
Night School Quotes

Night School by C.J. Daugherty

Night School Quotes
"I presume you’ve all had a chance to meet our new student, Allie. Allie, I don’t want to embarrass you, but would you please read the first few lines?"
"We’ve been talking about what we can do to help you."
"I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. I’m very sorry for the bother,"
"The day begins at 7 a.m. and ends no later than 11 p.m."
"He thinks he knows everything and that everybody else is shallow."
"As long as they both exist on the same planet, he has to be with her."
"We’ve made a few calls this morning, and we’ve"—her mother paused, glancing across at her father almost uncertainly before continuing—"we’ve found a place that specializes in teenagers like you."
"The anatomy of the frog is somewhat similar to human anatomy. . ."
"You’re just imagining it, Allie. It’s nothing. The wind."
"You should never go to bed angry, ma belle Allie."
"It’s left right left left right. Like this." - Sylvain teaching Allie to dance.
"If you force somebody to want you, do they really want you?" - Carter challenging Sylvain.
"You want me," he whispered. "Say it." - Sylvain's demand to Allie.
"What are you trying to force her to say, Sylvain? Spell it out for me. Like I'm stupid." - Carter confronting Sylvain.
"I think we should go outside," Ruth said. "It’s hot in here and it’s such a warm night."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Allie challenging Carter.
"I don’t need advice from you, Carter. I make my own decisions." - Allie's response to Carter.
"You can do it because you're trusting me. I’m leading. You’re following. It’s very simple." - Sylvain to Allie.
"Don’t trust Sylvain. He’s a liar." - Carter's warning to Allie.
"Everybody else will be in light summer frocks and you’ll be sweating in heavy silk." - Jo advising Allie.
"I don’t understand why she would do something like that."
"People are dying. Everyone’s lying. This school is really weird."
"And you need to decide pretty fast who you’re going to trust."
"I need to find out when we can see Lisa. I’ll catch up."
"I don’t know what to tell you, Allie. My parents said the police recommended Cimmeria."
"I’m not here to get you detention or yell at you. I’m here to help you."
"I’m not keeping it together. He’ll know what to do."
"You shouldn’t be alone all the time. It’s too boring."
"I think she used to do this sort of thing to get them to notice her."
"She’s absolutely lovely. But her parents ignore her. They always have."
"Poor you. You must think Cimmeria is a madhouse."
"I guess it makes sense. I’ve just never seen her like that before."
"But here’s the thing. I know how we can avoid all of that, By not getting caught."
"He’s on the board. And Jo, you need to write to your father, too."
"It was, she had to admit, kind of funny. In an awful way."
"Why doesn’t he go himself? If he’s so powerful."
"Are you telling me you think what’s been happening here is my fault?"
"God, this is a nightmare. What do we do now?"
"I had a huge crush on Lucas when I first started here."
"Remember, I’ve been here awhile. There’s a reason I don’t choose to have many friends."
"You want to know what happened on the roof, Jo? Fine. I’ll tell you."