
After I Do Quotes

After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid

After I Do Quotes
"I think of how much I want to scream at him. I think of how I wanted to scream at him last night, too. I think of how much I’ll probably want to scream at him tomorrow."
"Just because I lost my keys this morning, suddenly, I’m an idiot?"
"This is exactly what I’m talking about! You act like you’re the most perfect person in the whole world and you’re stuck with your stupid husband who can’t do a damn thing but call the landlord."
"That’s what it feels like, ultimately: immense relief. Like cold water on a burn."
"If you’re really holding back, you don’t even start to say it. But that’s not what he does."
"I have to admit to her that my marriage is failing. That I am failing."
"What had seemed like a whole is now two halves."
"I can’t leave him in pain. He does need me."
"Marriages aren’t all roses and sunshine. We know that."
"My heart is truly broken. And I know that even if it mends, it will look different, feel different, beat differently."
"Making a mistake, I mean. Because I probably am."
"I’m just listening for high-pitched tones, sounds that are smooth and soothing."
"I know it will be OK because everything is OK in the end. And if it’s not OK, it’s not the end."
"It’s hard. But I know you, and you don’t do things that you shouldn’t do."
"We’ve always had a way of understanding each other."
"So that’s what I aim for. I aim for fine."
"You can stop almost all questions about your personal life by being the person who asks the most questions."
"It’s just a small, good thing in a situation that totally fucking sucks."
"You need to see what it’s like with someone else."
"Remember how good it felt to be kissed for the first time? How it felt electric?"
"Happiness is secondary. And ultimately, marriage is about children."
"If you had hosted a cocktail party, and you had left him to his own devices, and you had flirted with other men and he’d seen it, or he had flirted with other women and you’d seen it, if you had spent a few weekends apart from each other sometimes, given each other some space now and again, maybe you wouldn’t need a whole year apart now."
"That’s as much of a victory as anyone gets from Lois Spencer. I’ll take it."
"I wish Ryan were here to see it. I wish he and I were going home to the same place."
"I have missed him far more than I ever realized I would."
"I realized that I had stopped seeing him as someone who, you know, was attractive, I guess. I was taking him for granted in that way."
"The minute he left, I felt the hole in my life that he filled."
"I can see now, now that he is gone, and I have real worries that he might be with someone else, I mean, I think he is with someone else. And I’m jealous."
"I have forgotten how special a wink can make you feel."
"I guess I’m not needed in this conversation."
"Co-parenting is a family. Single-parent homes are families."
"You don’t have to marry Natalie to prove you’re not your father. Do you get that? You couldn’t be your father in a million years."
"You have a lot of options. And all we want you to do is think about them."
"You have to do what you think is right for your children."
"This is my family. You guys are my meaning of life."
"You are going to be impressed with her."
"I want to meet someone, but if that doesn’t happen until I’m forty or fifty, I think I’m OK with that."
"Don’t be. You’ve spent twenty-three years unintentionally telling him this with every fiber of your being."
"Be the daughter who does ugly stuff for the right reasons. That’s where the deep, beautiful, mystifying love of family truly kicks in."
"Thank you for saying it was OK. I miss your family a lot."
"It’s how I’ve been living my life for a long time. It works."
"You don’t get to decide things about my marriage."
"Our glasses are half full, but I think we’re ready."
"Just because you can live without someone doesn’t mean you want to."
"It’s OK to hurt me. It’s OK to hurt my feelings. It’s OK to embarrass me. As long as you do it from love."
"Big gestures are easy. Making fun of someone who’s just trying to help you, that’s family."
"The sun doesn’t care about love. It just cares about rising."
"All that matters in this life is that you try."
"Need and want are words we define for ourselves."
"We’re all going to give it everything we’ve got."