
Stranger In The Woods Quotes

Stranger In The Woods by Anni Taylor

Stranger In The Woods Quotes
"The more Elodie tried to ignore the cold and dark the more it crept in."
"Better. The brightly lit house looked like a home again."
"Can’t make potato mash for the cottage pie without potatoes."
"It’s best to keep to regular sleep cycles when you’ve travelled across time zones."
"She’s the one who is going to stick in your mind."
"It’s all about living the best life you can while managing the risks."
"I’m simply doing my job and helping Alban along in his career."
"I tried my best to allay her fears, making everything sound rosy."
"I realised how sleepy I was as soon as I started reading."
"The more I tried to stay awake, the more I could feel myself drifting towards sleep."
"You’re obviously still recovering from jet lag."
"The McGregors were in Edinburgh and Greer was away."
"For all I knew, he had a perfectly good reason for being in the forest, but I couldn’t think of one."
"I made my way up the hills. It quickly became obvious to me that I was seriously unfit."
"I had a whole month here—I didn’t have to rush like I did in my normal job to catch a scene before it vanished."
"I was relieved to hear the chatter between Greer and Alban."
"All they show is a heavily edited version of their real lives."
"I’d be glad of a bit of company, especially a pretty young girl."
"I hoped the pictures would look as powerful as they did in the moment."
"I wasn’t going to get the shots I wanted. But at least now I knew the landscapes and time of sunset here better."
"I was liking the quiet, to be honest. A refreshing change from Sydney."
"The constant tension between them set my teeth on edge."
"You shouldn’t go off into the woods in fog. You’ll lose your way in no time."
"You’re saying I did this? Of course I didn’t. How would I even manage to get him up there?"
"Please, let’s all get away from here. I don’t want Rhiannon getting distressed."
"I don’t mind at all." I truly didn’t. Rhiannon was a quiet presence.
"She’s got no right being anywhere near there. None at all. They all know what happened there. They know."
"I wasn’t imagining it. The two lines were a match—the line in the painting and the abductor’s exit path."
"I’m sorry. I read this all wrong. I came looking for Alban and I saw that thing up there, and I jumped to conclusions."
"I’ll go take a look about in the woods," he told her.
"The weather’s turned. Shame." She dabbed at her eyes with a tissue.
"I’m taking you to Inverness. Some of Alban’s best work is there and we need some photographs as part of the portfolio."
"The whole thing was all the worse for the fact that the McGregors were obviously not fond of the Chandlishes and their friends."
"You don’t want to be out there. Whoever did this might still be roaming around."
"I was glad I’m getting you out of here for a few hours. Leave old Braithnoch behind for a while and get some different air."
"It’s a big relief. Does Elodie have anyone to sit with her? I mean, the mother is going to be kept busy with a new baby to care for."
"I’d have absolutely freaked if I’d seen that bogle up in the tree."
"I was about to step out of the room when something caught my eye. The painting on the wall."
"You’re a bit pale, Isla." She frowned in concern.
"I feel terrible about what I said. Let Alban deal with this."
"We don’t know for sure that it was Troy," Aubrey mumbled.
"I’d better let you go then." A clipped laugh came through the phone line.
"You have to be careful what you tell her. I’ve learned that the hard way."
"We might just fall in love with one of the streets there and decide to move."
"You’re not wrong. Hey, I forgot to tell you. We’re having dinner tonight with the Chandlishes."
"Love comes from respect. Being scared of someone just means you respect them."
"If they don’t test you, they don’t love you."
"They’re honest. If they like ya, they like ya. If they don’t, you’ll soon know it."
"I’m planning on taking some photos of the house today. And maybe some portraits of Rhiannon. Would you like to help out?"
"Only a mother knows her daughter well enough to spot the signs that something’s really wrong."
"You deserve better. I haven’t known what to tell you. It’s not you—"
"You’re too young. I’m almost thirty-seven. And, it’s…well, you’re so good with Stella, and I’m just not ever going to be the kind of person who wants to have children."
"Because…I was afraid you’d just brush it all aside and tell me it was okay. And then I’d believe that it was okay."
"Was I going to spend the rest of my life dreaming that dream, collecting every bad thing that happened and keeping it in a room there?"
"The merest and most random of events could mean that things carried on as normal or that everything changed."
"My memories were suddenly swept back all the way to my childhood."
"Because the person had often been standing on an edge for a long time and showed few signs that they were about to fall from it."
"Don’t go wandering up here alone. You need to keep your wits about you, Isla, and not blunder about like that."
"I had no idea what I was going to do that. I could stay here in the cottage and edit photos, but my mind was restless."
"Sometimes, it’s hard to know if it’s the drugs or an oncoming seizure, or both. It’s scary."
"All I know is that you’ll get through it. You will. You’ll get to the other side."
"The storm raged outside but it no longer felt like it could tear me into the sky and carry me away."
"The last thing Jessica had spoken repeated itself in my mind: Maybe we should all just stay quiet now. We’re not helping things."
"My heart in my throat, I struggled across the snowy moor, approaching the archway of the old building."
"It’s a good snow out there. We need the blizzards to come through every now and again. Wipe the slate clean. Make everything right again."
"Life is strange. All these wee coincidences that sometimes lead to things we couldn’t have imagined."
"I drove along the road towards Inverness, looking out for headlights at the side of the road."
"Peyton seemed to snap out of his shock," Jessica said. "And I asked him to call an ambulance, which I thought he did."
"They appeared minor. But I still thought she needed to go to hospital for a proper check."
"I might have said something close to the first thing. I was starting to get labour pains at this point."
"That must have been extremely painful and terrifying," the defence lawyer said.
"We’ll wait to see where the defence is taking this line of argument."
"I understood now why Jessica had taken the stand."
"I thought she’d come to do harm to my family."
"I was too frightened of her to ask her to go."
"I didn’t know what was coming next or what Jessica would say."
"It’s hard to remember. It was two years ago."
"I’d no reason to think he would go to my house and hurt my daughter."
"We are here to listen to the rest of the claims of Mrs Jessica McGregor."
"I knew everything now, but I was still lost."
"I’ll find a way to return your money to you."
"I stopped struggling against the things she’d told."
"I was starting to feel completely natural to hold her like this."