
Models: Attract Women Through Honesty Quotes

Models: Attract Women Through Honesty by Mark Manson

Models: Attract Women Through Honesty Quotes
"Humans are attracted to each other’s rough edges."
"The only thing that’s Capital-T True is that you get to decide how you see things."
"We are not held back by the love we did not receive in the past; but by the love we do not extend in the present."
"The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years research into the feminine soul, is ‘What do women want?’"
"What you do speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say."
"Your failures happen because you grew up emotionally ill-equipped to deal with women and intimacy."
"The words you say and looks you have are merely a side-effect of that."
"This book aims to give you your first real education on women and attraction, the education you should have received a long time ago."
"If you’re looking for a book full of 'say this line and then execute touch-plan X4Z-3,' then you’re going to be disappointed."
"True honesty is only possible when it is unconditional."
"The truth is only the truth when it is given as a gift -- when nothing is expected in return."
"When a compliment comes from a man seeking nothing in return, it’s a gift of truth, a piece of his vulnerability."
"Beautiful women are complimented on their looks often, and 99% of these compliments are given out of neediness."
"Women value [genuine no-strings-attached appreciation] and invest themselves in the rare man who can demonstrate his vulnerability to her."
"Your ability and willingness to establish boundaries is inversely proportional to how needy you are."
"Men who are not needy establish strict boundaries because they value their own time and happiness more than receiving the attention from a woman."
"It’s impossible to be perfectly nonneedy all the time."
"A man who feels like he needs to buy or steal a woman’s attention or affection through entertainment, money, or superficiality is a man who is not confident in his identity."
"The biggest aphrodisiac in the world is someone who likes you."
"A woman’s desire is to be desired. But it has to be genuine desire."
"You CANNOT be an attractive and lifechanging presence to some women without being a joke or an embarrassment to others."
"Rejection exists for a reason -- it’s a means to keep people who are not good for each other apart."
"Success = Maximizing happiness with whichever woman/women we prefer."
"A life without learning is a life without living."
"Pain is the feeling of weakness leaving your body."
"Your outward appearance is a reflection of your self-investment."
"You’re never loud enough. But don’t yell. There’s a difference between screaming and being loud."
"A beautiful woman will not necessarily make you happier than a less beautiful woman."
"A rating scale is a subtle and unconscious way of putting women on a pedestal."
"The less polarizing you are, the less attractive you are."
"A deep voice is the sexiest part of the male body."
"Your life and everything that it encompasses, is a reflection of your emotional investment in yourself."
"Assume everything has a form of value; it’s your job to find it."
"Drop all of this prejudice and adopt this mentality immediately: 'there has to be SOMETHING to this form of art, otherwise it wouldn’t have a following, so I should find out what that something is.'"
"Always expand your horizons — start with what’s considered 'the best.'"
"If it doesn’t click, it may not be because it’s a 'bad movie,' but because you don’t get it."
"Judge art based on its intentions, as well as its result."
"Art has a higher purpose than entertainment."
"Being a well-rounded individual is going to make you irresistible in a more longterm dating context."
"You read literature because you can NEVER meet enough people."
"The more life experience you indulge in, the more developed of a person you’ll become."
"Having opinions: Simply having an opinion on everything makes you cooler than half the guys out there."
"If you don’t have any strong opinions on anything, then you’ll never ruffle anyone’s feathers."
"Courage is not the absence of fear, rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."
"Creepiness: behaving in a way that threatens a woman sexually or causes her to feel insecure."
"Remember, the basis of all female attraction comes back to security."
"The more vulnerable a woman is willing to be around you, the less likely you will be to creep her out."
"The further you get out of line with your intentions, the creepier you become."
"Flirting: Expressing your sexuality to a woman in a nonneedy manner, eliciting her to become more attracted to you."
"Teases involve saying derogatory comments about someone in a funny or pleasant way."
"When a man shows he's willing to break rapport with a girl, he's demonstrating vulnerability."
"Your teasing could be anything from making fun of her shoes to giving her a hard time about her drinking habits."
"Sex can be viewed as the ultimate act of vulnerability for a woman."
"Building and Breaking Habits: Your communication skills are a series of overlapping habits."
"Humor is an integral part of being an attractive man."
"Developing conversation skills is a deep topic, and for the sake of this book, I'm only going to gloss over the most important topics."
"A strong sense of humor conveys all of the right traits to a woman."
"I don’t have a girlfriend. I just know a lady who would get really angry if she heard me say that." - Mitch Hedberg, Comedian
"Your ability to connect with a woman emotionally is proportional to how self-aware you are of your own emotional processes and motivations."
"The biggest trigger for arousal for women is being desired."
"People who touch when they interact with another person are generally viewed as more dominant."
"Studies have shown that people being touched by somebody when they first meet them not only have a much higher probability of thinking favorably of them, but they also were shown to trust them quicker."
"Push and pull is a physical flirting technique that is instrumental in creating intimacy."
"It’s much better to try and kiss her and get rejected than to go the whole night without making a move and never knowing what would have been."
"Your touching should happen in a progression."
"The most important habit to develop, by far, is to talk and be loud in the bedroom."
"The most important factor for good sex is how comfortable the two people are around each other."
"A woman makes fun of your hair and calls you ugly. What if it was a gift? Such a harsh rejection will steel you into becoming even more confident in the future."
"Every second I spend sitting around feeling distant from my true desires, avoiding the world and being afraid to engage it, is a second that I’m forfeiting the biggest gift of all: my time here in this life."