
The Girls Who Disappeared Quotes

The Girls Who Disappeared by Claire Douglas

The Girls Who Disappeared Quotes
"Men always gravitated towards Sally, with her huge dark eyes and bubbly nature."
"Rain gathered in rivulets either side of her windscreen nearly obscuring her vision."
"Her heart hammered as she remembered. Oh, God, oh, God. Are they okay? Are they injured? Did I hit the person in the road?"
"The night the girls disappeared, apparently the sun and moon were in the right alignment with the stones."
"It’s hard to know what has become folklore and what is reality. But don’t all myths stem from some semblance of fact?"
"Since when do journalists ever truly understand? Has this happened to you?"
"Since my marriage broke down I seem to crave sugar. Some people lose weight when they’re unhappy but I’m the opposite."
"I’m just here to gather information. That’s all."
"She’s never spoken to the press about the accident. Not then and definitely not now."
"The forest is haunted and so is the Devil’s Corridor. The standing stones are said to be full of mystic energy. Do you know about ley lines?"
"I don’t care what you do. If you want to waste your time on this that’s your choice, but leave Liv out of it, okay?"
"This place ain’t right," he blurts out suddenly, with feeling. "I’ve been saying that for years. It’s haunted."
"She’s my friend. She’s always been kind to me. I know what people say about me, but Olivia’s always treated me like a person, not a joke."
"I can’t possibly leave the stables. It’s a family business. Your grandparents would turn in their graves."
"I’m sure it’ll be okay. Hopefully you guys can sort it out."
"It’s just procedure. Because you were one of the last people to see him alive."
"I know you liked him. I didn’t know him very well but I always felt for him, living in the caravan all alone like that. There was something sad about him."
"He looks troubled as he pulls on his puffy coat. Their food remains half eaten."
"I don’t know why your mum just doesn’t sell it."
"I can't even think about Christmas and how it will be this year."
"Her face is criss-crossed with lines, etched with years of grief."
"I can’t begin to imagine her pain and my eyes fill when I think of Finn."
"I’d probably have made a nuisance of myself. But I can’t do that to her."
"He liked the simple life but he was surprisingly astute."
"The truth was a Pandora’s box and she had to keep the lid firmly closed."
"My husband... he died not knowing. And I’ll die not knowing."
"Memories can be muddled, especially after a serious accident like Olivia experienced."
"We’re still looking into it. So, please, if you see anyone acting suspiciously let me or one of my colleagues know."
"Not everything gets explained and tied up nicely in a neat little bow. This world is messy, complicated..."
"I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. That was the best night of my life."
"Nobody ever came looking for JP. He was being paranoid, fleeing like that."
"I fucking knew it! I knew something was going on between you two."
"It will be okay. No regrets, remember? You’re worth losing my mate over."
"I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, John-Paul. I didn’t want to hurt you."
"Those fucking ornaments. They’re filled with drugs."
"You pushed me away! You wouldn’t tell me about Goa."
"I’d never have done it. Not when I knew for certain what they contained."