
Night Star Quotes

Night Star by Alyson Noel

Night Star Quotes
"It is the mark of a daring writer to defy expectations."
"Ever’s supernatural struggles are a captivating metaphor for teenage fears about love, relationships, and growing up."
"You could’ve let me die months ago. But you chose to give me the elixir instead."
"You know what else is good at recharging my energy?"
"The writing here is clear, the story well-defined, and narrator Ever has an engaging voice that teens should enjoy."
"Sometimes they’re just too painful to deal with—too hard to get over. Memories are haunting things."
"There’s no use reliving the trauma of things we can’t change."
"I fell into it easily, and loved the world Noël created."
"The point of reincarnation is to experience as many different lives as possible."
"You’ll never beat me. You’ll never win this one, Ever. It’s impossible."
"What’s the matter, Ever? You look a little…upset."
"You’re perfectly safe. I can almost guarantee that."
"I’m an immortal. I’ve roamed this earth for just over six hundred years."
"I’m stronger. I mean, I think you’ve already experienced plenty of evidence to support that."
"She’s got nothing protecting her now. Whereas I never remove mine..."
"The one and only person out of your entire super-secret gang of the eternally beautiful—the only one out of all of you who was willing to sit down and level with me, without pulling any punches or trying to pass off any kind of bull—the one and only person who was willing to look me in the eye and reveal all was surprisingly enough—Damen."
"As long as you’re with me, no one can ever hurt you again."
"I have no interest in being some big, phony, glossed-up movie star."
"She stopped wearing her amulet. She’s got nothing protecting her now."
"The experiences I allow myself to have will only feed my craft in the end—but only if I remain mortal."
"I mean, she’s pretty much the only real friend I have left at this point."
"I’m a pacifist. You know that. It’s not my style."
"What I want, more than anything, is to reach the end of my life with a solid before-and-after picture to reflect back on."
"And when I finally realize I’ve gasped, don’t even realize I’ve made any sound at all, until he leaps from the couch, his eyes wide, face frantic, when he finds me standing right there behind him."
"You have to stop hiding out at the store and deal with your life head-on."
"You should know that you will not control it, you will not determine it, and you will not see it coming."
"I’ve no doubt about that, Ever. No doubt at all."
"Everything passes. Everything experiences the birth and death cycle."
"She’s clearly in trouble, clearly needs help, and it’s up to me to try to reach her."
"You know how they say that when you die your whole life flashes before you? Well, it’s true."
"Never once imagining she’d switch at the very last moment."
"The irony being—now that I realize all of this, finally realize the truth of him and me, I’m forced to spend the rest of eternity suspended in the abyss."
"The only bright spot on the entire horizon of my boring life being a fellow parishioner with dark shaggy hair, a generous smile, and kind eyes I instantly recognize as belonging to Jude."
"My help came with conditions. And if she wanted it, well, she’d have to earn it."
"I may have questioned, second-guessed, veered a good ways from the path now and then, but all of that confusion existed only in my head."
"I watch my other lives as well, watch as my soul merges into the body of a well-coddled and extremely pampered baby who will grow up to be a frivolous, spoiled daughter of a wealthy land baron."
"When two people are truly meant to be, they love equally."
"That’s exactly where I’m headed, and it’s just like it was when I experienced it through Damen."
"That’s our old way of communicating. We no longer keep secrets."
"It’s nothing," I say, shoving the box into Haven’s side, pushing hard against her. "It’s just that energy sports drink I like."
"You came to get her…what?" Sabine squints, struggling to make sense of it.
"Whoops!" Haven laughs. "Well, anywho, don’t mean to keep you."
"Sabine—I have to go somewhere with Haven. It won’t take long, and when I get back, we can talk all you want, but for now, I have to go."
"You’ll do nothing of the sort!" she cries, her voice high-pitched, shrill.
"Go to your room!" Her cheeks red, eyes blazing, face so full of outrage.
"Sabine, I’m sorry. Really I am. But there are things you just don’t understand—don’t want to understand."
"No worries, Ever. You stay with your auntie. She’s obviously very upset. I can get it from here."
"Oh, would you look at that—Damen brought his own backup. That’s so cute!"