
Blindness Quotes

Blindness by José Saramago

Blindness Quotes
"The amber light came on. Two of the cars ahead accelerated before the red light appeared."
"The pedestrians have just finished crossing but the sign allowing the cars to go will be delayed for some seconds."
"The motorists kept an impatient foot on the clutch, leaving their cars at the ready, advancing, retreating like nervous horses."
"I am blind, I am blind, he repeated in despair as they helped him to get out of the car."
"These things happen, it will pass you'll see, sometimes it's nerves, said a woman."
"The blind man pleaded, Please, will someone take me home."
"The blind man felt himself being taken by the arm, Come, come with me."
"I can't see, I can't see, he murmured, still weeping."
"But blindness isn't like that, said the other fellow, they say that blindness is black."
"Today it's your turn, tomorrow it will be mine, we never know what might lie in store for us."
"He tried to gather up the flowers, never thinking of the broken glass."
"The blood, sticky to the touch, worried him, he thought it must be because he could not see it."
"He dreamt at once that he was pretending to be blind."
"Stop playing silly games, there are certain things we must not joke about."
"The Government and Nation expect every man and woman to do their duty."
"We all have our moments of weakness, just as well that we are still capable of weeping."
"In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
"If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up."
"There are many ways of becoming an animal, this is just the first of them."
"Tears are often our salvation, there are times when we would die if we did not weep."
"All their watches had stopped, either they had forgotten to wind them or had decided it was pointless."
"When the beast dies, the poison dies with it."
"The idea, aired at the outset, that someone should assume responsibility for each ward, might have helped, who knows?"
"The blind internees advanced slowly, some, more confident, towards the right where they thought they would find the door."
"The voice came again, Unless within the next three minutes someone appears to collect the containers, we shall take them away."
"This threat failed to overcome their fear, only pushed it into the innermost caverns of their mind, like hunted animals that await an opportunity to attack."
"For some of the soldiers, less sensitive to the beauties of figurative language, it was difficult to understand what a dog with rabies had to do with the blind."
"A blind man had finally bumped into the containers and called out as he got hold of them, They're here, they're here."
"Persuaded by these sententious words, one of the blind men let go of the rope and went, with arms outstretched, in the direction of the uproar."
"To proceed with this plan, however opportune and in keeping with a deep seated sense of justice, had one serious disadvantage."
"So long as they go on supplying us with food, for we cannot live without it, this is like being in a hotel."
"If a blind man cannot see, I ask myself, how can he transmit this disease through his sight."
"Yesterday we could see, today we can't, tomorrow we shall see again, with a slight interrogatory note on the third and final line of the phrase."
"Little by little, under the murky yellowish light of the dim lamps, the ward descended into a deep slumber."
"If things continue like this, we'll end up once more reaching the conclusion that even in the worst misfortunes it is possible to find enough good to be able to bear the aforesaid misfortunes with patience."
"What use is my eyesight, It had exposed her to greater horror than she could ever have imagined."
"Why did I not think of it before, I could have pushed our beds together and we could have slept together, without this constant worry that he might fall out of bed."
"There is no other smell in the entire building, it is the smell of her own body, of the clothes she is wearing."
"Slowly, ever more slowly, dragging her body, she retraced her footsteps to the place where she belonged."
"She raised her hands to her eyes, she had to because she could barely see, but she was not alarmed, she knew they were only tears."
"The night was cold, the wind blew along the front of the building, it seemed impossible that there should still be wind in this world."
"A pair of scissors even less, thought the doctor's wife."
"However, to everything its proper season, just because you rise early does not mean that you will die sooner."
"The sun does not rise at the same time for all those who are blind, it often depends on the keenness of hearing of each of them."
"So long as they did not ask the question they would not hear the dreaded no, and so long as it was not spoken they would go on hoping."
"Anyone who is going to die is already dead and does not know it."
"That we're going to die is something we know from the moment we are born."
"That's why, in some ways, it's as if we were born dead."
"Women are born again in one another, the respectable are reborn as whores, whores are reborn as respectable women."
"The habit does not make the monk, the sceptre does not make the king."
"Sometimes out of weakness, at other times because of some superior force with which we had not reckoned."
"When they reached the door of that cursed ward, it was already so dark that the doctor's wife failed to notice that there were not four but eight beds forming a barrier."
"We are so afraid of the idea of having to die, that we always try to find excuses for the dead, as if we were asking beforehand to be excused when it is our turn."
"The only miracle we can perform is to go on living, to preserve the fragility of life from day to day, as if it were blind and did not know where to go."
"It's a time-honoured custom to pass by the dead without seeing them."
"It is still early in the morning but the heat is already oppressive. The stench rises from the enormous refuse pile like a cloud of toxic gas."
"Sometimes I even wish I were blind as well, to be the same as the others, to have no more obligations than they have."
"The question is, for how long. It won't be for much longer, when everything is finished we shall have to roam the fields in search of food."
"The reaction of the old man with the black eyepatch was quite different, I can imagine the shock you must have had, I imagine a museum in which all the sculptures have their eyes covered."
"I do not know how she manages to drag herself along, she murmurs but a single word to her husband, Hold me."
"A woman teaching her daughter how to read and both had their eyes covered."
"Sometimes it even gives people a romantic air, and he laughed at what he had said and at himself."
"They are dead, she managed to say between sobs, Who is dead, They are, and she could not go on."
"Then the doctor said what all of them were thinking without daring to say it, It is possible that we have come to the end of this blindness."
"She looked down at the street full of refuse, at the shouting, singing people. Then she lifted her head up to the sky and saw everything white, It is my turn, she thought."