
Meg Quotes

Meg by Steve Alten

Meg Quotes
"The herd of Shantungosaurus had been grazing along the misty shoreline all morning."
"The Tyrannosaurus rex, largest and most lethal of all terrestrial carnivores, stood twenty-two feet above the forest floor."
"The killer crashed from the trees, his eight tons pounding the sand and shaking the earth with every step."
"In water to its chest, the predator struggled to keep from sinking farther into the soft sea floor."
"The red eyes of the Tyrannosaurus followed the gray dorsal fin, feeling the tug of current caused by the unseen mass circling below."
"The towering dorsal fin rose again from the mist, now racing directly for him."
"Its jaws could have engulfed and swallowed four grown men whole."
"The great white, the modern-day cousin of the Megalodon, is the most efficient design for propelling a body through water."
"Some members of its species might survive, isolated from the world of man, hunting in the isolated darkness of the ocean depths."
"The existence of this ten-thousand-year-old fossil certainly justifies the possibilities."
"This Megalodon, did exist. Its head alone was probably as large as a Dodge Ram pickup."
"As a result, many species of prehistoric fish, including Carcharodon megalodon, perished."
"Deep-sea trenches from the 'hadal' zone, an area of the Pacific Ocean about which scientists know virtually nothing."
"The mighty Tyrannosaurus rex vanished beneath the swirling scarlet water."
"It's not my problem if he can't handle the pressure."
"One mistake, one crack in the hull, and your brains implode from the change in pressure."
"For the first and last time in its life, the Tyrannosaurus felt the icy grip of fear."
"A great deal of time theorizing why a particular species doesn't exist. I prefer to theorize why a seemingly extinct species might exist."
"The notion of a species existing in an unexplored environment like the Challenger Deep is impossible for you to comprehend simply because you haven't seen the species with your own eyes."
"The Megalodon could detect the faint electrical field of its prey's beating heart or moving muscles hundreds of miles away."
"Remember, I said that my theory for the existence of Megalodons in the Mariana Trench was based on the presence of a warm layer of water prevailing along the bottom of the gorge."
"The Megalodon would already have adapted to the crushing pressures seven miles down."
"We also know giant squids, over sixty feet long, weighing close to two tons, inhabit the abyss."
"Who really knows what life forms inhabit the unexplored Challenger Deep?"
"I think the trench waters, which maintain a much lower oxygen content than our surface waters, would effectively slow the creatures' metabolism down, greatly decreasing their appetites."
"How do you know, DeMarco? Unfortunately, your close-minded attitude is typical among those who arrogantly consider themselves 'men of science.'"
"But it does. Let me put your fears to rest. If there are any more of these sharks in the Mariana Trench, six miles of near-freezing water stands between them and us."
"Nature had found a way to allow life to exist."
"One hundred feet below the black Pacific, a deadly game of cat and mouse was taking place."
"The humpbacks remained close to the surface, continuously breaching, nervously observing their unwanted guest."
"The Megalodon did not pursue, but instead continued to feast on the soft flesh of her prey."
"The bloody mouth and rows of fangs caught nothing but water."
"A fully developed Megalodon pup emerged from its mother's left oviduct."
"The Megalodon rose from below, homing again on what it perceived to be the creature's tail."
"The Megalodon's head continued rising, elevating Maggie, who had fallen into a dream state."
"The world was spinning out of control. He collapsed to the deck on all fours and vomited."
"The monster slowly turned, disappearing into blackness."
"I've lost my desire to keep chasing this monster." Jonas looked into Tanaka's eyes.
"If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." - Sun Tzu
"Fifteen million years old, and still sharp as any knife." He replaced the tooth in its leather pouch.
"Mr. Dupont, were you surprised today how quickly the judge ruled in favor of protecting the Megalodon?"
"Jonas, who knows this creature better than you?"
"The enemy is the enemy." Masao stood. "But if you will not face our foe, then my daughter will."
"No, my friend. As you say, this is different. D.J.'s death must not be a meaningless one."
"Come on, Dr. Taylor. Mourning's over. Time to get on with your life."
"Bud closed his eyes, his world spinning too fast to see."
"The boat rotated around him, accelerating into the vortex of the whirlpool."
"Jonas was exhausted. Whale blubber and other debris were compressing in the stomach, pushing hard against his back."
"The cardiac chamber was very tight, a fleshy crawl space no more than a foot high."
"Terry was too exhausted to swim. She hovered in the water, suspended above the waves by her life vest."
"Jonas Taylor could not maintain a grip on the slippery cords."
"The Lexan torpedo continued rising, the integrity of the escape pod in serious jeopardy."
"Terry Tanaka had expected to die. When death did not come, she opened her eyes."
"Mac could swim no farther. Unable to catch his breath, his legs numb."
"Jonas leaned back against the transom, doubling again in pain."
"The bone-chilling water of the Pacific continued to fill the escape pod."
"At one hundred and forty-two feet, the escape pod cracked open, showering Jonas with freezing seawater."
"Jonas felt nothing, no pain, no fear. I'm dreaming. He looked up and saw a bright light."