
Judgment Prey Quotes

Judgment Prey by John Sandford

Judgment Prey Quotes
"A sullen wedge of gunmetal-colored clouds rolled in from the west, autumn’s jackboot crunching down on the Twin Cities."
"They could smell it, taste it, they could hear the trees bending at the wind front; the falling temperature prickled their skin."
"Alex took the ball from his son, looked up at the darkening sky, and said, 'We should get in. It’s coming.'"
"A bullet hit Lucas’s right arm like a blow from a baseball bat and he windmilled the arm backwards as he went down."
"The pain came like an ocean wave and dimmed his sight."
"He groaned, once, and sputtered, and it occurred to him that he might be dying."
"The kid arrived on a gurney, conscious and hurting, his father racing into the hospital a few minutes behind him."
"He hadn’t been able to comfortably use crutches on that side, where he most needed the support, and he’d spent three weeks in a wheelchair."
"At night, slipping in and out of a restless sleep, he would dream—or sometimes, he thought, simply remember."
"He sighed, rolled over, winced as his weight pressed on his injured shoulder, patted Weather’s pillow for reassurance that everything was okay."
"Lucas wasn’t sure he agreed: it still hurt when he jogged."
"His wife, Weather Karkinnen, a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, had gone to work before dawn, as she usually did."
"The house has security cameras, and one of them looks at the front door."
"A federal judge and two of his three children were murdered a couple of hours ago in St. Paul."
"He looked too thin. Lucas had two basic body styles: the square, two-hundred-pound light heavyweight boxer style, and the thinner, hundred-and-ninety-pound iron-man style."
"He enjoyed working out, running hard, sweating hard, and had, all of his life."
"Lucas found stories about the Sand murders in the papers every day during the first week, three times during the second, and once during the third, because there was nothing new to report."
"Virgil Flowers ran up and shouted, 'How bad?' and Lucas shouted back, 'Go get him . . .'"
"Weather was usually home by three o’clock so they could eat dinner with the kids, or go out, but this day she wouldn’t be back until late."
"He knew that when he was hit, he’d probably windmilled his arm backwards to break the fall and protect his head."
"Rich people don't like to lose money. They really don't like it."
"If you need to access a high-quality pistol equipped with a suppressor, how long would it take you to do that, and how much would it cost?"
"The truth is, he was about to dump a bunch of money into something that wasn't entirely real."
"I think the board would have put up a half million dollars, or a million dollars, and they'd use that to campaign for more, maybe up to a million or so, from local people."
"We're richer than hell, and we both drive mid-level Mercedes for five years because Alex would go through agonies before spending money on what he called a sunk cost like an expensive car."
"Alex didn’t pay me to be kind, or slap his back, he paid me to tell him the truth."
"I plan to shoot him. My husband found Henry’s case interesting. He told me that guns were apparently your major interest in life and when you were convicted of a felony... that was the end of the guns."
"He was an attractive man, but he was very, very straight."
"If the killer is one of those three, I’d bet on Burston. Acting on his own."
"If you give me a gun that I could use to kill the man who killed my family, I’d be grateful forever. I’d never turn on you."
"Heath was offended: 'I did not. Where is he? He should have been here an hour ago. Where’s Doreen?'"
"Virgil leaned forward and touched Heath’s desk and said, 'Of the two of us, I’m the polite one. I gotta tell you politely, a guy like you, stealing from charity money, that’s about as low as it gets.'"
"Heath looked nonplussed. 'Hinton? I’ve only got two employees...'"
"Virgil held up his BCA ID, identified himself and Lucas, and said, 'We talked to one of your employees last night, Darrell Hinton.'"
"Lucas followed Virgil through the office door and said, quietly, 'No Hinton.'"
"As they walked toward the back of the office, Heath stood up, stepped into the hall and called, 'Can I help you fellas?'"
"Heath began to tremble, put a hand to his mouth, bit on the knuckles, staring at the impatient Hinton."
"Hinton opened it and thumbed through the wad of cash, asking, 'How much?'"
"Heath had been hanging back, not wanting to hit her for the extra fifty thousand until the mourning was over."
"Heath retrieved his cell phone—intending, he thought later, to call 9-1-1—when he noticed the transparent plastic sack inside the bathroom waste basket."
"Heath retreated into his office. Lucas and Virgil followed him in, without asking, and took the two guest chairs across Heath’s desk."
"Heath went to his office early the next morning. Doreen wasn’t in, not due for another hour."
"Heath wandered in a circle inside the reception area, running a hand through his hair. 'Do you think they knew anything?'"
"Lucas and Virgil stayed at Melton’s house until the two women began to settle down, and arrangements were made to place Edina officers outside the house and another inside, until the next morning."
"Ag assault on a police officer. If a corner of that paper had hit my eye, it could have put it out."
"I’ve got friends at WCCO. I know all the anchors."
"He really did look like he was having a seizure."
"I felt the blood drain from my face at the first accusation."
"But he’d told them. He’d told the fuckers, and he’d gotten away with it."
"Wonder what I should do about his furniture? It’s crappy, but it’s his."
"He’s the right size and shape for the killer."
"Psychos don’t have hissy fits like he was having."
"I’m not trying to be funny. That’s the worst."
"Do not, I repeat, do not get shot by one of you guys."
"I don’t approve of office relationships, but they were adults."
"He didn’t strike me as a wizard, but he’s probably smart enough."
"I’m afraid she might try to do something herself."
"It’s getting close to doing this. It’s getting scary."
"I don’t know. I have a hard time visualizing that."
"We look like a couple of guys in a movie, writing a screenplay."
"I’ve got something like two hundred million dollars, total."
"The killer gets out of the missing guy’s van?"
"I’m not willing to kill somebody that we’re not absolutely sure about."
"If he’s charged by a federal prosecutor, he could be executed."
"I don’t think regular retail stores sell dill-pickle-colored couches."
"I don’t remember the director, this Dahl, I only saw him once."
"I’ve been watching a little Postmodern Jukebox."
"It’s like Hinton said, he struck me as a pussy."
"You know, you don’t have to talk to any of us, if you don’t wish to."
"I’m always looking for expressions like that."
"Nothing catches the eye like a flashlight on a curtain."
"I think there’s a piece of wood in the door track. You know how that works..."
"She rattled all the power outlets to make sure they were solid and identical."
"We didn’t bring a laptop. We should have brought a laptop."
"I’m making sure that Hess will come after me again."
"Your life becomes somewhat limited with repeated head trauma."
"This was a voluntary interview, and this is the man who is missing and is now believed to have been murdered."
"If this hadn’t turned up, with that Jonesing stunt, we would have looked like a couple of dopes."
"If you go to the basketball net, the pole that holds it up? It’s on a concrete pad."
"You know, he’d touch me, pat me, tell me I was doing good."
"You didn’t like it. The boxing," Virgil said.
"I really like working on the speed bags, that’s almost like a video game, but feels more real."
"We don’t want you taking aspirin or ibuprofen."
"The jail was not a happy place for a man of his stature."
"He wouldn’t be going in there with a hammer, like Heath."
"I gave more than anyone. There was very unethical police investigation."