
Chosen Quotes

Chosen by P.C. Cast

Chosen Quotes
"You know how it is with cats: They don’t really have owners, they have staff."
"But we’re going to smile and pretend we’re fine with the dorky birthmas gifts because people do not get that they can’t mush a birthday into Christmas."
"If my parents aren’t ignoring me, they’re insulting me. I like being ignored better."
"Lies don’t fix things. They don’t even make things easier, at least not in the long run. Best to tell the truth and then clean up an honest mess."
"And you need to understand that I want to feed. I want to tear open human throats and drink that warm blood so filled with terror and anger and pain that it makes me dizzy."
"No. I’m choosing a loving goddess who has Marked me as her own and gifted me with special powers."
"It was Christians who adopted that tradition from Pagans, not the other way around."
"Your mother has found you, and it is sad but true that she never liked to think for herself. Now you’re doing her thinking for her."
"I’m not acting weird. At least not that weird."
"Actually, you’re freakishly close to perfect."
"There’s no such thing as privacy at this school."
"I wouldn’t look like me if I was dressed like that either."
"Well, you’d rather talk to Neferet, but she won’t be back for maybe another week or so."
"But I want to be able to touch you without you pulling away from me like I’m some kind of leper."
"It was just Blake, and he’s not even a full professor."
"I am not getting you mixed up with Aphrodite."
"He’s almost nineteen and an amazingly talented actor."
"I had to get her out of this kind of life—I had to figure out a way to keep her safe until this awful thing that had happened to her could be fixed."
"Okay, nasty, just nasty! And for your information Heath is not my boy toy. He’s my boyfriend, or one of them anyway."
"Girls hang around the dorm in pj’s and nappy, uncombed hair, sleepily eating bowls of cereal or cold popcorn and staring at reruns on the different wide-screen TVs in the dorm’s main room."
"Each person has only so much perkiness. If they use it up early in the day, then it’s gone and you’re left with grumpiness."
"Stevie Rae wouldn’t want us to mess up a ritual because we’re missing her."
"I was also sporting Damien’s snowman scarf, which really was soft as a cashmere dream."
"I searched the musty old books in the metaphysical section of the library."
"I believe in that kind of attraction. Do you?"
"I thought adult vampyres weren’t supposed to have relationships with fledglings."
"I can feel your pulse. I know every time your heart beats."
"I’m probably just imagining things. See you tonight."
"You’re changing, Zoey. And I’m not sure what you’re changing into."
"If that’s what you think, then why did you memorize them?"
"They’re damn nice to look at—I mean truly, seriously hot."
"When I was away with my parents, I did some reading up on your vampyre goddess, Nyx."
"It fills us and breathes life into us. I call wind to our circle."
"It warms and succors us. I call fire to our circle."
"It soothes and washes us. I call water to our circle."
"From it we are born, and to it we all shall return. I call earth to our circle."
"Protect us with the night; above all it is in darkness we delight."
"Around this coven we ask Nyx’s curtain to be cast."
"All who enter or leave I shall detect, vampyre, fledgling, human, all will be checked."
"If harm is meant to my will it shall be bent."
"This is how I make up for everything I caused. This time it’s me who was Chosen."
"No. This is how I make up for everything I caused. This time it’s me who was Chosen."
"Nyx took it from me and gave it to Stevie Rae."
"Remember when we thought me having a sucky birthday was our biggest problem?"
"Kinda funny, kinda gross, and more than kinda messy."