
Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered: The Definitive How-To Guide Quotes

Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered: The Definitive How-To Guide by Karen Kilgariff

Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered: The Definitive How-To Guide Quotes
"The epitome of fucking politeness is learning how to act in the moment, instead of wishing you had later."
"Fuck the expectation that we always put other people’s needs first."
"You can’t prepare yourself out of being hurt."
"Politeness doesn’t require actual humanity. It’s just cultural ritual."
"I’m still proud of myself over this one time a guy I wasn’t super close to or comfortable with asked me if I wanted a shot."
"My mom knew stuff, like how to pass drugs in a family diner and not blow it."
"Friendship leads to human connection, which feeds your soul."
"Do not spend it pleasing other people. Fuck politeness. Live life exactly how you want to live it so you can love the life you make for yourself."
"Reading about other paths and unexpected journeys gave me hope."
"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." — Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing
"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." — Ray Bradbury
"Everyone has an agenda. No matter who it is: your aunt, the government, raccoons. We're all just out here in the world trying to get what we want."
"It’s not proof you’re broken, it’s proof you’re human. If you can get used to being wrong, saying you’re sorry, and staying open to possibilities, you won’t feel so panicked when things don’t go according to plan."
"No one who wants the best for you wants you to have less human connection. That’s strictly villain shit right there."
"If you show up, even in the most perfect human form, you will get your heart broken. You just will. That’s part of the deal."
"Your imperfections aren’t a reason to hide. They’re actually the key to connecting with all the other imperfect humans around you."
"No matter how deep into shit you get, there will always be someone who is willing to help you, if you just reach out."
"Self-esteem is built by esteemable acts."
"It’s time to stop doing things that feel bad. But that’s going to feel worse because it’s new. It’s a change. And it’ll be rocky in the beginning."
"The difference is, you have to build the reality hot tub by yourself, by hand, including the engine."
"Make a list of things you’re proud of. Continually try to add items to the list."
"Practice not reacting to things. Life isn’t a three-camera sitcom. You don’t need to have a take."
"If you do something you’re not proud of, say you’re sorry in real time."
"Adopt a cat or dog. Come on, you can afford it, you tightwad."
"You can not know. You can also not care."
"Work at a food bank, a homeless shelter, an after-school reading program."
"Learn to play an instrument. It’s something to do when you’re alone, and it feels good."
"Buy any shirt you like that’s under ten dollars—you deserve it!"
"Read Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly. You’ll learn about vulnerability."
"You have to balance the negative with the positive."
"The truth about depression is that it, for me, can sometimes be comforting."
"Motivation isn’t necessary. You just have to do it."
"It’s important to have someone to emote to, even if it’s someone you’re paying."
"Georgia, you worship at the altar of doubt."
"It’s OK to not want to scream it to the sky, but make sure you aren’t cursing your own happiness."
"What do you think is the mentally healthy thing to say to yourself instead?"
"Don’t let adults guilt you into being their indentured servants."
"If there were five sweaters on a table, I’d pick the imported cashmere."
"Here’s the thing: if you have an obsession and it’s for a thing, don’t get a job at the place where they sell that thing."
"If someone holds their cards close to their chest, it doesn’t necessarily mean their cards are worth fighting to see."
"The only rule was the rules kept changing. You were never safe."
"Being a thirteen-year-old girl is simply the worst experience you can have in life, including all cancers and bear attacks."
"The world flipped over into a frightening battleground, and girls like her put a target on my back."
"For girls, junior high is a daily dystopian nightmare of apocalyptic emotional warfare."
"I wish I could show you a video of the level of ugly crying I was doing by the end of this speech."
"The parking lot is better. It’s so windy and quiet."
"Junior high is when it’s officially decided whether you’re going to rule or suck forever."
"It was right around the time MTV premiered. Suddenly, if your dad didn’t make six figures on Wall Street and divorce your mom for a girl in your class, you were NO ONE."
"I could not believe that the impossible had finally happened."
"You lose yourself in the trappings of success: luxury cars, designer shoes, cashmere sweaters in every color."
"It’s filled with predators. If someone is assaulted, it wasn’t because they were careless, irresponsible, or dressed wrong. It happened because some piece of shit chose to assault them."
"The only way we can evolve and grow is by accepting our flaws and doing our best to grow out of them."
"Focusing on why women have the gall to walk around in public asking for it all day long is something small minds do when finding a violent psychopath is proving difficult."
"No one deserves to be a victim of violent crime. And violent criminals don’t deserve to have their actions rationalized away."