
The Other Woman Quotes

The Other Woman by Jane Green

The Other Woman Quotes
"Pulling a sickie is not something I’m prone to do."
"How lovely, how lucky am I, that I don’t have to explain myself, or describe myself, or pretend to be someone other than myself ever again."
"Thank God for Dan. Thank you, God, for Dan."
"The problem with feeling guilty about pulling sickies, as I now discover, is that you end up too terrified to leave the house, and therefore waste the entire day."
"There were three of us in this marriage…"
"It wasn’t as if I’d given up a similar lifestyle once I met Dan, more that the possibility was gone."
"Put me in peach or lilac and I swear to God I’ll never stick up for you again."
"I’m really sure," Linda says, and her delight in giving me this wonderful gift is almost palpable.
"You mean Dad can afford it," Emma protests.
"Not if I can possibly help it," Emma laughs.
"You can be incredibly childish, Ellie. Why don’t we carry on talking about this when you remember you’re an adult?"
"You’re always accusing me of having a dysfunctional family," Dan spits, "but you’re not exactly equipped to talk about normal relationships with your mother, are you?"
"Oh, my God, I never realized you were this beautiful, this thin, this elegant."
"If I may quote from someone else far more eloquent than I am, ‘The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they’re alive.’"
"You hear only what you want to hear, and every time anyone says anything to you that you might not like, you just ignore it."
"I know he has a soft spot for me, and he saw this coming and probably feels he could have tried harder to stop it."
"Because you're so bloody intransigent nothing gets through."
"I will not have you talk to me like this. Do you understand?"
"You will apologize to Ellie. You will offer to return everything and you will keep saying you're sorry until Ellie forgives you."
"I actually feel sorry for her, and even though I know exactly how devious and manipulative she can be, a part of me truly believes she may have just been thoughtless."
"I wasn’t the first to hold him. Dan was."
"Every day at three o'clock, after Tom’s afternoon feed, I put him in the pram and we walk over to the park."
"But Lisa’s just so immaculate all the time, so perfect at everything, it’s forced me to start doing things I haven’t done for a while."
"Because Linda just wants so much. She is so damn needy. She doesn’t know when to stop, she has no sense of boundaries."
"I tell Dan too, try to explain how I feel, how I know she is in competition with me and that I refuse to let her win."
"I have, however, started making a bit more of an effort lately."
"Those moments of loving, of caring and kindness, of knowing exactly why we married each other."
"I didn’t expect the first months after having a baby to be so hard, didn’t expect a child to come between us instead of pulling us closer together."
"We don’t go out that much anymore, and the thought of a holiday is something that’s completely beyond me at the moment."
"If I didn’t need a holiday before, I certainly need a holiday now."
"Couldn’t we put them all in the same cot?" Lisa groans as we laugh.
"Who loves his grandma?" Linda’s sitting on the bed, bouncing a giggling Tom as I open the door.
"That’s because you’re perfect." She winks at me.
"You’re always complaining that my mother wants to be your best friend; the last thing she wants to do is hurt you."
"Dad," Dan says, looking over at Michael seated at the head of the table, "I’ll thank you not to get the women completely sloshed every night."
"I love being a mother, and now that I am experiencing the joys of female friendship, I love being a woman."
"I’m going to the loo, okay? How’s that?"
"And for the record, can I say that all three of you are the most gorgeous women I’ve ever seen."
"You may laugh," Linda says, not a trace of a smile on her face, "but I’m telling you; I know her type and I’d be very careful."
"I think we can’t carry on like this, something has to change."
"What difference would it make what I want?"
"It’s not permanent. Maybe we just need some space to reassess."
"But do you agree? Is this what you want?"
"No matter what happens, I love you more than anything."
"I may not want him, but I want him to want me."
"I fell in love with him because when I was with him I felt as if I’d come home."
"At the end of the day those little monkeys are worth it."
"I always think you can tell so much about people from their bookshelves."
"I'm ever so slightly biased, but I do think he's the most divine baby in the world."
"You can’t have seen what you thought you saw. I promise you."
"Life doesn’t always go in the direction you expect it to, and sometimes we make mistakes."
"I may not be ready to be her daughter. I may not ever be her daughter, but I'm willing to be her friend."
"I thought the lunch might be full of recriminations, talking about who has been hurt, and how we’ve been hurt, and how we felt, and how we feel now."
"We have found a way forward, without having to go back over all of the pain."
"It is not that I feel sorry for her, but that I want to protect her."
"For every wonderful moment there’s an equally terrible one. I hate the guilt and I hate myself for having succumbed to such obvious ploys."
"Call him tonight, and tell him you want to talk."