
A Hunger Like No Other Quotes

A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole

A Hunger Like No Other Quotes
"Sometimes the fire that licks the skin from his bones dies down."
"His existence is to burn to death repeatedly, only to have his dogged immortality revive him again."
"Detailed fantasies of retribution have gotten him this far; nursing the rage in his heart is all he has."
"Need her. Bury myself in her. Waited so long…"
"In all of us, even in good men, there is a lawless wild-beast nature, which peers out in sleep." - Socrates (469–399 BCE)
"Starving in Paris. And friendless. Was there ever such a predicament?"
"It wasn’t their fault that they were bastards who should die."
"His eyes go wet and he shudders violently at the loss. An anguished roar makes the city tremble."
"The human males she passed turned their heads slowly to regard her, frowns in place, sensing something, but unsure."
"You told me the night before that you might kill me."
"I'd be lying if I said I did anything particularly well."
"Why would she think he hadn’t been watching her drive?"
"Practiced in the parking lot when you showered. Doona worry, I could see the entrance at all times."
"That’s no’ why I was watching. You look annoyed about this. If you want to drive…?"
"Remember, I’m preternaturally strong and intelligent."
"He was stunned to realize that even the moon had never held his gaze so completely."
"He’d spent his entire life acquiring the pieces in anticipation of giving them to her."
"No matter what had happened, he’d escaped his enemies and could go about building his life again."
"She was unique among all the females he’d ever seen."
"He couldn’t decide if she was fey or a siren in appearance."
"And she had an arse that made him hiss ‘mercy’ under his breath."
"Knowing his beliefs and aware of how sick others would find it, he reasoned he must be depraved—because he’d reveled in it."
"It was as if she’d opened up a new sexual venue that he had never imagined."
"Though it should be a mark of shame to be hidden, he found he liked to look at her bite."
"But he was her first and would be her only, and that made him proud."
"Perhaps her vampire family had found her too sensitive or introspective and had been cruel to her."
"Lachlain was aware of what was happening. He was siding with her, beginning to consider all things in terms of them."
"She stretched, pulling out her earbuds, which apparently in Lykae was code for ‘Interrogate me.’"
"She was really beginning to hate speaking with him."
"He met her eyes, giving her a look so primal it made her shiver."
"You doona seem to care that we had to stop tonight."
"The moment was broken by the sound of some woman screaming her way to ecstasy."
"She faced him, her silvery eyes mesmerizing."
"‘This isn’t me,’ she murmured. ‘I’m not like this. I barely even know you.’"
"She was relieved she wasn’t this mate of his."
"She would have dragged the unwitting vampire along."
"She glanced up at him, realizing that as she’d been contemplating his leg, he’d clearly been doing the same to hers."
"If they have some agenda that included Emma, they won’t stop searching for her."
"She was certain he heard her gasp before he closed the door."
"You made a decision to attack me in the field and in the hotel room in Paris?"
"You want to go home and you will, but no’ for just a few days more."
"Why not? Just think of all the things I did in a shower in Paris for only a phone call."
"Incredible! Because you’re from the past, I’ll hip you to some rules."
"You might be able to keep me here for four more nights, but it doesn’t mean I have to spend them with you."
"You’d sleep with me to leave me a few days early?"
"And I know you’ll come back to me before dawn."
"You made a promise to me to stay until the full moon."
"You would keep me from my family when I need them the most?"
"Just think of all the things I did in a shower in Paris for only a phone call."
"You may not want a war, but you’ve got one."
"Avoid at all costs. She craved cover, thick canopy, a cave or some way to get lower in the earth, farther from the sun."
"I never knew my mother. She died right after I was born."
"Imagine ten thousand memories like that clotting your mind."
"I will feed and... heal. Turn again and never stop until I’ve killed... the Lykae."
"Your mother tried to get me to stop drinking blood."
"She assassinated my nemesis when no one else could, and is the key to my crown."
"Because that’s my queen and I’ll die for her."
"I wish to God…I wish you had no’. That kills me inside, knowing I cursed you with that memory."
"Always, Emmaline," he grated against her lips. "Always. So damn much you make me mad with it."
"I’ll demand that ride tomorrow, love, but first you’re going to seewild from a man who knows."
"I followed you. Emma, I’ll always come for you."
"But how can you be right with me? Knowing who I am?"
"I know who you are. I saw everything that occurred, and we have no secrets between us now. And I want you so badly my mind canna comprehend it."
"I dinna go mad after those years of hell, but I was just shy of it when I thought of losing you."
"If you felt the same, then why did you no’ come back to Kinevane? To me?"