
The Forest Of Vanishing Stars Quotes

The Forest Of Vanishing Stars by Kristin Harmel

The Forest Of Vanishing Stars Quotes
"The nurturing of life was something only those with some goodness could do."
"Nature always spilled her secrets, which were, of course, the secrets of God."
"Lives are circles spinning across the world, and when they’re meant to intersect again, they do."
"The forest can be cruel if you don’t know it."
"Knowledge was temptation, and Jerusza’s refusal to show her maps of the local region was a way of ensuring that there was nowhere tangible for Yona to go."
"Life in a village would be easier, but we take the risk of living in the woods because it gives us a bigger life, here under the stars."
"You see, they need me, and I don’t know what to do."
"I am the person who will help you feed your people tonight."
"You have to become a part of the water."
"The forest will care for you better than the ghetto would."
"But it is within your own heart that you find God."
"I think the Germans would disagree. I think they would want to know just what is in your blood."
"I don’t understand how people could feel that way."
"Believe in me. Believe that perhaps God has led me here to help you."
"But I think I would miss you far too much."
"Perhaps God gives us the answers before we know what the questions will be."
"The universe delivers opportunities for life and death all the time."
"Perhaps the most complicated things are also the most beautiful."
"There’s a reason you’re still here, I think, Aleksander. You have survived because God is using you to help save others."
"Light in the darkness. The hope of a miracle."
"You don’t look at me anymore the way Sulia does. She needs me to save her."
"We can’t let anything happen to any of them. You know that, Aleksander."
"It’s not like what you’ve probably read in your books, Yona. It’s a whole different world out here."
"Never forget, Yona, God is your father, and he is always with you."
"I hope that fewer of those deaths will be in vain."
"You cannot go. I haven’t been whole since…"
"You think I want to be living in a godforsaken Polish town on the edge of nowhere?"
"Throughout all of mankind’s history, God has tested us, has tested our faith."
"You can only do your part. You can do your best to strike a match in the darkness, to light the way."
"Remember, a trade was made. Our lives for a hundred. If the Germans allow us to live, someone will have to pay."
"But I think you stand to lose far more when your heart is closed."
"The universe is always in balance. Summer and winter. Day and night. Sustenance and poison. Good and evil. To know the light, you must also know the darkness."
"Perhaps you still love Aleksander. But I—I wish my own heart was not so broken, Yona, because if it was whole, I think I would fight for you."
"I’m broken, Yona. I always will be, no matter what I do, no matter how many lives I help save."
"Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they will comfort me."
"Home is not a place, but the people you choose to love."
"It is no longer enough to simply survive. How long are we supposed to go on like this? Our bodies may be enduring, but what about our souls?"
"You shall neither take revenge from, nor bear a grudge against, the members of your people."
"I’m tired of running. I’m tired of hiding. I want to salvage a life from the ruins."
"We all come into this world with our fate unwritten, Yona. Your identity isn’t determined by your birth. All that matters is what we make ourselves into, what we choose to do with our lives."
"But don’t you see? If I had not lost her, if I had not lost Shifra, my wife, I never would have met you. This life that I have now with you, these feelings I have… It is only possible because they are dead. How can I embrace that? Am I not betraying them?"
"You are my daughter," her father said, his voice sinking to a low growl. "You will leave all of this foolishness behind and come with me now."
"His name is Zus. And I love him. I will never forgive you if you harm him."
"I’m sorry," she whispered, using the last of her strength to turn her head toward him. He was lying on the snow beside her, his head tilted toward her, and so their eyes met once more, and in them, she could see disbelief and a great, deep fear of what was to come. "I’m sorry," she murmured again, and then he gasped once more, and the light in his eyes went out forever, leaving behind an empty, ruined shell.