
The Princess Quotes

The Princess by Lori Wick

The Princess Quotes
"I have something to tell both of you. Do you think Rafe will have time?"
"I’ve never been so impressed with a family in my life."
"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
"You’re doing beautifully, and you look lovely. That blue is wonderful on you."
"Fear is a sin, Shelby. He apologized. You’re going to have to get over it."
"I am deeply ashamed, Shelby, that you are now frightened of me."
"I thought you might be tempted to hit me."
"It’s hard to settle into a new place, and I am well aware of how strange it can all be."
"Would he have left his home, all that was familiar and dear, to marry a stranger who had complete control over him? He didn’t think he would."
"It’s probably impossible for you to believe that right now because you don’t know me, but I hope in time you’ll come to see that I mean it."
"I can’t say as I remember very much about it. I’ll have to go back."
"In a move to appear calmer than she felt, Shelby tucked her hair behind her ears and crossed her legs."
"Yes. For better or for worse, it’s mine."
"I’m sorry to cut this short," Nikolai said sincerely.
"Do you still drive yourself?" "Yes. I drove myself today."
"That’s great," Connie spoke up. "I was at the hospital on Thursday about ten, and they told me I’d just missed you."
"I thought you might be sorry you chose me to marry Nikolai."
"You’re 24?" the prince said with a frown. "I thought you were 23."
"I was at the care center this morning," Shelby told Nikolai’s grandparents.
"The Lord had been speaking to his heart and leaving no doubt as to what he should do: He needed to get to know his wife."
"Shelby, what are you talking about? I’ve seen Nikolai angry. It’s not a pretty thing."
"Shelby, come sit on this bench with me, will you?"
"I can’t tell you what a help you’ve been."
"You’re still speaking as though you did the wrong thing, dear."
"I would say she’s very happy, Prince Nikolai."
"I think it will do me good to stay, but thank you for offering."
"How does it feel?" "A little funny at times, but the staff is so kind."
"I know it isn’t easy for him, but just this morning we talked for a while."
"I’m glad I checked with you, dear," she said instead. "Know that your father and I will be praying."
"I think it’s so special to come to the lake house and still have a chance for fellowship."
"I’ll come down to the kitchen, shall I?"
"In my newfound faith I knew that worry was a sin. I had no choice but to give my son to God, even if I never saw him again."
"Worry was a sin. Our text here in Matthew 6, Jesus’ own words, makes that perfectly clear."
"When we worry we say to God, ‘I can’t trust You. You’re not doing Your job, so I’m going to step in and take over.’"
"God is able to bear all that you are fretting about. He has made a plan. He has made provision."
"Help me to do this, Father. Help me to give Shelby to You."
"You can’t just call that arrogance and foolishness—it’s sin."
"There are no shoulders larger or more capable than His. Give that worry, whatever it is, to God."
"I’m not sure you understand, Princess Shelby. Food prepared in great quantities tends to have a certain institutional-type flavor."
"We spend a small fortune on grounds, which most of the patrons cannot even go out to enjoy."
"Three delicious meals a day will go much further for the hearts and lives, no matter how brief, of our elderly patients."
"I’ve given Kris new instructions. He has my permission to bodily remove you from any situation that he deems dangerous."
"I’m very serious. He even has my permission to knock you unconscious if you fight him."
"I don’t want you to beat yourself up over this. I just want you to be more aware for next time."
"Don’t ever forget, Shelby, that he loves his job."
"After seeing that you were all right, I had all I could do not to shout at you for giving away your shoes."
"I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that."
"I don’t know, Peter. The doctors say he’s pretty sick."
"I read that the way to God is through His Son, Jesus Christ."
"You should have seen them on the feet of the little old man I gave them to. His bathrobe was red, his pajamas were gray, and my shoes were a bright pink."
"Most women would kill to have such an attentive husband."
"We’ll do that," she said softly and smiled into his eyes.
"You’re the daughter I couldn’t have. Even if I had tried to dream you, you’re the daughter my imagination wouldn’t have done justice to."
"He’s being looked at right now, but he’s fine. We’ll bring him to you as soon as the other doctor finishes his examination."
"You can always talk to me about this, and you can always go to Toby."
"Please help me, Lord. Help me not to take that away from us with my selfishness, fear, and pride."
"Thank you for volunteering to come," Shelby said to her mother-in-law.
"I have to tell you something, Nikolai; I have to!" Shelby looked almost desperate now.
"I always thought the most terrifying thing would be to love alone, but this is worse."
"I didn’t know I could love you, certainly not this swiftly after our marriage, but then I chose to love you."
"It isn’t going to be the same for you, Red. You are in my world, but I think your heart has been waiting for a signal from me."
"This is not some test, Shelby, not at all."
"You’re just now starting to feel like yourself again. What kind of selfish monster does that make me if I have an agenda to cover with you?"
"I want more than anything to start making promises to you, Nick, but that would be foolish. I’m confused right now."
"I had no warning with Yvette, Lord, but maybe this is Your way of telling me I won’t have her."
"If I’m being logical and not emotional, I can honestly say I don’t think God has that for us."
"Don’t try to love me, just keep on doing what you’re doing."
"I can’t imagine your care of me being any more wonderful than it already is."
"My parents knew just what they were doing."
"If you go out, you’re going to spread your germs. No one will thank you for that."
"What kind of selfish monster does that make me if I have an agenda to cover with you?"
"I love knowing it will last for more than two generations."
"I don’t have all the answers. You ask me how God could give up His Son to die. My human mind can’t quite comprehend it."