
Catch And Kill: Lies, Spies, And A Conspiracy To Protect Predators Quotes

Catch And Kill: Lies, Spies, And A Conspiracy To Protect Predators by Ronan Farrow

Catch And Kill: Lies, Spies, And A Conspiracy To Protect Predators Quotes
"They just called, they’re—no, Izzy, you have to share—Jackie, please don’t bite her—Daddy’s on the phone—"
"They say we’ve gotta move it. It’s fakakt,"
"He looks like a farmer," the investigative unit boss who had first put us together the previous year had said. "For that matter, he talks like a farmer. You two make no sense together."
"You’ll be good for one another," he’d replied, with a shrug.
"That’s so nice of you to say," I’d tell them.
"I’m probably telling you what you know already, but that needs to be silenced,"
"Let your words be anything but empty / Why don’t you tell them the truth?"
"This is the killer," Weinstein replied. "Especially if my fingerprints r not on this."
"I’ve got it," he said. He pushed a button on his desk. The door swung shut.
"The war against women is real. This is ground zero."
"I want to help, I do," she said. "I saw things. And then they paid me off and I signed a piece of paper."
"The man is not a saint. Trust me, there is no love lost between us. But he isn’t guilty of anything worse than what a million other men in this business do."
"They went at her like they were Weinstein’s defense attorneys,"
"I’m saying be ready, in case. I’m saying get a gun."
"Because you’ve lived it," she said. "I saw what you wrote."
"I don’t know. I’ll see how I feel," McGowan said.
"I think any survivor can tell you that… all of a sudden, your life is like ninety degrees in the other direction. It’s—it’s a shock to the system. And your brain is trying to keep up with what’s going on."
"I stand for mind / For women who can’t / And men too scared / To beat that beast / To watch him drown."
"He’s been systematically doing this for a very long time."
"Nothing’s stopping Harvey. He will squash this story."
"You’re texting! Hope he’s worth it! Hope he’s worth saying goodbye to all of this!"
"I had to deal with him being present either in his underpants or totally naked."
"I believe this is more important than keeping a confidentiality agreement."
"There are things I’ve done that nobody knows."
"You need to be running all of this by legal."
"We’re going to have to make some decisions. Like, is this really worth it?"
"I was exhausted. I was humiliated. I couldn’t work in the industry in the UK because the stories that were going around about what had happened made it impossible," she recalled.
"Money and power enabled, and the legal system has enabled," she eventually told me.
"It’s an impossible story," Min said, before we got off the phone that day. "It’s the white whale of journalism."
"Well, Harvey," Masters recalled telling him. "I hear you rape women."
"One of these days," Masters told me wearily, "the dam is gonna have to break."
"If NBC, which has the evidence, doesn’t go forward with this story, it’s a scandal."
"You’d better be careful," he said at last. "’Cause I know you’re not threatening, but people could think you’re threatening to go public."
"It’s not ethical?" I offered, less as a statement and more as a kind of reminder, hoping Griffin’s question had been rhetorical and he’d finish the thought.
"It’s not just about that, it’s—your sister was sexually assaulted. You wrote that Hollywood Reporter piece last year about sexual assault in Hollywood, it caused this splash."
"I don’t think I can risk trying to cancel another interview," I said.
"I’m not sure another rose intv is critical to our story. But nbc having our back, in some ways, will be," McHugh wrote.
"We’re running this here," I said firmly. "Produced by you."
"I’m not going to—whatever you said. Stop contact with sources."
"I am a 28 year old woman trying to make a living and a career. Harvey Weinstein is a 64 year old, world famous man and this is his company. The balance of power is me: 0, Harvey Weinstein: 10."
"I felt I had to. Because I had the movie coming out and I didn’t want to anger him."
"I opened the door terrified, brandishing my twenty-pound Chihuahua mix in front of me, as though that would do any good."
"I am hosting and cooking tearing my hair."
"He made it sound like he was my friend and he really appreciated me."
"He creates the situation in which your silence will benefit you more than speaking out will."
"If you don’t run with this, if you don’t move forward with this and expose him, you’re on the wrong side of history."
"Harvey had managed to bypass my doorman."
"You know what, we’re going to put a hold on the book."
"Oh my God. We are going to talk about this, but first you are going to tip that driver really well."
"This is the most disgusting letter I’ve ever gotten about a story."
"We will defend you legally, no matter how far Harvey Weinstein goes."
"You couldn’t save someone you love, and now you think you can save everyone."
"The allegations of gross improper conduct—a great many of the instances are true."
"The whole Harvey Weinstein thing is very sad for everybody involved."
"I’ve lived inside a mirrored fun house."
"People who cared about journalism in the building were very discomforted by all this."
"We wish to dispose of every document and information we possess in regards with this project."
"What did it say about the gulf between the powerful and the powerless that wealthy individuals could intimidate, surveil, and conceal on such a vast scale?"
"I’m scared, but it’s interesting and it’s exciting."
"I just want to make sure you are not at risk. I will do all I can to keep you protected."
"Moreover, in this case, I truly believe HW is a sex offender and I’m ashamed as a woman for participating."
"Lets just say that I will never ever give you something that I cant back you for 100%."
"I’m the guy out in the field. The action-taker."
"You know, what I really like is a nice cold vodka."
"It was nonconsensual in the sense that I was too drunk to consent."
"We never printed a word about Trump without his approval."
"It was as close as you could get to a woman just melting in front of you in pain."
"I’ve lost everything I cared about. My job. My goals."
"The whole theme was that he does the show and then he has sex with people, with employees."
"It hurt so bad. I remember thinking, Is this normal?"
"If somebody wants to attack that, that’s attacking my country. That’s attacking my home."
"The press is as much part of our democracy as Congress or the executive branch or the judicial branch."
"When the powerful control the press, or make the press useless, if the people can’t trust the press, the people lose. And the powerful can do what they want."
"Each time a door closes, another opens."
"I am obliged to tell you that I cannot disparage Andy Lack, or Noah Oppenheim, or any other employee of NBC News."
"It was really a call to try to intimidate me."
"You need to be taking care of these women. This is your job. You should be making sure these women are protected from this guy."
"I try to do that when they let me do it."
"All the women before feel I am their fault. And if there were women after me, I feel that is my fault."
"I like to be able to read the news and not think somebody’s holding a gun to the reporter’s head deciding what they write."
"I never, ever want to allow this to happen to the country that gave me and my wife and my son a chance."
"Moving forward, I’m going to try to be more involved with this kind of stuff, to better society, to seek out these kind of actors, try to expose them."
"If the opportunity ever does present itself to you to say that maybe I’m not the villain in all this, I would be grateful."
"Stories—the big ones, the true ones—can be caught but never killed."