
Things You Save In A Fire Quotes

Things You Save In A Fire by Katherine Center

Things You Save In A Fire Quotes
"But something about the chitchatty tone of her voice as she asked about it... that, suddenly, really pissed me off."
"I thought I was doing a pretty good job of mimicking a normal conversation—until I realized I was shaking."
"She'd gone too far, she suddenly realized. Tried too hard. Violated the essential rule of human relations that if you chase too hard, everyone eventually runs away."
"I shrugged, like I was sorry to break it to her. 'I’ll never change my mind,' I said. 'I know too much.'"
"'Just look around at the world—at the lonely and the cheated on. The violent. The abandoned. I know exactly what people do to each other. I’ve seen enough ruined lives to last forever.'"
"'There’s conquest, and there’s status, and there’s porn. Love is something girls invented so they could feel better about it.'"
"I knew one thing for sure. I needed to figure out how to ace that course. Not losing, at the very least—but I wouldn’t say no to winning."
"My heart, which had clenched in preparation for a child, relaxed. Compared to the drowned girl, whose wet eyelashes I still saw sometimes when I closed my eyes, a dead Chihuahua seemed almost delightful."
"I had an impossible choice to make then," she said, rubbing at some dried glaze on her finger.
"I gave him a little smile. 'On the kindness of strangers.'"
"I can’t cook,' I said, watching. 'I’m terrible.'"
"'I don’t know,' I confessed. 'It’s better not to keep count.'"
"'I shook my head. 'Just since I was sixteen.'"
"'Oh my God,' I said, mouth full, blinking at him in disbelief."
"'You’re tough and strong and capable and totally fearless…'"
"Here is the deep-down truth that I would never admit: I did need a hug."
"We aren’t meant to last forever. I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my last year getting cut up and drugged. I’d much rather be in the garden. Or painting pottery. Or walking by the ocean."
"Love could heal me. Not the rookie, not some guy, but love itself—and my impossibly brave choice to practice it."
"Good things didn’t last, people hurt each other every day, and nobody got a happy ending. But that night with him made me see it all in a new way."
"The world is full of unspeakable cruelty. But the answer wasn’t to never feel hope, or bliss, or love—but to savor every fleeting, precious second of those feelings when they came."
"It’s amazing how brave you can be when you feel safe."
"I tried, with at least partial success, to savor the time we had left. That was the goal, anyway—to enjoy her living presence near me and not fixate so much on the sorrow to come that I forgot to pay attention."
"The answer wasn’t to never love anyone. It was to love like crazy whenever you could."
"It’s so hard to feel happy and sad at the same time."
"You can’t do what we do and see the kind of suffering we see every damn day and still want to create more of it in the world, can you?"
"Sometimes it’s easier to be angry. But I expect you, at the very least, to be better than that."
"Firefighters do plenty of laughing, but never, ever when they’re working a fire."
"I’d heard the sound before, but never like this. It meant he’d been still for at least thirty seconds."
"People say that emotions muddy your decision-making, but that wasn’t my experience that day."
"It’s true that firefighters never run, but I knew this crew didn’t have a cyanide kit on their box."
"I eased the tube in like a pro. Three seconds flat."
"This is what I’m saying. Women. This is what I’m saying."
"That’s every comic book villain ever! They suffer, and then they inflict suffering on others."
"I’ve started volunteering with a nonprofit group that asks survivors of rape and assault to go into schools, prisons, and colleges, and tell their stories."
"He makes sure he has dinner ready—something warm and soothing and buttery."