
The Draining Lake Quotes

The Draining Lake by Arnaldur Indriðason

The Draining Lake Quotes
"But the hole was too large to have been left by a hammer."
"Her thoughts were roaming all over the place and she had great trouble rounding them up again."
"Decent men became harder to find as the years went by."
"There's no water any more. Just the bed."
"It's difficult to establish what kind of instrument was used."
"All murders are wilful. Some are just more stupid than others."
"It's as if the lake itself wanted to uncover a crime."
"It's time you stopped tormenting yourself like this."
"I think he'll be pleased to have something to do."
"People said he sank into self-pity and went off the rails afterwards."
"She wanted to be able to bury him. If you call that an obsession."
"Human remains can be found a whole generation later, even hundreds of years. By sheer chance."
"It's nice sleeping there, with the ghosts."
"The best ones tell simple stories about simple people."
"I think she understands what you're trying to do for her."
"I'm dreadfully tired. Always dozing off. Maybe it's the oxygen."
"I'd do anything for the Icelandic revolution."
"I've always found it a bit absurd to talk about spying in Iceland."
"Coincidences are coincidences. No one can control them."
"It's difficult after all these years. After all that time. Our boys and... it's just very difficult."
"I don't want him controlling my every move anymore."
"They're getting lots more for it now, those gangsters. Now the city extends right up to it, or as good as. They were bloody sharks who got the land off me."
"The whole fucking society. Everything you say and do can rebound on you and you're called in, arrested, expelled."
"I'm not saying anything is the case because I don't know anything is the case."
"No one makes coincidences happen. That's why they're coincidences. They begin the moment you're born."
"We all have to die, but I don't want to die like that."
"Maybe they're still waiting. When do you stop? Is there any rule about it?"
"I saw this evening how dead everything is between us, and I suddenly realized that I want it to be dead."
"No one falls on their head before being tied to a spying device and thrown into Kleifarvatn."
"Because if we let that sort of thinking control our actions, how would we ever make decisions?"
"He followed the radio, television and newspaper reports on the discovery of the skeleton, and saw how the story gradually paled in significance."
"I regretted nothing. He would not have changed anything, given the way things had turned out."
"The future was mysterious and uncharted and all they could be sure about was that they would meet it together."
"Either you're a socialist or you're not."
"She was worried about how you were getting on."
"People who play with fire get burned, but they're always surprised when they are."
"Why do you think she's worried about that?"
"I don't remember us having a single decent spy."
"Don't you think you know anything about Eva?"
"She doesn't deserve it. And she wouldn't want you to either."
"It's like you stop living when you stop working."
"We had ideals... Genuine ideals for a better and fairer society."
"It's socialism that makes us into human beings."
"People may well have thought they had to be dogmatic... Nothing is permanent."
"I don't believe anyone thinks about that these days. Nowadays, everyone just thinks about getting rich."
"No one had anything, except perhaps beautiful ideals."
"We were all socialists... All of us in Leipzig."
"To our way of thinking, there was nothing more noble."
"It was just awful... In East Germany, things happened slowly, or not at all."
"He looked awfully depressed. Maybe he thought I was still active in the party, but I wasn't."
"They watched us... It was called interactive surveillance, another term for spying."
"I just lost interest. It's probably called withdrawing."
"I think it's very much alive, but in a different way from what we may have imagined."
"I hadn't thought about this for decades... They were awful times. Awful."
"Because she betrayed you? Because she wouldn't have anything to do with you?"
"I was the one who told you what Ilona was doing there, wasn't I? I put you on to her."
"We witnessed absolute dictatorship by the party, fear and repression."
"Everything that Haraldur had told him was true."
"Are you still thinking about her? Aren't you ever going to forget that?"
"You must get out of here and try to forget this."
"Don't think anything. Go away and never mention this to anyone. It's nothing to do with you."
"I can't trust anyone. You ought to know that. You taught me that."
"We try to get by. That's all we can do."
"What are you going to tell them? About Emil? What will you say happened?"
"I've hated you for years, Lothar. Did you know that?"
"Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."