
A Castle In The Clouds Quotes

A Castle In The Clouds by Kerstin Gier

A Castle In The Clouds Quotes
"You are without doubt the worst babysitter in the history of the world, Sophie Spark."
"It’s easier than you think to lose sight of children in the snow."
"You’d better pick that wood up if you don’t want to get in trouble."
"You smiled, tucked your hair behind your ear, and exposed your throat—all key signals in the female mating behavior."
"I wasn’t flirting. I was just quickly helping Jaromir untangle those Christmas lights."
"Luckily, the holidays are only just beginning."
"But she never stopped dreaming of Castle in the Clouds."
"Anything he said in his soft, quiet voice you couldn’t help but believe."
"The only creature I came across was the Forbidden Cat."
"This Christmas was going to be anything but boring."
"If I’d known you were going to grow up to be so hot!"
"Helping gutsy girls navigate the rocks in the sea of life."
"That was my cue. This dog poop was a rock in the sea of life, and I was the gutsy girl who was going to navigate it."
"The ultimate advice for life: how to use contouring to make your nose look smaller and the only proper recipe for rainbow cupcakes," scoffed Amy.
"Sorry." I tried to block their view of the handkerchief-covered mound with my body. "That was ... er ... is a little puddle of meltwater. Very bad for the floor."
"I like your dress," said Gracie, and you could see she was trying to find something nice to say to me.
"Thank you. I think it’s pretty, too," I replied. "And your cat hat is great. I love the little fluffy ears."
"My name is Sophie," I added quickly. "I’m the babysitter here, and I promise I’ll get your hat back to you by tomorrow."
"What does it look like I’m doing?" I snarled.
"That night I dreamed I was riding an air current, circling high above Castle in the Clouds with the seven Hugos as if I were one of them."
"The early bird gets a free bathroom, at any rate," I said to myself.
"I appreciate your concern for my welfare."
"Tristan didn’t seem to take anything or anyone seriously. Maybe not even himself."
"I locked the door behind me with a sigh."
"You don’t look very lively, either, I must say."
"But things can change. And suddenly you find you’re a free agent."
"I have no idea what it means to be completely free."
"But all I know is what I don’t want to do. And sometimes not even that."
"It’s such a shame you can’t do a degree in psychology without having graduated from high school."
"Don’t stop looking over your shoulder. You never know what’s about to happen."
"I could have taken one of the elevators, of course, but I didn’t really trust the juddering, rattling old things."
"She couldn’t have chosen a better photo to make me feel glad to be spending Christmas at Castle in the Clouds."
"All the hard work I’m doing here doesn’t seem to count."
"It’d be nice if they could just be proud of me for a change."
"I didn’t choose this meeting place for romantic reasons, you…"
"That was definitely the most exciting Christmas Eve I’ve ever had."
"Everything seemed to have turned out for the best: My argument with Ben was water under the bridge, old Mrs. Ludwig had her ring back, and Stella Yegorov was laid up in the Panorama Suite—allegedly with a migraine, though I hoped what she was actually doing was wondering how the ring had found its way from her nightstand back onto Mrs. Ludwig’s finger and feeling thoroughly ashamed of herself."
"Perhaps it’s just a misunderstanding between you and Aiden."
"You may think you’ve won, Ms.… er… But this is not over."
"Love makes fools of us all, doesn’t it?"
"You spend years being extra careful, trying not to give your heart to someone, and then one day you realize you’ve lost it, just like that."
"You leave your heart where it is and pick his up instead."
"So you leave my heart where it is and pick his up instead."
"The light flickered, and then the Lady in White disappeared."
"I’m sure they’re just playing hide-and-seek again."
"Everyone thinks stupid things sometimes."
"I hate those ugly creatures," I heard him snarl. "They’re like flying rats."
"The legendary blue Nadezhda Diamond," he said quietly.
"I can’t help it if other people… like me," he said.
"It’s a very big pimple. At least eighteen carats," I replied.
"You’re the funniest, cleverest, bravest, and most wonderful girl I’ve ever met."
"I’ll let Ben tell you what happened next," said Monsieur Rocher.
"When ye mek Ol’ Stucky mad, he gets rearly mad," he told the police later.
"It’s not the hotel that’s magic; it’s the people who work here."
"I’ll never forget what you did for my daughter today. I’d like to do something to express my gratitude."
"That happens to be my specialty," he said. "Consider it done."
"It’s every man for himself in this world, and I’m not about to pass up an offer that could be my ticket out of this hellhole."
"I’d decided I didn’t want to live any longer. But this place and the people here—they saved me."
"You risked your own life to save my daughter’s."
"A boshed him rond tha heed wi’ the hoarses’ harrniss."
"He was afraid they wouldn’t like him. But I told him he had nothing to worry about."
"So it had finally been found. And things had come full circle at last."