
Love Does: Discover A Secretly Incredible Life In An Ordinary World Quotes

Love Does: Discover A Secretly Incredible Life In An Ordinary World by Bob Goff

Love Does: Discover A Secretly Incredible Life In An Ordinary World Quotes
"Love is never stationary. In the end, love doesn’t just keep thinking about it or keep planning for it. Simply put: love does."
"We’re all a little like human origami and the more creases we have, the better."
"What I learned from Randy about the brand of love Jesus offers is that it’s more about presence than undertaking a project."
"That’s what love does—it pursues blindly, unflinchingly, and without end."
"When love is a theory, it’s safe, it’s free of risk. But love in the brain changes nothing."
"God doesn’t want failure to shut us down. God didn’t make it a three-strikes-and-you’re-out sort of thing."
"I used to think God guided us by opening and closing doors, but now I know sometimes God wants us to kick some doors down."
"God made it so that ordinary people like you and me can launch each other."
"I don’t think it looks like a series of folded-over mistakes and do-overs that have shaped our lives. Instead, I think we’ll conclude in the end that maybe we’re all a little like human origami and the more creases we have, the better."
"Sometimes God allows us to find ourselves in a place where we want something so bad that we can’t see past it."
"But somehow God allows us each to be served up anyway."
"Jesus didn’t say He would ice over the grit of faults and failures either; He said He would use us in spite of the grit and faults and failures."
"My life had not been shattered into many pieces by a massive tragedy, but it consisted of as many disorganized pieces as it would if it had been."
"Jesus talked about lawyers a lot too. None of it was very flattering, actually."
"I used to think you had to be special for God to use you, but now I know you simply need to say yes."
"I used to think I had to be somebody important to accomplish things, but now I know Jesus uses ordinary people more."
"I used to think I needed an invitation to get into most places, but now I know I’m already invited."
"I used to think the words spoken about us describe who we are, but now I know they shape who we are."
"I used to think I needed to sacrifice for God, but now I know faith is like a game of Bigger and Better."
"I used to think religion tasted horrible, but now I know I was just eating the fake stuff."
"I used to think words were all the same, but now I know there are some words I shouldn’t use."
"I used to think life could be shared with anyone, but now I know choosing the right people is pretty important."
"I used to think the best teachers wore tweed jackets and smoked pipes, but now I know they flip over and leak."
"I used to think I had missed the mark and God was mad about it, but now I know 'missing the mark' is a stupid analogy."
"I used to think rules were made by someone else, but now I know we get to make some of our own."
"I used to think life was about avoiding certain people, but now I know it’s about not becoming one of them."
"I used to think God was interested in helping me discover His will for my life, but now I know He’s more interested in having me trust Him."
"Truth is, I wasn’t really bothered by all this. The Jeep, despite its new handicaps, was way cooler, tougher, and more charming."
"I want to leak from having been hit by Jesus. From having something crazy happen to me, something that flipped my life upside down."
"Confession: I don’t like needing anybody for anything, and I never have."
"Being dependent has helped me see the world in a whole new way."
"I doubt I’ll ever see my Jeep again, but it doesn’t matter; the lessons it taught me are living on in its absence."
"I used to think knowing God was like going on a business trip with Him, but now I know He’s inviting me on an adventure instead."
"Every day God invites us on the same kind of adventure."
"I think God is more of a Half Dome traveler than a Hampton Inn traveler."
"I haven’t seen a combination of tree limbs that looked like John the Baptist or a cloud formation resembling Jesus."
"He wants followers, not just onlookers or people taking notes."
"I used to be afraid that if I was authentic I might take a hit, but now I know that being real means I will take a hit."
"I used to think following God required a lot of navigation, but now I know all I need is a line and a circle."
"I used to think I should talk about everything, but now I know it’s better to keep some things a secret."
"I used to think God was good some of the time, but now I know He’s good all the time."
"I used to think there were some prisons you couldn’t escape, but now I know there’s no place I can go where God can’t rescue us."
"I used to think I needed to record stories, but now I know I just need to engage them."
"I want to name her The Story." - Adam, on naming his boat
"All of the things I can remember that have shaped me...in the hopes that one day, I’ll see evidence of Jesus in them."
"Memories are what older people have... So I think I’ll do lots of things, and then maybe write them down later." - Adam
"I want to be doing things today, not just flipping through...mental pictures of what happened a long time ago."
"I used to think I needed to pick sides, but now I know it’s better to pick a fight."
"If you’re going to schedule a fight... always pick a fight on a Thursday."
"Palms up means you have nothing to hide and nothing to gain or lose."
"I used to think that taking a risk would reduce the number of friends I have, but now I know that love draws more people in."
"Pick something you feel like you were made to do and then do lots of that."
"Heaven’s been leaning over the rails...waiting to see what you’ll do with your life."