
The Secrets Of Us Quotes

The Secrets Of Us by Lucinda Berry

The Secrets Of Us Quotes
"I’m not taking any chances with a repeat performance from the night before."
"The only thing flagged on her blood work was mild dehydration, and that’s an easy fix."
"Trust me. They’ll figure out what’s wrong with her in no time."
"There’s only one other person in the room with me—a man who nervously paces in front of the row of windows."
"I don’t care how nice Dr. McGowan says the cafeteria is."
"Krystal always says Aiden has a close family, and most of them are here, watching me with hostility."
"She’s my one-to-one, so I can’t be further than two feet from her at any given time."
"They’re waiting to see if Aiden lives so they know whether to charge her with murder or attempted murder."
"Nobody’s warnings could have prepared me for what meets my eyes."
"I’ve never understood people who aren’t friends with their siblings as adults. How do you survive childhood together and not grow an intimacy unlike any other?"
"Believe me—nobody happily married sets their house on fire with their spouse inside."
"Sometimes it’s the people closest to us that have the hardest time accepting that someone we love could do something so terrible."
"How do you survive childhood together and not grow an intimacy unlike any other?"
"I thought it was just another one of her dirty tricks."
"Every noise made her jump. I kept asking her what was wrong, begging her to tell me."
"The weird thing about madness is that it follows a schedule too."
"It’s like she disappears in and out of herself all day long."
"Sometimes I still can’t believe this is happening."
"Charging Nichole can happen whether or not Aiden is better. Attempted murder is attempted murder regardless of Aiden’s condition."
"I’m not afraid of him. If he comes after me or tries anything, I’ll just smash him in his burned face."
"It’s not just her screams. I see the blood pooled around her head and hear the way it gurgled as it came out of her mouth at the end."
"The last thing I want to do right now is set everything on fire that he’s ever touched."
"All I want to do is turn around and run back into the house, whip open the window, and crawl into bed."
"She’s got one of the biggest hearts on the planet, and she’d never hurt anyone."
"She’s already breathing hard, and the farm is over two miles from school."
"I don’t dare look at Krystal to see her reaction because I’ll burst out laughing if I do."
"We’re not allowed to use the phone without Mrs. Wheeler’s permission."
"I’m not sure if you can actually call what she does cooking if everything comes out of a can or box."
"You think you guys are really that quiet when you sneak out?"
"I was a kid, so I thought she was playing a weird grown-up game that I didn’t know anything about."
"How am I supposed to answer that? If I say good, then I look like a heartless person."
"Nobody ever came around during the day, and when they came calling at night, they called her different names—Candy, Ginger, or Jasmine."
"I'm sorry for your loss. It's such a strange thing to say because I barely knew Alice, but I've lost everything."
"You're a liar," a female voice interrupts him.
"I clear my throat. There’s no phlegm. Just fingers pressing against my windpipe."
"I’m okay. It comes out strangled, deep. Not like me."
"We played some games and— Yes, but it was a lot of just talking and laughing too."
"She’s always referring to 'they' whenever she talks about Aiden or is in one of her paranoid states."
"I don’t want anybody else to die. Please. Just go. There’s been enough pain. No more."
"I’m so sorry that you had to die. Please forgive me."
"You were too young to die. You had your entire life ahead of you."
"I would do anything to go back and save you. There are so many things I would’ve done differently that night."
"We’re not any better than Mrs. Wheeler and Veronica. We never have been."
"Who’s more guilty, Krystal? The one who hurts someone or the one who watches someone get hurt and does nothing?"
"Whatever happened to you never has to happen again. Do you hear me, Nichole?"
"I don’t care if I go to jail or prison. Not this time. I can’t lie. Not again. Please."
"We did the best we could, given the circumstances."