
The Boyfriend Candidate Quotes

The Boyfriend Candidate by Ashley Winstead

The Boyfriend Candidate Quotes
"I was not a boring mouse—or at least I wouldn’t be one anymore. Starting tonight, I was going to be a new version of Alexis Stone: as bold and adventurous as my flaming-red dress."
"I, Alexis Rosalie Stone, was going to have my first one-night stand."
"I realized new Alexis wouldn’t care if everyone’s eyes flitted to her as she walked across a room—in fact, new Alexis would welcome it."
"I should have been the one to tell Carter to fuck off. I should have had the guts, but instead I’d tiptoed around and this man had to step in and do it for me."
"I thought the Fleur de Lis was romantic, so it made sense to come here tonight for my critical but one hundred percent private mission."
"It was bigger than sex, though. After more than a year of being haunted by the words boring and timid, it finally hit me that the reason I couldn’t shake Chris’s words was because deep down, I believed them."
"What I don’t understand is why you’re so bothered. Admit it. You were going to drop me at the end of the night and disappear without a trace."
"A career as a painter sadly doesn’t come with things like health insurance."
"But chin up, no big deal. Not everyone gets sprinkled with fairy dust."
"He looked an order of magnitude more tense than he had on Saturday night. Well, buddy, welcome to the club."
"I won’t apologize for appreciating a good deal. I’m a simple man."
"I’ve found there can be a lot of truth in fiction."
"The important thing is, the governor canceled his presser. We scooped him."
"The people making decisions about education should have expertise in it."
"Love is always political. Especially for women."
"You know you don’t have to hide in the bushes like a creep, right, man?"
"I’m not worried about what voters will think for two reasons. One, I’ve always made my campaign about action instead of hot air, and I believe voters can see the difference between doing the work consistently and jumping in to take advantage of a splashy media moment."
"The reason I want to be governor is because I’ve experienced firsthand how choosing corporations over people harms Texans."
"It’s the damn tiptoeing the team wants me to do. I can’t look angry or call Mane out because voters might find it too aggressive."
"What do you think the odds are Arthur actually follows through on these promises?"
"I guess I’d say... I’m sorry for not telling you, but I’m not sorry I did it. It was the right thing to do."
"You were right about how bad things have gotten. I couldn’t believe some of those stories."
"I know I messed up. I guess I got excited about actually being able to do something for Gabby and the book, you know, having this new platform."
"Politicians have ignored educators for years. They’ve taken away retirement benefits, cut workforce numbers, and let salaries flatline."
"Sometimes people are slimy when they think I can do something for them."
"Most union leaders I’ve met are great. Really selfless."
"I just want a quick interview with you and Alexis!"
"You have to soak up the opportunities you’re given."
"I would agree with the governor that keeping a balanced budget is important."
"I’ve been trying to insert myself into her life."
"You’re going to break her heart when the two of you fake breakup."
"I would tell him to shove his head up his ass for valuing corporations over people’s lives."
"I’m not making myself sound very appealing, am I?"
"You know, I’m pretty used to Stone family shenanigans by now."
"No matter who or what I’m doing, I’m always going to answer."
"In fact, because of his lifelong commitment to protecting animals, Logan just agreed to appear in a commercial."
"I think my mom likes you, for whatever that’s worth."
"I would say, first and foremost, that I hear you."
"Sometimes the unexpected thing is the right thing. And that's Logan Arthur in a nutshell."
"I couldn't speak because it felt like a boulder was sitting on my heart."
"Maybe unhappiness had become like a worn-out armchair, a place I'd grown comfortable and familiar with."
"All the World’s a Stage, and we are merely players."
"It's not a fiction. I had everything I wanted: a handsome date, a cat, friends, a thing I was doing with my life I could be proud of."
"It sounded like the very walls were groaning."
"We’re the leverage. No matter how hard we get dicked over by lawmakers, we keep showing up."
"I love stories. I always have. And strangely, all this pretending has made me realize that I want to do more of it."
"But it wasn’t because I wanted you to be like me, Alexis—I wanted you to have it better."
"Hear this: you cannot lose me. There’s no one in this world I love more."
"I love him," I said, unable to keep it inside.
"It is a bad habit to keep expecting things from people who always let you down."
"I may be new to doling out wisdom, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that people have to come to things in their own time."
"You close your eyes whenever I touch you. Why?"
"I didn’t think I could be fully honest about who I was and stand a chance of winning."
"I believe in the campaign Alexis and I built together, and I admire the hell out of her brain, her heart, and her spine."
"Your dad loved you just as much as Lee. So much."