
Blue Bloods Quotes

Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz

Blue Bloods Quotes
"The pulsing music spilled out to the sidewalk, where Schuyler Van Alen, a small, dark-haired fifteen-year-old girl, whose bright blue eyes were ringed with dark kohl eye shadow, stood nervously at the back of the line in front of the club."
"Oliver affectionately swung an arm around her shoulders. 'Stop worrying! You worry too much. This’ll be fun, I promise.'"
"Schuyler always looked like she was drowning in fabric."
"Schuyler was startlingly pretty, with a sweet, heart-shaped face; a perfectly upturned nose; and soft, milky skin—but there was something almost insubstantial about her beauty."
"Nothing like this had ever happened at Duchesne before."
"The girls still graduated in white tea dresses from Saks and white gloves from Bergdorf’s, and were presented with garlands of twined ivy on their heads as well as the requisite bouquet of red roses along with their diplomas, while the boys wore proper morning suits, complete with pearl-tipped pins on their gray ascots."
"You have to visualize us getting in, okay?"
"The world went gray. She was in her skin but not in her skin."
"The Metropolitan Museum was bustling with activity and color—schoolchildren on field trips lined up behind their teachers, art students walked briskly with their sketchbooks tucked underneath their arms, a Babelian prattle of many different languages bubbled from the tourists."
"There was something about that girl she didn’t like, and not just because Jack seemed to be interested in her."
"It’s like déjà vu. It happens to the best of us."
"Don’t stay out too late," Trinity admonished, kissing her daughter on the cheek.
"There is nothing to worry about. You are safe here, for we are all the same."
"You have the ideal proportions my dear, and a natural ability. A fabulous walk is what it’s all about, you know."
"And you didn’t tell me?" he said. "I don’t even know who you are anymore."
"The burden of knowing oneself shouldn’t be cast until you are ready."
"We are creatures of beauty and light, but the Red Bloods no longer listen to us."
"There was so much her grandmother had confirmed about their past—and so much she had still left out."
"Right. If that’s how you feel, Pod Person."
"It was amazing how even Dylan had managed to find a place for himself, with a popular girlfriend no less, while she and Oliver were just left with each other once again."
"All right. Let’s get you in hair and makeup," Jonas declared, pointing Schuyler toward a corner where a dressing-room mirror framed with two rows of incandescent bulbs was set up in front of two canvas-backed high chairs.
"Late night?" Perfection inquired, holding up Schuyler’s chin to the light. "You’re very dry, luv," she said in a nasal cockney accent.
"Ow!" she yelped, as the hair dryer came dangerously close to burning her scalp. But the grumpy hair stylist didn’t even apologize.
"God, you look so great," Bliss whispered, when they were lined up next to each other against the white backdrop.
"Smoke?" Jonas asked, taking a crumpled pack of cigarettes from his back pocket. "C’mon girls, join me."
"This is neither the time nor the place, young lady," Cordelia said quietly.
"Croatan," Bliss said, the word rang distant alarm bells in her memory. "I think I’ve heard of it somewhere."
"I’m really sorry, Schuyler. But I made a mistake. I shouldn’t have said the things I said that night. I was wrong. My father set me straight. The Committee isn’t hiding anything."
"No." She looked askance at him. Just a few weeks ago, she’d been falling in love with him, with his courage and his bravery.
"There he is," Bliss said, spotting his sleek silver head emerging from a black Town Car.
"Our friend Dylan is being accused of a murder he didn’t commit. You are the only one who can help us."
"Dylan Ward has been taken care of. There’s no need to worry about him anymore," he said, with a dismissive wave of his hand.
"But what about the Silver Bloods? What about what they’re doing to us? We know about Croatan!"
"God, do they have the best nuts here or what?"
"My grandmother said Silver Bloods don’t even know what they are."
"We await for glad tidings," Schuyler said the traditional reply back.
"Vos Vadum Reverto," Jack whispered, bowing to the coffin. You Shall Return.
"There was a moan from the other side of the bed."
"This cycle is ended for me. This is the last chance we will have to speak for a long time."
"He only followed out of his love for her. He gave up Paradise to be with her."
"The Silver Bloods are back . . . Only you can defeat them . . . Your mother was the strongest of us and you are her daughter. . . ."
"Good-bye, Jack." Oliver materialized suddenly. It was amazing how he always showed up right when Schuyler needed him the most.
"She was a vampire, but part of her was human as well."