
Loose Girl: A Memoir Of Promiscuity Quotes

Loose Girl: A Memoir Of Promiscuity by Kerry Cohen

Loose Girl: A Memoir Of Promiscuity Quotes
"I am eleven the day I begin to understand what it means to be a girl."
"Her need takes up space—so much space there is non room for my own."
"We’re not really sixteen," Ashley says suddenly.
"That’s gross," Ashley says. She grabs my arm and shoots Tim a look.
"Is that right," he says. He presses his lips together. Clearly he doesn’t believe me.
Get it?" he says to his friend. "That’s when we get off.
"Get it, Gary? I’ll take them all the way."
"I don’t want to live," Tyler screams between sobs.
"I’ve always wanted to be a doctor," she tells Tyler and me.
"What’s the matter? Don’t you like it? Is it too big for you?"
"What are you doing awake, honey?" she asks.
"I want the façade. I want to be somewhere where girls can be girls, in high heels and dresses—the costume of male desire."
"Boys are mysteries with no recognizable clues."
"But by the time Monday comes, they are mostly faded."
"It feels good, but not just sexually. His hands, his body, his mouth. He breathes me into being, making me real."
"I feel itchy, expectant, like I’m in a permanent state of waiting."
"I have no sense of anything. Just an emptiness. A disappointment."
"If I can’t have love, I’ll take the next best thing—or at least the thing I figure might get me the love."
"Girls can’t make choices like that. If a girl has sex when she’s drunk or overpowered, she’s not considered promiscuous. But if you’re aware of what’s going on, it’s this consciousness that makes you a slut."
"Having sex is lukewarm, something you share for an evening. It’s friendship-building. What else should it be?"
"I’m not really mad at him. I’m mad at myself, that I do these things and then pretend I don’t. I spend half my life lying about who I am and what I want."
"I want to be pulled together. I want to look around and feel that I know everything I see."
"Every change in my life is exciting and hopeful, an opportunity to start over, to shed my tiresome, needy self and become a lovable person."
"I am aware of the old feeling I have with the Jennifers, of how smoothly they seem to own their lives, while I stand awkwardly outside my own."
"As much as I want to, I don’t feel drawn to him."
"No one has ever spoken like this to me. No one has ever thought of me long enough to write down notes about what they want to say."
"This is such a new feeling, to be loved, no longer wracked all the time with wanting."
"I’ve been claiming I want one boy to love me, which Eli is willing to do, yet now that I have it, now that I’m experiencing how good it feels, I won’t step fully inside."
"I press my lips together, trying not to cry."
"I close my eyes, knowing this. There is nothing I can say, nothing that will change the sickening truth of what I did."
"I love the idea that a family doesn’t need so much stuff to be whole, that perhaps there are other ways to feel full."
"I’m as disgusted with myself as they are."
"This is what it feels like to love a man."
"I want to change, and I believe all I need to do is want that."
"You need to learn to enjoy other people’s company."
"I’m sick of spending all my energy trying to get loved."
"What am I doing? Why can’t I ever just focus on me?"
"I destroyed everything, pushing away one of the few men who’s ever loved me, and for what? For a fling with someone who couldn’t care less."
"I grip my stomach, in physical pain from the grief I’ve caused myself. I’m a hollow shell. I’m nothing."
"He’s hurting," she says. "I can tell you that."
"All that sideways communication. How would I ever figure out how to make a relationship work?"
"I don’t want to be in pain anymore. I want to be done, to be left unburdened and naked, to tear the hurt off my body like layers of clothes."
"Whenever I see something flawed about the person I chose, I ask myself how I’m that thing too."
"I’m not going to be in love with you when my heart is taken by her," he tells me.
"I don’t know if I have it in me, and I’m scared to find out that I can’t."
"You just left me," My throat clenches. I see what I’ve done, how much I’ve hurt him, this man I care for.
"We all have to go through our own unique experiences, and we all have to find our own unique ways out."
"I don’t have to be great at this; maybe I just have to be good enough."