
Anna And The French Kiss Quotes

Anna And The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Anna And The French Kiss Quotes
"The art museum is called the Louvre and it’s shaped like a pyramid and the Mona Lisa lives there along with that statue of the woman missing her arms."
"Since his announcement, I’ve tried yelling, begging, pleading, and crying, but nothing has convinced him otherwise."
"Ever since he sold out and started writing lame books that were turned into even lamer movies, he’s been trying to impress his big-shot New York friends with how cultured and rich he is."
"My dream is to study film theory in California. I want to be our nation’s greatest female film critic."
"Oh." I grip the shirt in my hands a little tighter."
"I don’t understand why he couldn’t send me to Australia or Ireland or anywhere else where English is the native language."
"The food is supposed to be good, and the people drink a lot of wine and smoke a lot of cigarettes."
"I’ve heard they don’t like Americans, and they don’t like white sneakers."
"The only French word I know is oui, which means "yes," and only recently did I learn it’s spelled o-u-i and not w-e-e."
"It’s only the first week of school. We have all the time in the world to visit your museum."
"You know, I’ve heard if you use too much of that stuff, you can actually desensitize yourself to germs and get more sick."
"She thinks she’s so much better than us, now that she’s at Parsons."
"I’m just so tired of going out there and being helpless."
"But there’s no way he’ll be able to focus on anything until he sees her!"
"I want to feel the creases in his skin, connect his freckles with invisible lines, brush my fingers across the inside of his wrist."
"I’ve never seen so many movie listings in my life."
"I've been thinking about the familiar, too. I miss Toph again."
"It's kind of hard to date someone who's not interested in you."
"What's the point of seat reservations, anyway?"
"I'm sick of seeing you waste your energy on that jerk."
"I don't think your mom would want you beating yourself up over something you can't control."
"You're the only person I know left in Paris."
"Why do I care so much about him, and why do I wish I didn't?"
"I'm so sorry you have to spend today in a hospital."
"We’ll just walk. And we’ll keep walking until the rest of the world ceases to exist."
"Your day was a nightmare. Are you all right?"
"I’m okay. I’m just glad I have you to talk to."
"I’ve spoken with Meredith a few times over the break, too, but she’s never as much fun as St. Clair."
"How could she keep this a secret from me? Her betrayal is infinitely more painful."
"Is it possible for home to be a person and not a place?"
"I can’t walk. What am I supposed to say? Fourteen consecutive days of telephone conversations and now that he’s here in person, I doubt I can stammer a hello."
"The characters suffer in the beginning and the middle, but not the end. There’s positive resolution."
"If only everything could be said in the present tense."
"I take it further. His bedroom. He slips off her dress, their lips lock, their bodies press, and—oh my God—my temperature rises, and my stomach is sick."
"I’m shocked. Like I’d ever sleep with Dave! And he told everyone that he broke up with me? How dare he?"
"School has ruined cinema. It’s official. There’s nothing worth living for."
"Just promise me next time you attack Amanda, you’ll actually break something?"
"The translator, no matter how true he thinks he’s staying to the text, still brings his own life experiences and opinions to the decisions he makes."
"How many times can our emotions be tied to someone else’s—be pulled and stretched and twisted—before they snap?"
"But you have to promise me right now, this instant, that you won’t leave me once you meet him."
"For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It’s a person. And we’re finally home."