
Sandworms Of Dune Quotes

Sandworms Of Dune by Brian Herbert

Sandworms Of Dune Quotes
"So many people I knew in the past are not yet reborn. I still miss them, even though I do not remember them."
"The Bene Gesserit order had resurrected these figures from history to help fight against the terrible Outside Enemy that hunted them."
"The wealthy of historical and tactical experience the reawakened gholas could offer might be the greatest weapon the no-ship possessed."
"Humans are never capable of complete accuracy. Nonetheless, the flawed accounts of human history provide amusing insights into the delusions of mankind."
"Why is religion important? Because logic alone does not compel a person to make great sacrifices."
"Once, I was born of a natural mother, and then reborn many times as a ghola."
"The fate of our race depends on the actions of an unlikely collection of misfits."
"These new Face Dancers cannot be detected by DNA analysis or any other form of cellular scrutiny."
"What is the advantage of prescience if it serves only to reveal our own downfall?"
"Only two options are before us now: defend ourselves or surrender to the Enemy."
"Every man makes errors. When a security chief makes them, though, there are consequences. People die." —Thufir Hawat
"Humanity has a great genetic compass that constantly guides us onward. Our task is to keep it always pointed in the right direction." —Reverend Mother Angelou
"We must never voice doubt. We must believe utterly that we can win this struggle against our Enemy. But in my darkest times alone in my quarters, I always wonder: Is this truly faith, or is it mere foolishness?" —Mother Commander Murbella
"Our no-ship holds many secrets, yes, but not nearly the number we hold inside ourselves." —Leto II
"By following the same beliefs and making the same decisions, one wears Life’s path into a circular rut, going nowhere, accomplishing nothing, making no progress. With God’s help, though, we can turn a sharp corner in the circle and achieve enlightenment." —The Cant of the Shariat
"It is the principle of the ticking time bomb, a strategy of aggression that has long been part of human violence. Thus we have inserted our 'time bombs' into the cells of gholas, activating specific behaviors at precise moments of our choosing." —From The Secret Manual of Tleilaxu Masters
"You say that we must learn from the past. But I—I fear the past, for I have been there, and I have no desire to return." —Dr. Wellington Yueh
"We have so little trouble finding enemies because violence is an innate part of human nature. Our greatest challenge, then, is to choose the most significant enemy, for we cannot hope to fight them all." —Bashar Miles Teg
"Weak minds are gullible. The weaker the thought processes, the more ridiculous the notions they will believe. Strong minds, like mine, can turn that to an advantage." —Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
"A sheathed dagger is useless in a fight. A maula pistol without projectiles is no more than a club. And a ghola without his memories is merely flesh." —Paul Atreides
"I remember your christening on Caladan after you were nearly killed by Imperial intrigues as an infant."
"I’m prepared for it. I’m not afraid of pain."
"You’re too content, young Paul, because your Chani grounds you."
"More than anything, I need my father to know I did not fail."
"Stop calling me Father. Think of me as yourself."
"You think your eyes are open, yet you do not see."
"A planet is not merely an item for study. Rather it is a tool."
"Even with a Navigator’s incredible mental advancement, I cannot forget the fundamental thread that ties us to the rest of humanity: the old emotion of_ hope."
"Some see spice as a blessing, others as a curse. To everyone, however, it is a necessity."
"We can conquer our enemy, of course, but is it worthwhile to achieve victory without understanding the flaws of our opponent?"
"Those who see do not always understand. Those who claim to understand can be the blindest of all."
"Humanity has many profound beliefs. Chief among them is the concept of_ Home."
"We are wounded, but undefeated. We are hurt, but can endure great pain."
"No matter where I go, no matter what I leave behind, my past is always with me, like a shadow."
"Hatred breeds in the fertile ground of life itself."
"We are the new Fremen, and this whole besieged galaxy is our desert."
"The desert still calls me. It sings in my blood like a love song."
"There is an art to legend-telling, and an art to living the legend."
"We are naïve to think that we control a precious commodity. Only through guile and eternal wariness do we keep it out of the hands of our competitors."
"Bacteria are like tiny machines, notable for their effects on larger biological systems."
"Could he build the proper laboratories and equipment? Recruit followers from among the people there? Should he have taken that gamble?"
"Young Scytale had studied the scriptures, meditated long and hard, and finally decided against staying behind—the same decision the Rabbi had reached."
"On Qelso, he wasn’t likely ever to have access to the axlotl technology he needed. His decision was perfectly logical."
"Since he would not leave the axlotl tank that had once been Rebecca, he could cling to his hatred of the Bene Gesserit order, faulting them instead of his own bad choices."
"Well, Scytale thought, there was certainly enough hatred to go around."
"I am a Suk doctor, a surgeon. I can draw a simple geometric shape."
"He set the scriber aside, dressed in a clean doctor’s smock, and headed for the medical center."
"The Sisters were not immune to making poor choices (as they had proved by bringing him back!)"
"What snakes will they set loose among us? he wondered."
"In a matter of hours, the unborn de Vries would shrivel up and die."
"Yueh was content with himself for the first time since his reawakening. At last, he savored the elusive taste of redemption."
"Touch nothing," Teg warned. "Get me all security images right away. We will find the saboteur this time."
"Let’s take what we need, copy our Archives, and vanish into the great unknown to create seed colonies."
"Every man casts a shadow . . . some darker than others."
"We need another Mentat. You, of all people, Wellington Yueh, should not hold the past crimes of a ghola’s old life against him."
"The Sisters were not immune to making poor choices."
"The Sisters had numerous other options. Better ones."
"The Sisters had tried to awaken Thufir Hawat next."
"This was just an innocent baby at the moment. Even if it was de Vries, this ghola child had committed none of the crimes of the original."
"It seems a shame to waste such destructive power on a target that doesn’t harm the true enemy," Janess said. "But we require proof."
"I still want to see it with my own eyes," Murbella said. "Then we’ll throw everything into a defense against the machine advance."
"If we deploy such a weapon in the midst of a thinking-machine battle fleet, it will wreak inconceivable havoc."
"We know a great deal about the Enemy’s battle plan and how their fleet has been advancing. They do not use foldspace engines, so they move methodically from one target to the next, step by step. With the thinking machines there are few surprises."
"Whether we see them or not, there are nets everywhere, encompassing our individual and collective lives. Sometimes it is necessary to ignore them, for the sake of our own sanity."
"What is a Face Dancer?" three-year-old Alia asked, toying with a sharp knife she kept at her side.
"No others have been found yet," Jessica said.
"Are you content with me as a scapegoat, a whipping boy for all the imagined wrongs of the past?"
"I will dump into your brain those hundreds of generations of past lives that occurred after you committed your crime, so that you can see the full scope and consequences of what you did."
"A test must be defined before it can be useful. What are the parameters? What is the accuracy? Too often a test does nothing more than analyze the tester herself."
"We have created a foolproof test. It will be tedious and time-consuming. But you will all submit to it."
"Never underestimate your enemy—or your allies."
"Our shared humanity should, by definition, make us allies. In sad fact, however, our very similarities often appear to be vast differences and insurmountable obstacles."
"True loyalty is an unshakable force. The difficulty is in determining exactly where a person’s allegiance lies. Often that bond is only to oneself."
"Time is a commodity more precious than melange. Even the wealthiest man cannot buy more minutes to put into each hour."
"How do we repay a man who has done the impossible?"
"We shall face the Enemy, and die if we must die. My strong preference, however, is to kill what we must kill."
"Some say that survival itself can be the best revenge. For myself, I prefer something a bit more extravagant."
"Having fulfilled his purpose, the Baron was about to march out of the no-ship."
"The Baron reacted, not caring about consequences."
"Jessica screamed. Paul rushed forward, but too late."
"The evil machines have always wanted to exterminate humanity."
"Optimism may be the greatest weapon humanity possesses."
"One can always find a battlefield if one looks hard enough."
"Enduring my own mistakes once was bad enough."
"To be imperfect, but human, is far preferable."
"No education, training, or prescience can show us the secret abilities we contain within ourselves. We can only pray those special talents are available in our time of greatest need."
"Even prescience has its limits. No one will ever know all the things that might have been."
"You see enemies everywhere, but I see only obstacles—and I know what to do with obstacles. Either move them or crush them, so that we can be on our way."
"A single decision, a single moment, can make the difference between victory and defeat."
"It is too simplistic to state that humans are the enemies of all thinking machines. I strive to understand these creatures, but they remain incomprehensible to me."
"Where there is life, there is hope... or so the old sayings tell us. But for the truly faithful there is always hope, and it is not determined by either death or life."
"Life is about determining what to do next, from moment to moment. I’ve never been afraid of making decisions."