
The Time Paradox Quotes

The Time Paradox by Eoin Colfer

The Time Paradox Quotes
"The world cannot be saved with good intentions alone. Leverage is needed, and gold is leverage."
"I am determined, not smug. There is no time for prudence here."
"We can only change the future, not the past or present. If I go back, then I have already been back."
"My father for a lemur. How could I not go through with it?"
"I am the man of the house now, custodian of the Fowl empire, and must behave as such."
"I have read the People's constitution. It does not govern humans or demons."
"My mother has hours left, and the Fairy People don’t have much more."
"You have already interfered, Holly," he said, forcing himself to meet her eyes.
"You healed my mother. Healed her and damned her."
"You healed my mother after the siege. You must have given her Spelltropy."
"Normally I would agree. Normally I would have the luxuries of time and objectivity. But my mother is dying, and so I have neither."
"I don’t hate you, Holly," said Artemis softly. I hate myself, but the deception must continue.
"We thought we were invincible. The only disease left was man."
"Hold on, Mother," he whispered. "I will only be a second."
"I love everyone, so no need to feel threatened."
"There is nothing to do but go out on the wires and bring the lemur back yourself."
"Brains count for little now, he realized. What I need is balance."
"You are equalizing voltage, that’s all. The electricity cannot hurt you."
"Holly would be proud. I am talking to an animal."
"Remember the pain? thought Artemis. I hate myself. I really do."
"If there had been another way, Holly, believe me."
"I need a massage, he thought. Or some herbal tea."
"The kitchen staff were actually trained circus acrobats from one of the Cirque du Soleil knockoffs touring north Africa."
"What a way to go, thought Kronski. With absolutely no inkling. Wonderful."
"For the vegetarians there was a champagne mushroom risotto, though Kronski did not anticipate many takers."
"They think that was the highlight, he thought. They ain’t seen nothing yet."
"Kronski managed to eat half a fillet, in spite of his nerves. Delicious. Exquisite."
"If you can convince a jury of your unprejudiced peers... that the creature in this cage contributes positively to human existence on this planet, then we will free the creature."
"It is easy to defend a servile, useful animal like the common cow. But this? This will be a hard-fought battle."
"People say that we Extinctionists hate animals, but this is not the case. We do not hate poor dumb animals; rather, we love humans."
"This is not what we are about, people. We did not travel all this way for some petty verbal sparring. This is what the Extinctionists are about."
"I remember spending a fortune on a sea slug that was supposed to cure arthritis. All we got was very expensive goo."
"I think there is something magical about not knowing what will happen next."
"I don’t think I have ever been as scared as I was tonight."
"Why should humans starve when dumb animals grow fat? Why should humans freeze when beasts lie toasty warm in their coats of fur?"
"Sometimes it was good to send a shiver down people’s spines. Remind them where the power was."
"But what’s done is done, eh? And at least we have our diamonds."
"I have always liked your style, Dr. Kronski. Your commitment to the ideals of Extinctionism."
"No time for drifting. There was more at stake here than gold or notoriety."
"All minds play tricks. Even mine. The perceived cold is a projection of my mood, nothing more."
"Angeline Fowl was splayed on the bed, as though thrown there."
"This is my mother. How can I do what needs to be done?"
"I am here, Mother. Everything will be fine. I found a cure."
"I love you, Mother. I love you more than life."
"I despise you, Artemis Fowl. You bothersome human."
"You’re not forgetting some crucial detail? Like the part that makes sense?"
"I won’t feel completely safe until Angeline is well, and we’re drinking sim-coffee in a Haven bar."
"He’s armed and doesn’t want to be mesmerized."
"The barrel trundled forward, knocking Holly and No1 aside like skittles."
"We are both alive. If Butler wanted us dead, then we already would be."
"Lost, thought Holly. The worst death I can imagine."
"Butler had enough strength for three words. 'Go ... to ... hell.'"
"When Opal comes back, she will be beyond furious."
"Don’t you dare lie to me and say that I wasn’t."
"I am the princess of this palace, so I am quite entitled to touch whatever I wish."
"The lenses are arranged in a very specific order, so when I remove the cap and light comes in one end, it's concentrated by successive lenses until it can set paper alight at the other."
"There is only one way down, and that is to fly."
"We must embrace progress, be at the forefront of it, or the Saltees will be drowned by a tidal wave of innovation."
"You owe me a hat, Nicholas. I've had that one since New Orleans."
"Lean that against the wall, below the window."
"I didn’t travel from New York City to watch you swing."
"This is not over yet. Wait. The boy . . . he’s . . ."
"But I will teach that boy, too - or perhaps he will teach me."