
Showdown Quotes

Showdown by Ted Dekker

Showdown Quotes
"Dekker delivers his signature exploration of good and evil in the context of a genuine thriller that could further enlarge his already sizable audience."
"It brings home the horror of sin and the depth of sacrifice in a way another book would not—could not."
"Dekker excels at crafting stories that are hard to put down, and Showdown is the hardest yet."
"The prose is smooth and tight, the message on target, and the ideas daring."
"An inventive plot and fast-paced action put Dekker at the top of his game."
"With the release of White, and the culmination of the Circle Trilogy, Dekker has placed himself at the fore of Christian fiction."
"Dekker is a master of suspense and even makes room for romance."
"Dekker's trilogy is a mythical epic, with a vast, predetermined plot and a scope of staggering proportions."
"Ted Dekker is the most exciting writer I’ve read in a very long time."
"What an emotional and thrilling story within a story!"
"Before we learn how grace and hope will change your lives, we’re going to remember."
"Remember how things were before grace and hope came to town."
"You’ve been stuck in the same old ruts for so long, you wouldn’t know grace or hope if they both smacked you upside the head at the same time."
"You have a choice to make. Are you going to follow me, the man God sent to Paradise with a new message of grace and hope?"
"Who would use such obvious gimmicks to impress a crowd?"
"We know what happened to the snake, don’t we?"
"When someone tells me their stomach is tied in knots and their knees are knocking, I might guess they were about to step onto a thrilling roller-coaster ride, or maybe meet someone they’re in love with."
"Then there is no difference between fear and excitement, because they both feel the same to me."
"I’m more alive than I’ve ever been! I feel like I’ve just been born into a big incredible world that’s dying for me to gobble it up."
"If you don’t know this, you can’t even write about it intelligently. That’s not trickery. It’s common sense."
"Every nook is packed with a history of its own."
"Consider this. We are taught to embrace life, to read and write and paint and speak and love and to embrace all forms of communication with passion."
"The sword of truth was dividing bone from marrow."
"Her mind crawled from the gray haze of another world, where it had been trapped for the last fifteen hours."
"It’s like a whole new world, Darcy. What did I tell you? Now how does it feel?"
"I can guarantee you that everything down here will knock your socks off."
"If you ask me, it’s clear that ambiguity does indeed exist in the rules they’ve been shoving down our throats all these years."
"The power each of you wield is beyond your comprehension."
"Investigate, you say? Then you’d best do it slowly and carefully, lest you inadvertently plunge into a hole from which there is no escape."
"The future of this monastery is in your hands."
"The power to turn this world upside down. It’s a great dream I have given everything for."
"But nothing’s wrong, right? As far as you can tell everything’s okay?"
"You think you’re such a hot number? I’ve got news for you, honey. You’re not the only one men find attractive around here."
"You show me a single act on the part of the Creator that doesn’t benefit himself, Christine, and I daresay I will recant."
"The rules are the basis for everything at the monastery. Without them, we’re just orphans from the street."
"We can’t very well populate the world with fictitious characters."
"Your confusion will be your own undoing. This interpretation will bring a pain you can’t imagine."
"I take to issue, however, our narrow understanding of the meaning of creator. We are all creators."
"Not a place anyone in his right mind would want to go."
"We’re a team, Johnny. You and me. We’ll fix this mess for sure."
"A strange mixture of innocence and education."
"You have to remember, we can’t make people do things."
"TOTAL DARKNESS slid over Paradise early that night, before seven, which was abnormal this time of year."
"Wake up! Paradise is falling apart at the seams, and most of you are too blinded to see it."
"Have I come to kill you, or have I come to heal your wounds?"
"They only grow toward the light. Like snakes trying to escape."
"No, I just want to see if you're half as frightening as my friend Johnny here says you are."
"The power to do what you want is nearly irresistible."
"It was my choice! I deserved that much. My choice!"
"Trust the books, Father. You said it yourself."
"I have the books. What more power do I need? It's hopeless!"
"Every muscle in Johnny’s body froze at the sight."
"He buried his head between his knees and began to sob quietly."
"A man Johnny thought might be Dr. Malone reached out and slapped the boy."
"Blood poured from the wound, over Steve’s fists, and to the ground."
"In a matter of ten seconds, the whole southern half of the town was leveled."
"Samuel’s eyes suddenly opened, bright and blue."
"Grace and hope are dead without love, Steve."
"The books were limited to the monastery and the children in the monastery."
"The sound wasn’t in his head. It was on the wind."
"He might have been down for only a minute, lost to the world, but it felt like an hour."
"How could any father this side of heaven give up his son, regardless of what good it might bring?"
"I believe, Raul, I really do. God help my unbelief."
"They brought you in here unconscious half an hour ago and gave you a shot."