
Zombie Fallout Quotes

Zombie Fallout by Mark Tufo

Zombie Fallout Quotes
"I want to dedicate this book to my wife without whose encouragement this would have remained a file on my computer."
"Any resemblance to actual names, characters and places are entirely coincidental."
"The reproduction of this work in full or part is forbidden without written consent from the author."
"She is the light that shines my path and for that I will be eternally grateful."
"The influenza pandemic of 2010, while not nearly as prolific as the one that raged in 1918, still has citizens around the world in a near state of panic."
"New York Post (Headlines October 31st) – Beware! Children Carry Germs! – Halloween Canceled!"
"It started in a lab at the CDC (Center for Disease Control)."
"Within days the CDC knew something was wrong."
"During the first few hysteria ridden days of The Coming as it has become known, many thought the virus was airborne."
"It was a dark time in human history; we may never be able to pull ourselves out of the ashes."
"Never once in the three months that I had been working there did I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat and stress out about having not filled in a hole on Havana Avenue."
"I have two pet peeves in life. Well shit, if I’m being honest I probably have about seventeen but who’s counting?"
"I made more sitting on my ass playing the Wii. But at least it was honest work."
"I hate the way my shirt collar will stick just a little bit. It irritates the living crap out of me."
"So you walk around all day like a scarecrow with a stick up its ass."
"The panic that followed couldn’t be measured."
"Now, I know this is a sick fantasy so bear with me."
"You know when you see this crap in the movies, you are always like, 'Oh come on, just lock the gate, how effen hard can it be?'"
"The smell was beyond putrid; it smelled like sour milk mixed with a hint of steaming broccoli."
"The walking dead weren’t in my backyard but they were close."
"The crowd at the front of our house had swelled to about fifty."
"Okay, so they weren’t dead in the traditional way, they were still moving, but they were dead all the same."
"I think I know what we can do, although I’m not all that thrilled about it. There’s a National Guard armory about seven miles from here. Their entire enclosure is surrounded by Dannert wire. We could cut it down and place it here."
"I want to call him a baby and tell him to shut up, but when Jen finally calmed him down enough so she could examine the wound, I didn’t say anything."
"‘You coward!’ she screamed. ‘I can stop the bleeding, and I have some aspirin.’"
"Carl was walking into the armory. 'He would have been one of them soon enough, I did what I had to do.' And he offered no further explanation."
"This involved a much higher brain activity than ‘Must Eat Brains.’ She was displaying signs of justice, albeit a Thailand version, but a form of justice all the same."
"I’m not sure which one of them went slower, neither one was in any great rush to get anywhere."
"I want to assemble teams of five to scour all the unoccupied townhomes. This is going to be a lot of work but we need to figure out where we are at."
"The truck rumbled by Don Griffin’s small burial detail. They were headed out the Northern gate, shovels in hand and a small Cat backhoe trailing with a cart in tow."
"‘Oh that’s rich,’ I thought to myself. I had just moments earlier been locked in a life-or-death gun battle and I now found myself on the verge of laughing hysterically."
"‘What gives you the right? He killed my best friend!’ More than one resident yelled their agreement with Don Griffin, the man that had shouted out."
"Even the strongest of us can't fight fate alone."
"Hope surged in me, a rare and fragile thing in these dark times."
"In the silence that followed, our fears seemed to echo back at us."
"We are more than the sum of our past mistakes."
"In a world gone mad, we found sanity in each other."
"The ghosts of our past don't define our future."
"Even in despair, there is a chance for redemption."
"Amidst chaos, we discover the strength we never knew we had."
"Our greatest battles are often with our own inner demons."
"Tracy came downstairs awkwardly holding a rifle; it looked as much out of place in her hands as a cat holding an umbrella."
"What’s wrong with him?" Tracy exclaimed. "He’s so hot!"
"Depression sometimes weighed heavily on her mind."
"People don’t cover their exercise equipment with clothing because it is an easy coat rack."
"Guilt for having spent so much money on a piece of equipment that now did what any 49-cent hanger could do."
"How do we know if these are loaded?" Tracy asked Nicole as she picked up the pistol gingerly.
"She listened intently, always saying the right thing, stroking his ego whenever it needed to be done."
"The cold air did little to invigorate me as I slowly marched home."
"I’m so hungry I could eat… Mom’s meat loaf," he concluded.
"I felt like I was five. I pointed at Tinkle. "He started it!" I blustered."
"My brain screamed for flight, the fight portion was nonexistent."
"This had to have been done on purpose. Gorge tried in vain to roar up and out of my stomach."
"Thin strips of flesh which used to be lips parted, revealing black cracked teeth."
"Sweat coursed down my body. I shook from impotence and then that stilled."
"It’s like ‘winning’ a participation trophy in Little League baseball. Who gives a shit."
"The kiss was not so surprisingly, very cold, but very surprisingly tender."
"A fly landed on my eyeball. It was singularly, the most disgusting thing that had ever happened to me."
"The pain of war cannot exceed the woe of aftermath, just ask Led Zeppelin."
"How different a normal living room must look like compared with the gates of oblivion."
"The talk was animated and at first I was reluctant to join in, but I found the conversing and the wine to be calming influences."
"For three days Mike ran to the edge of death and then slowly retreated."
"I wouldn’t die fighting, but at least I’d be standing, small consolation."
"What would it feel like to have your face ripped open? Would she still my pain centers? Doubtful."
"My vision of her blurred as she moved in even closer. A fly landed on my eyeball."
"The only thing you’d be able to help with, is getting us in trouble."
"Justin’s eyes welled up with hurt and rejection."
"Dude, I only have so much energy to pick people up."
"This wasn’t a battle in the traditional sense. We shot firearms, they caught lead."
"If you tell your mother what I did down here, I will disown you."
"I’m not sure," I answered Tracy, keeping my eyes on Tommy.
"We’re still a couple of hours drive away from this awesome little bed and breakfast in Vermont."
"The kids have ratcheted up their squabbling to new and unusual heights."
"What!" I yelled at him as I rolled the window down.
"Go Fark yourself!" I said back, borrowing his accent.
"Everyone get up," I said shaking those who didn’t stir.