danger...I have to help him."
"But when he looked at her, it didn't seem that way."
"Great, he thought. Another person who thinks I’m a scary freak."
"His only other friend, Festus the dragon, had been reduced to a figurehead."
"You will not find a place among your brethren."
"I don’t need anybody to tell me I’m odd man out."
"He used to be a prince, and a wonderful hunter and stuff."
"But that doesn’t matter. Now he just…well, look!"
"Stop panicking, he told himself. This isn’t real."
"The muskeg pressed against his chest. His lungs wanted to burst."
"You mean we’re sitting on doors? What if they opened?"
"Because, Seaweed Brain, it’s the first time we really talked, you and me."
"It was hard to tell in the golden light, but he thought Annabeth was blushing."
"That was my name, before they sacked my city, took my identity, made me this."
"I wondered why beautiful things had to be wrapped up with evil history."
"Maybe beautiful things have to be wrapped up with evil history, to mask the darker aspects."
"Percy would hate her getting so philosophical."
"Beautiful bursts of light across the harbor, the roar of the cannons giving the men an excuse to put their arms around their frightened sweethearts."
"Love and war always go together. They are the peaks of human emotion! Evil and good, beauty and ugliness."
"Love is love, after all, whether you're Greek or Roman."
"No one has ever succeeded in following the Mark of Athena to its end."
"You will face your worst fear—the fear of every child of Athena."
"I do love Charleston! The weddings I've attended in this gazebo—they bring tears to my eyes."
"It's been a good life. Raise him well, nieta."
"I sense they will face…ah, mechanical difficulties that only you can overcome."
"I don’t want to be Roman. I want you to be Piper."
"You realize I could kill you with a flick of my finger."
"The older he got, the longer he survived as a half-blood, the more his friends looked up to him. They depended on him and relied on his powers."
"I wouldn’t worry. If Bacchus likes it, the ship should vanish."
"He stared at the bronze lantern swaying from the ceiling and thought about how easily Chrysaor had beaten him at swordplay."
"I’m not as great as you think, he wanted to warn his friends. His failures, like tonight, seemed to prove it."
"He would gladly throw himself at any monster, god, or giant to keep his friends from being hurt."
"She didn’t need anything else to worry about—not with what she was facing."
"Athena had once told Percy his fatal flaw: he was supposedly too loyal to his friends."
"I believe in you. That’s not the problem. But come back from where?"
"He was actually here. He’d thought his trip to Alaska had been pretty exotic, but now he was in the heart of the old Roman Empire, enemy territory for a Greek demigod."
"Good question. Greek spheres…astronomy, geometry…" - Leo
"Well, then, Leo fall down, go boom. Let’s find out!" - Leo
"That, good people, is how we do things in Leo World. Come on in!" - Leo
"Leo, the Romans were top-notch engineers," - Hazel
"You can’t be a demigod who’s into building stuff and not know about Archimedes." - Leo
"This is foolish," said Lion Head. "You only delay your death."
"Delaying death is one of my favorite hobbies." - Leo
"What are you doing?" Wolf Head demanded. "Stop your foolishness and surrender!"
"Oh, yes, I surrender!" Leo said. "I’m totally surrendering!"
"You cannot escape us, Leo Valdez," - Wolf Head
"The secrets of Archimedes," he murmured. - Leo
"They’re cute, and they have redeeming social value. You are definitely not kids." - Coach Hedge
"No breakups," he promised. "I may have busted my head a few times, but I’m not that stupid." - Jason
"The others, Gaea said, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, and my dear friend Percy Jackson—they will perish within minutes." - Gaea
"Leo, you’re just going to sit there?" - Percy
"My friends still needed him. This was still his show. As long as he had his tool belt, Leo Valdez wasn’t going to sit around helplessly watching the Demigod Death Channel." - Narration
"I don’t care if we have a god on our side or not." - Percy
"Fight us yourself, coward! Um, without the demigods." - Ephialtes
"Will you please stop killing me!" - Ephialtes
"They’d worked in small groups, hoping that would be safer. They’d fought as individuals, each demigod doing what he or she did best. But Hera had made them a team of seven for a reason." - Narration
"Good wind today," Percy offered. "And there’re some water pipes running under the arena."
"Hey, Otis!" he shouted. "The Nutcracker bites!"
"You may have ruined my spectacle, but Gaea will still destroy your world!"
"Let’s talk on board," Hazel suggested. "We’d better take off while we still can."
"Better than jousting in a Kansas cornfield," Percy agreed.
"After all they’d been through over the last year, he knew the most important thing was that they were together."
"It’s like a double seal. Maybe, just maybe, all seven of you working together could defeat Gaea’s forces on the mortal side, at the House of Hades."
"We’re staying together," he promised. "You’re not getting away from me. Never again."