
One True King Quotes

One True King by Soman Chainani

One True King Quotes
"Some stories are spoiled from the very beginning."
"Like the one that killed her mother, Hester thought, as she hustled through the dark forest."
"The wedding of King Rhian and Princess Sophie will take place as scheduled, this Saturday, at sundown, at Camelot castle."
"Our promise is pointless if Rhian becomes the One True King!"
"Long live the Lion! Long live the One True King!"
"The Storian is supposed to tell tales that inspire us and move our world forward."
"The past was fuzzy now, her memories elusive."
"The Pen that tells the tale is just that: the teller, with no place in the story."
"Yet here we are: things once held sacred are sacred no longer."
"All she knew was that she’d woken in this prim white dress and tonight she would marry King Rhian, the Lion of Camelot."
"With every step, the sound grew louder. The sound of an unmistakable voice."
"Do you know where she is? Take me to her at once."
"But love has to be received as much as it is given."
"It’s swelled inside you, this green poison, devouring your soul."
"Actions have consequences, Your Highness. _Non-_action has consequences as well."
"How could you choose him over me, Merlin? How could you put your lot in with that?"
"Because we work together. Because we finish missions."
"Daddy told me the tale of ‘The Ill-Timed Queen.’"
"No way can we climb all the way up there without getting skewered like a kebab."
"Go looking for the fool and eventually, the path leads straight back to you."
"The wizard child shrieked with delight as a terrible smell filled the room."
"This is part of the tournament. Things going wrong."
"You fell into his and Japeth’s trap. All because you were jealous of your best friend becoming queen."
"The truth that you're the liar? That you're the fraud?"
"We may not be knights in body. But we are knights in heart."
"Man cannot be trusted to write his own fate."
"The nun at the schoolhouse says our bodies go into the ground but our souls go up into the sky, where we reunite with all our friends."
"You think you’ll get away with this! You cheat! You thief!"
"What we need is to get to Aladdin’s Cave. Do what I say and you and the wizard survive."
"She’s right. Use magic to kill your opponent and the Woods will have even more reason to believe Japeth was the Lion and you the Snake."
"My new Knights of Eleven. Born out of the courage of girls like you and Agatha, who confronted Evil when I was too scared to."
"I looked into your daughter’s eyes when she knew she was going to die."
"Because only monsters kill those who love them."
"You who took love away from me? The only monster I see is you."
"Until today she hadn’t known Dean Brunhilde. Yet the Dean had protected her with her life."
"Whatever you do, don’t let go of my hand."
"You have done what I asked. Both of you. The second test done. One more test remains, Two kings still in the race. The final trial awaits."
"Excalibur," spoke the king. "The Lion’s Grail."
"Find the grail," Arthur ordered. "Find Excalibur. Free it once and for all. He who does will be king. He who fails . . . will pay with his head."
"If it’s love you’re offering, love bigger than marriage, love that will last forever . . . well, that’s a very different proposal indeed."
"But love doesn’t give you that choice. Not real love."
"The future I have seen has many possibilities."
"I tried to avoid the fate we are living now. But in doing so, I only ensured it."
"I’m still the same boy who thought you were my Mama."
"I’m Whiskey Woo, the pirate queen! Not yet eighteen, but still damn mean!"
"Here, anything is possible. In real life, people are afraid of what they can’t understand."
"At some point, people become afraid of life’s mysteries."
"They judge with their fears instead of their hearts."
"In your world, not everyone can have a happy ending."
"With age, their lives get smaller and smaller."
"Kings are born, not made. That is the law of our land."
"We are all objects of our fate, but our will decides whether we overcome the challenges fate brings us."
"The truth cannot be spoken. It must be seen."
"Every good story needs a little impossible."