
To Die For Quotes

To Die For by Lisa Gray

To Die For Quotes
"It's not running away. It's moving on. Big difference."
"Anyone rich enough to live in this house didn’t cook—they ate out or ordered in."
"If we can sell this house, it’ll propel us into the big time. A game changer."
"Sometimes, when an opportunity like this one lands in your lap, you just have to grab it with both hands. No questions asked."
"I guess you’re not getting laid tonight, huh?"
"This was no accident. You ask me, someone messed with your car on purpose."
"That the person who called in the crime often turned out to be the killer."
"A mere drop in the Pacific Ocean for someone like Ryoko Yamada."
"I could tell, even as I was doing the chest compressions, that it was too late. Way, way too late."
"I want that money, Jack. And you know I always get what I want."
"Okay, so I haven’t found a buyer yet. But I will."
"The woman had experience on her side, but she was small time."
"If only there were no secrets to sour this otherwise perfect relationship."
"The past gate-crashed the present, it had a bad habit of fucking up the future."
"It was either take out a restraining order against you or agree to go on a date with you."
"It’s not a problem. He already has a day pass."
"I’m not a guest at the hotel. I work for Saint Realty."
"You’re all bunched up with tension. Everything okay?"
"You know I’m here any time you do want to talk."
"Lucas had been a blessing, and Eli had been a surprise."
"I’m sure I left it lying around here someplace."
"I can give you his number by the way if you want me to hook you up."
"If only there was a way to find out the kid’s name and date of birth."
"I think I know a way to get hold of that information."
"We know the victim isn’t David Saint, but we still need to speak to her."
"I have to take this. I’ll catch you later, Andi."
"Don’t try to find me or I’ll tell them what you did."
"I am moving on. From Saint Realty and from you."
"You broke my daughter’s heart. Now I’m going to destroy you, you fucker."
"I know. I have no idea what I was thinking. I don’t think I was thinking."
"Her tentative relief at Dr. Fazli’s initial assessment of the lump in her breast was tempered by the guilt of blowing up other people’s lives."
"You never know when a screwdriver or wrench could come in useful!"
"I’m sorry. I feel like I’ve lost my mind these past few weeks."
"My phone’s been off. I just picked up your messages and turned on the news."
"I guess I let the bartender overserve me. It’s not every day you find a dead body."
"I don’t mind. I didn’t have anywhere else to be anyway."
"It was a little spontaneous, sure, but she figured Nolan Chapman was the kind of man who appreciated a little spontaneity."
"It was a business transaction, pure and simple, but one with a far bigger payday than those pet-food commercials."
"You know you were never getting that money, don’t you? Didn’t matter how many times you opened your legs."
"She really was smarter than most people gave her credit for."
"He had been drinking, had slipped by the pool, hit his head. All very tragic."
"The camera never lied, but it rarely told the truth either."
"Anything could be on those rolls, and that was the thrill of it."