
Fall Of Ruin And Wrath Quotes

Fall Of Ruin And Wrath by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Fall Of Ruin And Wrath Quotes
"Caelestias were born and caelestias aged, just like us lowborn, and at twenty-six, Claude had no plans to marry. Instead, he preferred to spread his affection upon many."
"Gods, at twenty-two years of age, I’d been here for six years. Long enough for me not to be shocked by the knowledge that I had my own space, my own rooms with electricity and hot water, something that many places in the kingdom didn’t have."
"Naomi snorted. 'He must be quite excited.' Leaning back, she toyed with a sapphire hanging from a thin silver necklace she almost always wore."
"I would do anything for her. But I feared I’d break her heart, and I was as terrified of losing her friendship as I was of losing the life I’d finally carved out for myself in Archwood."
"You are lucky. If I weren’t weakened, I would’ve killed you the moment I had your throat in my hand."
"But you’re brave—braver than many stronger than you."
"That’s how I know you’re gloriously nude."
"The catmint? I was trimming some earlier today. I like the smell of them."
"Our come, it’s known to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Some mix it with herbs to rub on themselves. Others drink it."
"I’m not talking about food. I would need to feed."
"And here I thought you were planning to take advantage of me."
"Killed one of them ... before I passed out."
"I think that was quite polite of me, especially since I didn’t get to use your body as one last night."
"How do you think the King’s going to respond when he learns of what you were looking for?"
"I was going to ask you to stop interrupting me; however, that would be impossible because you keep doing it, so I’m trying to be respectful."
"I heard voices and was concerned that something bad might happen."
"I just ... I just did what I thought was right."
"And that often takes the most bravery, doesn’t it?"
"I’m assuming you call Archwood Manor your home?"
"Because it seems unfair to do that to a soul."
"Right now? I wouldn’t have your hands on me if I were there, would I?"
"What a novel thing for a mortal to say."
"I find your kind’s natural instinct for survival in the face of insurmountable odds admirable."
"But you are. What you speak of sounds more of a compulsion, and that is not what this is."
"I see you helped yourself to something that doesn’t belong to you."
"I don’t think I need to explain how reckless he was with your life last night."
"The truth is never rude, only unwanted."
"I don’t think it makes a difference. You gain that kind of authority and wealth? You no longer represent the people, lowborn or Hyhborn, king or queen."
"I don’t think anyone in the room believed that."
"Because it is important to you that I do so."
"You are not kidnapped nor captive. If you wish to leave, I will not stop you."
"Then your feelings would be wasted on a man who is clearly not worthy of them."
"The truth of how you feel around me bothers you?"
"But it’s less of a risk to the Hyhborn forces. Very few if any would be lost in removing Archwood as possible leverage."
"The King could do more. All of us could and should have."
"You are not an object to be given or taken."
"The most exquisite kind of pleasure is derived from bestowing it upon another."
"Good and evil are real. They always have been. Yet the weight of the realm has always fallen on those in between, ones neither good nor bad."
"Being afraid doesn’t lessen one’s bravery. Nor does desperation. If anything, it strengthens the bravery."
"Everyone must be done to prevent that from happening."
"I like the idea of you being here, in the bed I’ve slept in."
"It’s more like I’m a perplexing annoyance to myself."
"Choice was limited. Everyone answered to someone, even the King."
"Time is unrelenting, though, and even Deminyens are not immune to its effects."
"I hope you’re not praying to them. Because they stopped listening long ago."
"Death. That was just one small bone. There are many more to break."
"Do you know anything about your birth? Your bloodline?"
"The bond is completed, the Deminyen gains their ny'chora—their connection to humanity."
"It’s not a big deal. Just a minor cut on my foot."
"Get the fuck off me! You traitorous motherfucker!"
"The only reason why I came in here was to make sure you were still breathing."
"I would love nothing more than to choke the ever-loving shit out of you, but since they want you alive and I want to survive..."
"I swear to the gods, I would love nothing more than to choke the ever-loving shit out of you."
"You’re suggesting that Claude ran away? That he abandoned his home? His people—"
"The fucker is a coward who has always been more concerned with getting off and getting drunk or high than he ever has running Archwood."
"You really think that? You don’t know anything."
"Gods, I whispered, wanting to be angry with Claude, but damn it, I couldn’t help but be relieved."
"You did this because of your own envy? Do you know how many people died tonight?"
"Gods, Grady muttered wearily. Do they ever stop fucking? They’ve been at it for hours."
"They were slaughtered because someone screamed?"
"Why did this happen? Why did you all do this to them?"
"I could order you to slit your own throat on this blade and you’d do it."
"The only control you have now is in what happens from this moment until you’re handed over to our liege."
"You should’ve known better than to run. I will always catch you."
"My Hyhborn prince. My salvation. And my doom."