
The Rage Of Dragons Quotes

The Rage Of Dragons by Evan Winter

The Rage Of Dragons Quotes
"We don’t need to win, we just need to give her time."
"The savages won’t last against dragons."
"Escaping the Cull won’t mean anything if we all die here."
"Does this look like hope to you, Tsiory?"
"Let them think me a monster. I will be a monster, if it means we survive."
"A good ruler would not stand by and watch her people be destroyed."
"Never," Zuri said, full lips curving into a bright smile, eyes sparkling.
"I’d rather live with a thing done poorly than do nothing and always wonder how things could have been."
"We have the rest of Grow and Harvest before the testing," she called to him.
"Peace, again? Do you only play one note, Jayyed?" Odili asked.
"I am your curse," the Lesser said. "I am your end."
"Smoke from the city, from the cook fires and furnaces of its several hundred thousand citizens, rose into the air above the urban sprawl."
"The constant sound of so many voices made it seem like he was standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean."
"Back home, men who had proven themselves in battle were given stipends and rations for their military service, and nothing more was expected."
"It seemed cruel. These men had already suffered."
"The blind, they worked too, though with parchment and ink-dipped flaxen rods as they listened for calls from the market sellers before jotting down marks or counts."
"The queen stood front and center, her hands raised above her head, and in them she held a dagger."
"The days without difficulty are the days you do not improve."
"Every day must be hard for you. The days without difficulty are the days you do not improve."
"To achieve greatness, you have to give up those moments. You have to give your life to your goal."
"The demons from Isihogo cannot harm you, but they’ll make you suffer."
"In war, a talented Enervator will hold your spirit in Isihogo until the demons have torn it to pieces."
"Our Enervators, Enragers, Edifiers, and Entreaters are critical to the defense of the peninsula."
"Not fair, nor decent, letting a man’s soul get ripped up by monsters."
"If enervated, you’ll see the demons in its mists. They’ll come for you."
"Time is different in Isihogo. A single breath taken on Uhmlaba will feel like fifty or even a hundred in the underworld."
"The Fist was a natural barrier against heavy raiding from the ocean."
"The major fighting happened at the Wrist, the deadened lands separating the relative lushness of the Chosen’s peninsula and the rest of Xidda."
"The Omehi, even with their dragons, should have been wiped out long ago, but the peninsula was a natural fortress."
"Upon reaching the fighting grounds of the Crags, Tau imagined they could hold for a hundred more."
"Every Lesser knows Indlovu are incredible fighters."
"You think to move behind the Goddess’s back? Don’t dishonor yourself or our efforts with self-pity and guilt."
"Victory! No enemy stands before the rage of dragons! Where we fight, the world burns!"
"Everyone can enter Isihogo, but the corrupted, the demons, attack all living souls, seeking vengeance for their imprisonment."
"The light is your soul. It draws the demons."
"You can’t improve it? Train it? Why are you at the citadel? For the stories?"
"We are here to learn how to use the strength we are given."
"It’s just… some people break after a demon attack."
"We can’t beat them. Not as we are. Cross-caste fighters, if we can even find and train enough of them, only prolong the inevitable."
"You want this? To learn how to travel to the underworld? You’ll have no power there. You’ll be hunted the instant you enter."
"We are a people besieged. We have all lost something, someone."
"Peace waits on your queen, and every person who dies from this moment dies because of her delay."
"The entire crawl over they must have been thinking how easy it would be."
"Tau, do you have any idea how dangerous that is? If the demons find you they’ll attack and won’t stop until your soul thinks itself dead."
"Because I want to see you fight four Indlovu."
"Tau, for this to work, we need the Enervator to hit your team."
"Tau, if you have sense left, you have to stop. It’s dangerous."
"Where he went, bones broke, the courageous became cowards, and always, always, there were the screams of men in torment."
"Follow him! Protect him! Follow, you spineless inyoka!"
"We have your leadership and training to thank," Tau said.
"Fight for what’s right, but never forget that fighting can also be done without violence."
"I can’t imagine a world where the man holding a sword does not have the last say over the man without one."
"You’re leading the Queen’s Melee in number of men dispatched," Hadith told him.
"There won’t be anywhere for the bastards to hide."
"The Lesser sidestepped as if he’d seen the same sort of attack a thousand times."
"We’re fighting for the same thing. Why do you keep trying to do it alone?"
"I’m not looking to change the Chosen," he said.
"The only surrender in war is death’s embrace, and I’d ask you to hold that cold touch away for as long as you can."
"You may not believe me, but I am sorry for this. I am sorry for your father."
"What do you think happens if we surrender? How much do we give up?"
"Her mind was made up when Two Swords cut a spearman in half and called out to Daaso."
"Daaso felt the magic flowing through her. It made her skin hard as stone, amplifying her strength and speed."
"Tau screamed at the hedena who had speared Jayyed, unable to believe the warrior woman had run."
"Abshir Okar, the queen’s champion, was leading the defense as the guard tried to hold the hallway against several units of full-blooded Indlovu."
"Tau Solarin, will you aid us in this matter?"
We are well," Tsiora said. "We must warn everyone away from the youngling. It is no longer Entreated. It has been freed.
Tau’s voice was tight. "The hedena enraged, who killed Chinedu and Jayyed, would have a word with you on that."
"We will tell him we were betrayed," Tsiora said.
"What else did they expect from my people, the Oren-yaro, the ambitious savages who created a war that nearly ripped Jin-Sayeng apart?"
"I did not regret killing the man. He had it coming, and my father had taught me to take action before you second-guess yourself."
"A wolf of Oren-yaro suffers in silence. A wolf of Oren-yaro does not beg."
"We know your witches are dying," shouted the warlord, near the edge of hearing. "We know it as we know that, in the coming cycles, you will have too few to call the fire-demons."
"Warlord! Hear us. We, queen of the Chosen, must speak!"
"It’s too soon," Tau whispered, and it was.
"Tau saw Zuri vanish in flame again, burned away to nothing."
"Will I disturb him if I’m here?" Tau asked the priestess.
"Keep fighting," Tau whispered. "We’ll get the man who hurt us both."
"I’ll bring your father back, even if it’s against his will. I promise. We’ll be a family again."