
Half Asleep In Frog Pajamas Quotes

Half Asleep In Frog Pajamas by Tom Robbins

Half Asleep In Frog Pajamas Quotes
"It has been demonstrated that some amphibians are able to use celestial bodies for orientation." - The Encyclopaedia Britannica
"No doubt the world is entirely an imaginary world, but it is only once removed from the true world." - Isaac Bashevis Singer
"The worst day of my life, you say, as you drop a salted peanut into your double martini."
"Come on, kid, says Phil Craddock. The market'll be back."
"You laugh in spite of yourself. Posner emptying bedpans?"
"When ask if dog have Buddha-nature, master answer, wuf!"
"Faith is believing in something you know isn't true."
"You are sitting on the side of your bed, eyes closed, breath shallow, little titties still rising and falling to the tempo of sleep, but you are reciting the Dow Jones Industrials just as you have first thing every morning since you were a sophomore in college."
"You have the feeling that while it may be spring outdoors, it is always winter in the house of the law."
"Persons who are haughty to porters and clerks are thought to be expressing an overt sense of superiority, although it is more likely that they are trying to widen the distance between themselves and their servers."
"Inside every career woman who stiffs a waitress is the lingering fear that she herself might have to wait tables someday."
"The images here in the tarot will serve to open up and free certain aspects of your subconscious."
"We were expecting a spanking and got a beheading."
"Rain is protective in ways that the seemingly more affectionate sunshine can never match."
"Eventually, growth in productivity dropped, the competitiveness of industry declined, wages stagnated, the once-steady rise in living standards turned tail."
"Nobody can deny that in our national security society, with a defense industry smoking around the clock, we prospered. For a while."
"Someday, perhaps, by shifting emphasis we can revitalize our peacetime industries to the point where we can skin cats with the best, but that is long-term."
"Is there meaning in its nuances, is it what remains of an Ur language once spoken by the common ancestor of humans and dolphins; or are the raindrops no more than extras mouthing rutabaga, rutabaga on the set of a movie whose script they haven’t been privileged to read?"
"If we wait until conditions significantly improve, it might not reopen in our lifetime."
"Bowling, how doth Gwendolyn Mati despise thee? Let you count the ways."
"I think youre sucking on about a vineyard and a half of sour grapes."
"Mediocrity's a hairball coughed up on the Persian carpet of Creation."
"When one thing get better, the good doctor replies with the hint of a giggle, some other thing have to get worse. A big front has a big back."
"Everythings perfectly hunky-dory. Just another day in the life of a fool, to quote from the wisdom of the East."
"The Sahara may be the only place left that we haven't messed up."
"When the great deserts and the great oceans get bored, they just switch places."
"If chickens played basketball, their drumsticks would look like deep-fried appendages."
"Theres no such thing as security in this life, sweetheart, and the sooner you accept that fact, the better off you'll be."
"Somebodys always trying to knock us off the pad."
"People have always worked, but they have only held jobs for a very short time."
"The person who strives for security will never be free."
"If you was to eat dog poop and then poop it out, would you have dog poop or human poop?"
"I believe it would depend upon the sauce."
"The truth is, you do not really have a lot of time for either slides or sex. After all, Belford is due home at ten this evening, the London exchange opens a few hours later, and at six tomorrow morning, O God, you will be back at the disco to face Posner, your clients, what's left of the market, and the fates who have mocked you throughout your whole damn career."
"As seen from the pad, it's all a joke, even autism-but there're good jokes and bad jokes, and autism, on its own terms, is worse than that chicken that keeps crossing that road."
"Everybodys got a hard-luck story. I thought you were quite a sport at the Bull and Bear last night."
"I have a friend, you say, who believes that it's our fault these people are in the streets and our duty to shelter and feed them. That may have made sense at one time, but now there're so many of them."
"And since the newspapers and magazines that support these shysters are fit for nothing but outhouse bung fodder."
"If you want to know how insecure you are, how swollen and stiff your ego is, what your chances are of staying on the path, just examine your attitudes toward the juice. Money's a terrible servant but a wonderful master."
"First Hill has neither physical nor thematic connection to First Avenue. The two are separated by nearly a dozen blocks."
"It's the same for cultures as it is for individuals. Shall I cite historical examples?"
"This line of thought leads directly to an introspective examination of your present situation, financial and personal, and you are only half listening as the speaker explores possible causes of the dramatic and mysterious amphibian decimation."
"Passion isn't a path through the woods. Passion is the woods. It's the deepest, wildest part of the forest; the grove where the fairies still dance and obscene old vipers snooze in the boughs."
"If you want to know how insecure you are, just examine your attitudes toward the money."
"It's the same for cultures as it is for individuals."
"Passion isn't a path through the woods. Passion is the woods."
"Solid ground. That's what you long for. To stand for a while on solid ground."
"You arrive at your building without incident, which is a triumph of sorts."
"The last time you glanced at the sky, it was still largely blue. Well, that's Seattle for you."
"Satisfaction is nothing but a temporary anesthetizing of the numinous noogie of existence."
"Vindication is merely revenge without the mustard."
"Liberation is a front so big that the only back that can match it is death, and even death may not be a perfect fit."
"You can love them till your well runs dry, but you can never love them enough."
"The world is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel."
"To the whole person, the person with a balanced view, the world is tragicomedy."
"The stock market is scheduled to open in fifty-five minutes. You wonder if it will."
"The world is neither comedy nor tragedy but a sporting match in a seedy and extremely noisy arena."
"What can you say about a population to whom the world is neither comedy nor tragedy but a sporting match in a seedy and extremely noisy arena, a littered rink where they might score if they're lucky or shrewd or ruthless enough, or go completely numb if they fail?"