
Cities Of The Plain Quotes

Cities Of The Plain by Cormac McCarthy

Cities Of The Plain Quotes
"In the bloodred barlight and the drifting smoke they raised their glasses briefly and nodded as if to salute some fourth companion now lost to them."
"I’m like you. I come down here for a fat woman and that’s what I’m havin."
"When the mood comes on you for a fat woman, they just won't nothin else satisfy."
"You can train a rooster to do what you want. But you won’t have him."
"A good horse has justice in his heart. I’ve seen it."
"A lot of people think Oliver Lee killed him. I knew Oliver pretty well... I just don’t believe it."
"You’d wake up in some little town on a Sunday morning and they’d be out in the street shooting at one another. You couldn’t make any sense out of it."
"I think if they didn’t, you couldn’t even train one."
"Bein shot at. Havin dirt thowed on you. Leaves cut. It changes a man’s perspective."
"There were thousands who went to war in the only suit they owned. Suits in which they’d been married and in which they would be buried."
"The world past, the world to come. Their common transiencies. Above all a knowing deep in the bone that beauty and loss are one."
"I reckon I’d better get on to bed, the old man said."
"The tallcase clock in the hallway chimed ten."
"He talked for a long time. He named the towns and villages."
"I dont much like to, he said. But there aint no help for it."
"He rose. I dont much like to, he said. But there aint no help for it."
"Es como una mujer diabólica, the woman said."
"Nothing is going to bring them back once they're gone."
"I think these people mostly come from Tennessee and Kentucky. Edgefield district in South Carolina. Southern Missouri. They were mountain people. They come from mountain people in the old country."
"I think you ought to follow your heart, that's all I ever thought about anything."
"The office of the padrino is not a mere ceremony, it is not some gesture of kinship or some way to bind friends."
"We could be back by dinnertime. I guarantee you."
"If a person could be found, of intelligence and heart, then perhaps the office could be explained to him."
"In a matter such as this, once one is asked he is already responsible. Even should he refuse."
"In the muted light he could not see her but he placed his hand on her body and felt her bowed and trembling under his palm."
"It’s just somethin personal, Billy said. Hell, I aint goin to hurt him."
"He has to be a man of character who is willing to undertake certain duties. That is all."
"This man who was dying was not a man given to sentimentality."
"He knew how frail is the memory of loved ones."
"The greater our hatred the more persistent the memory of them."
"But there is another view. It would not be the first time that a father sacrificed a son."
"A man gets married he dont know what's liable to happen."
"Every act which has no heart will be found out in the end."
"Something was afraid and he had come to comfort it."
"For escaping from the world’s dream of him this is at once his penalty and his reward."
"The world of our fathers resides within us. Ten thousand generations and more."
"The heart that should have killed him long ago by what the army’s recruiting doctors had said still rattled on in his chest, no will of his."
"He made his way east to De Baca County in New Mexico and he looked for the grave of his sister but he could not find it."
"We are not waiting for his history to be written. He passed here long ago. That man who is all men and who stands in the dock for us until our own time come and we must stand for him."
"He drank one evening from a spring beneath a cottonwood, leaning to bow his mouth and suck from the cold silk top of the water and watch the minnows drift and recover in the current beneath him."
"A father and his son walk alone through burned America. Nothing moves in the ravaged landscape save the ash on the wind."
"As in the world. But this is not the world. This is a dream."