
Private Games Quotes

Private Games by James Patterson

Private Games Quotes
"I knew this about myself for certain after the storms started in my head."
"It’s time to leave for the reception, Petra. I’ll see you there later. Remember the plan."
"My gun? We’d left my Sterling with him as a good-faith deposit when I’d ordered the passports."
"I’m guessing that first sentence is written in ancient Greek so I’m going to pay a call on that bloke James Daring."
"I’m here to mourn him. Alone. As I imagine your dear mother is doing, too."
"I knew it couldn’t be true. Denton was an honest man, a great man with an even greater heart."
"Hooligan says the hair sample from the envelope was female."
"Everywhere I went today, people talked about his generosity and spirit."
"It has been a good night. No, a great night!"
"What did that dead arsehole Sir Denton Marshall know? Daring thought caustically. Absolutely nothing."
"Feeling vindicated, basking in the glow of a job well done, a job that had gone better than according to plan."
"I think it’s time we left too, don’t you? Lover?"
"‘Not together, silly goose,’ Petra cautioned."
"‘I done one, Daddy,’ Luke said, patting the back of his nappy."
"‘They clearly note the presence of IGF-1 in Teeter’s system within the last four months,’ Cronus wrote."
"‘You’re the nanny now,’ Knight said, stifling a laugh as he left."
"‘I arranged a nanny for the evening,’ Amanda said."
"‘I got it,’ Teagan said, dislodging the dart."
"‘It’s summer,’ Teagan said. ‘Somehow they get in here.’"
"‘I managed to put a bug in Knight’s mobile before he left for work,’ she informs me."
"‘You’re an unexpected answer to my prayers, Marta Brezenova, and your timing could not have been better,’ Knight announced."
"‘I absolutely would not want one of those guys pissed-off at me,’ Jack said."
"You’re the first person I’ve handed my flier to!"
"‘I’m at the stadium,’ Knight said. ‘The opening ceremony’s starting.’"
"I’ve got a copy of the complete inventory of items they found at Farrell’s flat and her office."
"They are on the lips of billions upon billions of people around the globe, uncatchable, able to kill at will."
"That’s a big mistake there. There has to be DNA evidence on that."
"No," he said despairingly. "We don’t even know if they’re alive or not."
"I’m not one to dodge blame when it’s warranted," Lancer said.
"‘I don’t know what you’re—’ ‘—Everyone in London knows about Syren St James,’ Knight said, cutting her off."
"I am not Cronus! I am not a Fury! I’ve had another life, but that’s no one’s business but my own. I’ve never had anything to do with any killings!"
"‘He had no chance, Knight,’ he gloated, backing away and raising the mobile phone towards the sky again. ‘You were up against an infinitely superior being. You had no—’"
"Would you fancy me wheeling you out of here down to the café? We can have a spot of tea and catch up while your little lovelies are off sailing in the Land of Nod?"
"The men’s marathon. The final game has begun. And because I’m the superior man, I’m going to let you live to see the ending. Before Marta kills you, she’s going to let you witness exactly how I snuff out that Olympic spirit once and for all."
"‘You had no chance, Knight,’ he gloated, backing away and raising the mobile phone towards the sky again. ‘You were up against an infinitely superior being. You had no—’"