
Reached Quotes

Reached by Ally Condie

Reached Quotes
"Every morning, the sun comes up and turns the earth red, and I think: This could be the day when everything changes."
"We assume Officials are loyal enough not to complain about their ceremony losing some of its trimmings."
"The Society gives the tablet to all babies to keep them safe from illness and infection."
"The Society doesn’t talk about it much, but things are harder in the Border Provinces."
"People become lethargic and drift into a sleep-like state."
"The Society built barricades and walls in order to try and contain the illness."
"Even those who did forget will soon realize that they have no Match and that something is wrong."
"We are not the Society, but we recognize that we have to save people before we can free them."
"You are here because of your decision to join the Rising and your merits as participants in this rebellion."
"We do not have a surplus. Please don’t waste the resources many have sacrificed to provide."
"Cassia’s changed me. I’m a better person now because of her."
"When you’re up here, you realize how distant they really are—how impossible to reach."
"This rebellion is different. It will begin and end with saving your blood, not spilling it."
"We separate the patients into groups of one hundred."
"All things to end are made; The plague full swift goes by."
"It might not just mean from the Society or the Plague, but from death itself."
"Poor fellow, he’s going to hurt before he heals."
"It’s a little patch of trees and flowers that are starting to die because no one has time to take care of them, but at least when I’m out there I know whether it’s day or night."
"I always wondered how people lived without mountains to tell them where they were. Now I guess I know."
"So it’s possible that the cure caused the mutation."
"I didn’t realize that black market blood would be the price of the blue tablets."
"I walk along the backs of the houses in Mapletree Borough, near the food delivery tracks."
"I feel hungry for the sight of that forested rise with its green trees."
"I’ve seen what I needed to see. The ground is bare."
"The people in the Borders have always known how to survive."
"What I like best about him is that he is never afraid. Except when he fell in love with me."
"I know you love me. I love you, and I always will, but things can’t hold like this. They have to break."
"Now Death usurps my premium and gets the look at Thee."
"You remind me of a kind of fish that comes to the river during the summer."
"If you let hope inside, it takes you over. It feeds on your insides and uses your bones to climb and grow. Eventually, it becomes the thing that is your bones, that holds you together."
"You trust the Pilot very much," I say to Leyna as we climb up the path to the village. "The Pilot isn’t our leader," she says, "but we trust him enough to work with him, and he feels the same way about us."
"Sometimes I can’t believe this," Oker mutters. "Here I am, working on a cure for that damn Plague again."
"You were a physic in the Society, weren’t you?" Oker asks. "I was," I say.
"That might be the Society’s greatest triumph—that so many of us ever believed that we were [safe]."
"I cannot think of falling without thinking of flying."
"I could do it, I think, if I found a way to make wings."
"Someone comes up next to me as I pass by the tangled world of the Hill on my way to the air-train stop. 'Cassia Reyes?' the worker asks."
"I’ve never had permission to go on the Hill, and I look back up at the riot of plants and forest behind the workers. What is it like in a place so wild?"
"It’s to help your grandfather," the girl says.
"We work when Oker says to work and we rest when Oker says to take a break."
"But that doesn’t mean you should follow him."
"You should have seen the look on the Pilot’s face. He couldn’t believe there was a chance."
"It’s not necessary to know why you did it," Colin says. "All I know is that you’ve cost this village time, which we don’t have."
"When a few of us ran the risk of flying in water, most of the Enemy wouldn’t drink it even though there was a drought."
"I should have realized that we were no longer a true rebellion when we let the farmers, and so many other Anomalies and Aberrations, die."
"The scientists who came up with the immunity to the red tablet were true rebels."
"It appears that the water supplies were contaminated by well-intentioned supporters of the Rising who felt that the rebellion wasn’t happening quickly enough and decided to move it along."
"When things like this happen—when what was meant to help results in harm, when a salve brings pain instead of healing—it is clear how wrong even choices intended to be right can become."
"But why didn’t the Society destroy the Rising outright if they knew you existed?"
"The Society decided that it would be easier to become the Rising."
"I believe in a new beginning. And so do many others out there—those writing on scraps to hang in the Gallery, those who continue to work hard to take care of the sick, those who dare to believe that we can all be the pilots of something new and better."
"People like me. The Society is dead, even if they don’t know it yet."