
One Plus One Quotes

One Plus One by Jojo Moyes

One Plus One Quotes
"I haven’t got a hope of sending her, Nathalie. Okay?"
"Sometimes I read about an animal dying or a child being murdered somewhere in another country, and I will literally cry all day."
"It’s just making me feel better, okay? Can you put that stuff over there in the freezer?"
"I’m fine. I’m really, really, really sorry. Very sorry, O Bar Lady."
"We’re in the middle of nowhere, in case you haven’t noticed."
"I’m miles away from everything, and stuck here, in the middle of fucking nowhere."
"Give one of us a ring when you want picking up. On the house."
"No buts. Out you get now, Jess. Make sure that boy of yours is okay."
"You should tell him, though, if he’d just try to look a bit more normal, he might not get his head bashed in so often."
"She dozed through the small hours on the plastic hospital chair, waking occasionally from discomfort."
"This small act of kindness caused her to fight back embarrassed tears."
"She got off the bus two stops before her house, walked round to Leanne Fisher’s, knocked on her door and told her, with as much politeness as she could muster, that if Jason came anywhere near Nicky again she would have the police on him."
"It was pretty much the response she’d expected."
"Do the right thing, and you will be rewarded for it in the end."
"She thought about Marty’s sledgehammer in the garage, and how it would feel to walk down to the Fishers’ house and—"
"He’s about as likely to start a fight as the Dalai bloody Lama."
"A Maths Olympiad. It’s a new thing, in Scotland, for gifted students."
"You don’t steal. You don’t take what is not yours."
"He’s not dying. How the fuck would you know? You haven’t been to see him in two months!"
"I left you because you have a tiny dick! Tiny, tiny dick! Like a pawn!"
"Don’t you care that I have no one to turn to?"
"Well, you could always sell the print you took from my apartment in December."
"I was sad, Eduardo. I miss you. I just wanted a reminder of you."
"I thought it was because I only loved my work and didn’t understand human emotions."
"What do you want, Lara? 'Hey, baby. How are you?'"
"Just because someone can't use your gift the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't appreciate it."
"Sometimes you have to look at life from a different perspective to see the beauty."
"The best way to learn is not by hearing, but by experiencing."
"Laughter is the music of life, and we should play it loud."
"In the darkest times, even a single spark of hope can be enough to light the way."
"Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."
"You can't always control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it."
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain."
"The most important things in life are the connections you make with others."
"Every ending is just the beginning of something else."
"For two years I’ve not made a single demand on you—not for money or time or child care or help of any kind. Because I thought you were ill."
"I’m glad you know what’s going on. And I just want to move forward now."
"I thought you were depressed. I thought you were living with your mother."
"You’re mad," yelled Marty, staring at the dented panels of the car. "Completely effing mad."
"It’s okay. They’re nothing dodgy. Just Migra-gone."
"I haven’t got anyone else to ask. Tanzie needs to see her dad."
"You are a bloody disgrace for a human being, Ed. Really."
"It was the least I could do. You did rescue us. From the side of the road."
"I rescued her," said Mr. Nicholls. "From the side of the road."
"I’ll come anytime. I love you, sweetie. Anytime you want to call."
"I’m fine, lovey. You have a good time and don’t worry about me. I’ll see you both in the morning."
"I need to get drunk, Ed. Really, really drunk."
"I’m scared that they’ll like it at Marty’s. I’m scared they won’t want to come back."
"I can’t believe I didn’t feel this when we were... well, last night."
"I don’t think it’s going to work out like that."
"You’ll be okay. I have good lawyers. I have resources."
"You’re my son, Ed. You might be idiotic and irresponsible, but it doesn’t make the slightest difference to what I feel about you."
"If you don’t have a choice, then it’s actually quite simple."
"Sometimes," Gemma said, glancing behind her at the puce screaming child, "I think the worst sort of parenting is not actually witnessed by social workers but by baristas."
"You see how easy it is to end up on the wrong path? He had absolutely everything and now—"
"It’s like cheeseburgers without the cheese, or a Jennifer Aniston headline without the word 'heartbreak.'"
"I’m sorry," Ed said. "If I had thought for one minute—"
"She’s got lipstick on, the little tart. Still fugly, though."
"You will care for your own safety when you’re doing twenty-three hours in solitary in Winchester," Gemma said.
"I don’t understand how our family can basically do the right thing and yet always end up in the crap."
"Sorry. It’s all he seemed to say these days. Sorry, I didn’t hear you. Sorry, I wasn’t listening. Sorry, I fucked it all up."
"When you work hard to get somewhere, it’s quite nice to show people where you belong."
"It’s the custom to wave to each other. Sometimes it’s a big wave...and sometimes it’s just a tiny lifting of your fingers."
"The law of probability...states that to beat the odds, sometimes you have to repeat an event an increasing number of times to get to the outcome you desire."
"Unemployment...losing your job would make you feel inadequate, and a bit useless."
"You knew you couldn’t stay at that place forever. You want to move upward, onward."
"We’re always being told you can have anything if you work hard enough. Well, what if the deck of cards is really stacked against you?"
"I’ve found over the years that if you leaven [serious issues] with a little humor, readers are often much happier to tackle the darker subjects."
"Being made redundant can change people’s lives, Lou."