
Fuzz: When Nature Breaks The Law Quotes

Fuzz: When Nature Breaks The Law by Mary Roach

Fuzz: When Nature Breaks The Law Quotes
"A summons was issued and five copies made and nailed to trees in forests adjacent to each town."
"The court recognizes the rights of caterpillars to live freely and happily, provided this does not 'impair the happiness of man ...'"
"What is the proper course when nature breaks laws intended for people?"
"The actions of the magistrates and prelates made no rational sense, of course, for rats and weevils cannot understand property law."
"In the course of researching this book, I met a lot of good, intelligent people at these agencies, professionals who saw their job as protecting people and animals both."
"Animals don’t follow laws, they follow instincts."
"Your odds of being killed by a cougar were about the same as your odds of being killed by a filing cabinet."
"The question has defied satisfactory resolution for centuries: What is the proper course when nature breaks laws intended for people?"
"They just happen to be doing these things to, or on, a human, or that human’s home or crops."
"As far as I could tell, the proceedings dragged on eight or nine months—in any case, longer than the life span of a weevil."
"If an elephant is in an angry mode, the body will not be intact. It will get in pieces."
"We drive into the area, and they go." Officer Raj smiles slightly. He’s not a smiley guy.
"No Rambo-Style Action!" Shooting an elephant is not only illegal but, depending on the caliber of weapon, pointless.
"The elephant we can guide easily," says Officer Raj. "To guide the people is the hard part."
"Being drunk, you should not go in front of the elephant."
"We the human beings, we are disturbing them."
"What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence? Probably around 11:00 p.m."
"Why would you kill a god?" she says, referring to the elephant-headed Hindu god Ganesh.
"Depending on your species, religion, gender, and caste, India may be a better place to be an animal than it is to be a human."
"It was a case of demonic possession," I hear him say in his tossed-off Naha way.
"The constant craning of necks and the cautious manner of their approach showed they had not forgotten the happenings of the last few days, but relentless thirst drove them on."
"If you can’t flee or maul or fire a gun, evolution may help you out with other, quieter ways to avoid being eaten."
"If we had a military division with the bullet-carrying capacity of these birds it would face any army in the world."
"We are irrational in our species-specific devotions."
"It wasn’t until the 1980s that the word [conservation] came to mean what it means to us now."
"If you’re trying to build some cred in terrorist circles, it sounds better to say you’re making ricin than to say you’re trying to extract something from a rhododendron."
"In war there is always one last option: surrender."
"We got a bird in the carburetor air scoop. Caused a total loss of power in our number three engine."
"He had diarrhea. But the following day we were playing again."
"As different as these two men are, they are similar in the degree to which they don’t fit my lumberjack stereotype."
"Although an albatross wanders thousands of miles, it always returns to the same spot to nest."
"The birds would consult their internal GPS, see that the nest had been moved, and construct a new nest."
"The birds, unlike the instant-coffee dupes, were not fooled."
"Mable’s tapes captured only 'the crack of ash on skulls' and a young sailor's distress cry."
"Despite the documented failure of earlier mass killings, there was talk of clubbing the entire Midway population."
"Even if total annihilation on Midway were achieved, it would probably be only a short time until new settlers arrived."
"The albatross is a largely unflappable bird."
"The proposal to clear the island of nesting birds was not embraced."
"I didn’t join the Navy to crush the heads of innocent birds."
"A photograph in Hubert’s memoir shows Mable lifting the lid on a crate with two unfazed albatrosses."
"No plane ever crashed. No airmen died because of the gooney bird."
"When it’s all over, Midway will still be Gooney territory and ourselves only transients."
"Brotherhood is not a simple relationship. With your brothers and sisters, normally you fight. You cannot think that there is an idyllic way of being in a relationship with someone."
"Every relationship among humans and the earth is not only connotated with positive aspects. At the same time you also have negative aspects."
"We have to put the action in the context of where we are. What does it mean, the golf field, for the people that are working in it?"
"Animals act according to their instinct. Human beings, on the other side, have free will."
"In the complex systems of the world, we cannot predict the effect of all our actions. So? We have to act according to the principle of prudence."
"When it comes to wildlife issues, seems like we've created a lot of our own problems."
"To live in a penguin colony is to know no modesty. Anything you do—mate, preen, throw up fish for your young to eat—you do in plain view of the neighbors."
"It's just hard to know where to draw lines. What to save, and at what cost."
"The people who run 1080 operations get death threats from hunters. They say 1080 is cruel to the deer, and then they go and stick arrows in them."
"We feel like we’ve taken a lot of steps to be sure this is accepted on a lot of fronts and we’re not trying to go to third-world countries to test it out."