
Claim Me Quotes

Claim Me by J. Kenner

Claim Me Quotes
"In my mind, you’re still bathed in light. Now stand still and be quiet."
"I’ve become blasé about the way Blaine’s eye sweeps critically over me."
"Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that I could feel so at ease despite being so fully on display."
"I am not perfect—not by a long shot. But it no longer makes me crazy to hear those simple words."
"I’ve shaken off Proper Princess Nikki for Rebel Nikki, and it feels pretty damn good."
"The offer stands. They take this deal, and I’ll breathe life back in."
"An entire empire needing his attention, and yet in that moment, I am his whole world."
"I want more than a game with Damien, and I can’t help the eagerness with which I face tomorrow."
"I’d wanted Damien as much as he’d wanted me, but at the same time I’d wanted to punish him."
"Where I thought my scars reflected a weakness, he sees an indication of strength."
"I’m not okay. But I was—before they brought up Ashley, I was dealing with it."
"I’m going to tell him when I see him, and yeah, he’ll be livid."
"I’m proud of what it represents, and I can’t help but feel a little bit superstitious about the fact that she’s starting to die right now when I’m starting to take off."
"I’ll take her in for a tune-up soon. It’s probably just something like spark plugs or a gunked up carburetor."
"Open your eyes and observe the reality, Nik. She’s been a great little car, but she’s going to stall out on the highway one day."
"We’re keeping it small, until eight. That’s when the regular guests arrive to see all of Blaine’s paintings and do the mingling thing."
"I hope they find a way to get along, because I need both these men in my life."
"But it’s only been about a week since all the shit went down, and things are just too raw between them."
"No," I say. "But presumably the mechanic does."
"I’m still calling it a cocktail party," I say as I pull the car into my assigned parking space.
"I’m not doing anything wrong. So why do I feel so guilty?"
"I may not be in the business anymore, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still have a hand in the pie."
"This isn’t about me," she says, totally catching on to the way I’ve shifted the subject.
"Fine," I say. "I want it. But leaping into things that we want isn’t always the best course of action."
"First off, I didn’t crash through the crowd. I walked, and quite calmly, too, considering the circumstances."
"I repeat," Damien says, "what can we do for you?"
"Considering my sister’s portfolio, and the fact that she can trample me in just about any contest of wits, it would be pretty hypocritical of me, don’t you think?"
"Good. He pats his hands on his knees. "As for Tanner, again, I’m sorry. I imagine he gave you a bit of grief."
"I always thought he had the company’s best interest at heart, but this morning I learned that he’s a backbiting sack of shit."
"I am like a windup doll, and each twist of the key focuses the pain—focuses me."
"I will keep turning and turning, taking as much as I can, and then, when the key is just about to snap, I will let go and Pretty Party Nikki will perform."
"He’s frustrated with me—possibly even angry—but that doesn’t change the fact that his desire is palpable."
"Damien, God, of course not." I draw in a breath, trying to articulate to him how I’ve been feeling.
"Rollerblading on Venice Beach, it's high time you tried."
"The more we look like tourists, the less anyone will recognize us."
"Not a bad deal, I think, as we head down to the valet stand."
"Considering how often I traveled, it was for the best."
"There's no way The Ivy could be better than this."
"The poor dog would have been kenneled all the time."
"I can still remember the sound of your voice."
"All I need now is access to the network and I'm good to go."
"I've played my part, and now I'm getting out of this mess."
"I'm so sorry. The painting. It's unfair you're getting this kind of blow-back."
"I'm starting to realize that by being Damien’s girlfriend I have taken on more than just Damien."
"I promise you that we'll fully explore all of the various possibilities."
"We're talking about more than firing me, aren't we?"
"I want to trail kisses over you until you are lost in so much pleasure that you don't know where you end and I begin."
"You are the one person in all the world I cannot bear to hurt, and yet I'm the one who put fear in your eyes."
"You can't possibly know how much I love you."
"I need you, and I can't regret that I have you."
"I want to take you to bed, to watch the way your skin tightens beneath my fingers, the way your body awakens under my touch."
"There is no start and no end, nothing with which I can measure the length and breadth of what I feel for you."
"I love you even more for pretending, but I know you're scared."
"I need to be here. I have to be here. I need you."
"It's too big, too powerful. There is no start and no end, nothing with which I can measure the length and breadth of what I feel for you."
"I can't bear to see you broken. Not when I'm the one who is breaking you."